gain weight sore bones


New member
i need to gain weight and i hate boost , pedisure ,ensure , bk anytime and i need to make my bones feel better and i need your guys help
thanks i am almost 14 and on pre-transplant


New member
i need to gain weight and i hate boost , pedisure ,ensure , bk anytime and i need to make my bones feel better and i need your guys help
thanks i am almost 14 and on pre-transplant


New member
i need to gain weight and i hate boost , pedisure ,ensure , bk anytime and i need to make my bones feel better and i need your guys help
thanks i am almost 14 and on pre-transplant


New member
i need to gain weight and i hate boost , pedisure ,ensure , bk anytime and i need to make my bones feel better and i need your guys help
thanks i am almost 14 and on pre-transplant


New member
i need to gain weight and i hate boost , pedisure ,ensure , bk anytime and i need to make my bones feel better and i need your guys help
<br />thanks i am almost 14 and on pre-transplant
hey. i hate those things too, they're so gross. I did like strawberry scandishake, they have this kind of unique taste but you have to be in the mood for it. Other than that, I gained alot of weight by eating a lot of steak, and any other high fat high protein kinds of things. Protein is actually probably better than fat. Hope I helped.
hey. i hate those things too, they're so gross. I did like strawberry scandishake, they have this kind of unique taste but you have to be in the mood for it. Other than that, I gained alot of weight by eating a lot of steak, and any other high fat high protein kinds of things. Protein is actually probably better than fat. Hope I helped.
hey. i hate those things too, they're so gross. I did like strawberry scandishake, they have this kind of unique taste but you have to be in the mood for it. Other than that, I gained alot of weight by eating a lot of steak, and any other high fat high protein kinds of things. Protein is actually probably better than fat. Hope I helped.
hey. i hate those things too, they're so gross. I did like strawberry scandishake, they have this kind of unique taste but you have to be in the mood for it. Other than that, I gained alot of weight by eating a lot of steak, and any other high fat high protein kinds of things. Protein is actually probably better than fat. Hope I helped.
hey. i hate those things too, they're so gross. I did like strawberry scandishake, they have this kind of unique taste but you have to be in the mood for it. Other than that, I gained alot of weight by eating a lot of steak, and any other high fat high protein kinds of things. Protein is actually probably better than fat. Hope I helped.


New member
yeah try that protein whey powder stuff. you can easily add a good 300+ calories to a glass of milk. muslce milk tastes pretty good and its got like all protein and very little fat.


New member
yeah try that protein whey powder stuff. you can easily add a good 300+ calories to a glass of milk. muslce milk tastes pretty good and its got like all protein and very little fat.


New member
yeah try that protein whey powder stuff. you can easily add a good 300+ calories to a glass of milk. muslce milk tastes pretty good and its got like all protein and very little fat.


New member
yeah try that protein whey powder stuff. you can easily add a good 300+ calories to a glass of milk. muslce milk tastes pretty good and its got like all protein and very little fat.


New member
yeah try that protein whey powder stuff. you can easily add a good 300+ calories to a glass of milk. muslce milk tastes pretty good and its got like all protein and very little fat.


If you like milkshakes, try drinking one in the afternoon for a snack. I make my milkshakes with scandishakes and they're delicious. For extra fatty shakes I use haggan Daiz ice cream because it has much more fat than most ice creams, but it gets pricey because I use half the pint for one milk shake. Try this combo (its my favorite!!):

1 Vanilla Scandishake (ask your clinic for a few samples I'm sure you'll have no problem getting some)
3-4 scoops of White Chocolate Raspberry Haggan Daiz Ice Cream
Some milk/ heavy cream/ half and half (this is your preference sometimes I use heavy cream sometimes whole milk, sometimes both) -- amount depends on how thick you like your shakes, its usually 1/4 cup - 1/2 cup for me.
BLend and enjoy! This shake has about 1,100 calories and more than 40 grams of fat. It's a meal in a cup, and it's SO delicious. Makes an awesome dessert or afternoon snack. This would be a good way to get in some more vitamin D to help out those bones.

For other weight gaining ideas try adding 2 tbs. of heavy whipping cream to things like mashed potatoes, mac n cheese, soups, etc. 2 tbs has an extra 100 calories. And if you mix it into this that normally use milk or butter you hardly notice.

As far as snacking goes, my nutritionist says "don't eat anything naked!" Basically have a sauce or dip or spread for everything. Peanut butter, ranch dressing, jellies, ketchup, butter, syrup, etc. sauces really add hidden calories and it's an easy thing to do. Also, try things like nuts - high in protein and fat, and calories! If your parents make plain chicken or fried chicken try chopping up some cashews and placing ontop of chicken.

Last but not least, although it's not the 'healthiest' option, when I'm really trying to gain weight, I try to eat some kind of fast food as an afternoon snack. 4 chicken nuggets, a cheeseburger, fries and milkshake, apple pie (BK has the best apple pie!!), etc.

haha One more thing that I find helpful: A lot of the times I don't feel like eating, or making something to eat, or I don't know what I want to eat. I found that making a menu is extremely helpful. I write out EVERYTHING I'm going to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, down to the drink. It makes eating much less stressful because you know what you're going to have/make. Usually I look forward to eating more when I know I'm gonna like something and it isn't thrown together at the last minute. I can send you one of my menus to look at if you'd like? If you'd think it'd help. Let me know. =)

Phew! And now I'm done.


If you like milkshakes, try drinking one in the afternoon for a snack. I make my milkshakes with scandishakes and they're delicious. For extra fatty shakes I use haggan Daiz ice cream because it has much more fat than most ice creams, but it gets pricey because I use half the pint for one milk shake. Try this combo (its my favorite!!):

1 Vanilla Scandishake (ask your clinic for a few samples I'm sure you'll have no problem getting some)
3-4 scoops of White Chocolate Raspberry Haggan Daiz Ice Cream
Some milk/ heavy cream/ half and half (this is your preference sometimes I use heavy cream sometimes whole milk, sometimes both) -- amount depends on how thick you like your shakes, its usually 1/4 cup - 1/2 cup for me.
BLend and enjoy! This shake has about 1,100 calories and more than 40 grams of fat. It's a meal in a cup, and it's SO delicious. Makes an awesome dessert or afternoon snack. This would be a good way to get in some more vitamin D to help out those bones.

For other weight gaining ideas try adding 2 tbs. of heavy whipping cream to things like mashed potatoes, mac n cheese, soups, etc. 2 tbs has an extra 100 calories. And if you mix it into this that normally use milk or butter you hardly notice.

As far as snacking goes, my nutritionist says "don't eat anything naked!" Basically have a sauce or dip or spread for everything. Peanut butter, ranch dressing, jellies, ketchup, butter, syrup, etc. sauces really add hidden calories and it's an easy thing to do. Also, try things like nuts - high in protein and fat, and calories! If your parents make plain chicken or fried chicken try chopping up some cashews and placing ontop of chicken.

Last but not least, although it's not the 'healthiest' option, when I'm really trying to gain weight, I try to eat some kind of fast food as an afternoon snack. 4 chicken nuggets, a cheeseburger, fries and milkshake, apple pie (BK has the best apple pie!!), etc.

haha One more thing that I find helpful: A lot of the times I don't feel like eating, or making something to eat, or I don't know what I want to eat. I found that making a menu is extremely helpful. I write out EVERYTHING I'm going to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, down to the drink. It makes eating much less stressful because you know what you're going to have/make. Usually I look forward to eating more when I know I'm gonna like something and it isn't thrown together at the last minute. I can send you one of my menus to look at if you'd like? If you'd think it'd help. Let me know. =)

Phew! And now I'm done.


If you like milkshakes, try drinking one in the afternoon for a snack. I make my milkshakes with scandishakes and they're delicious. For extra fatty shakes I use haggan Daiz ice cream because it has much more fat than most ice creams, but it gets pricey because I use half the pint for one milk shake. Try this combo (its my favorite!!):

1 Vanilla Scandishake (ask your clinic for a few samples I'm sure you'll have no problem getting some)
3-4 scoops of White Chocolate Raspberry Haggan Daiz Ice Cream
Some milk/ heavy cream/ half and half (this is your preference sometimes I use heavy cream sometimes whole milk, sometimes both) -- amount depends on how thick you like your shakes, its usually 1/4 cup - 1/2 cup for me.
BLend and enjoy! This shake has about 1,100 calories and more than 40 grams of fat. It's a meal in a cup, and it's SO delicious. Makes an awesome dessert or afternoon snack. This would be a good way to get in some more vitamin D to help out those bones.

For other weight gaining ideas try adding 2 tbs. of heavy whipping cream to things like mashed potatoes, mac n cheese, soups, etc. 2 tbs has an extra 100 calories. And if you mix it into this that normally use milk or butter you hardly notice.

As far as snacking goes, my nutritionist says "don't eat anything naked!" Basically have a sauce or dip or spread for everything. Peanut butter, ranch dressing, jellies, ketchup, butter, syrup, etc. sauces really add hidden calories and it's an easy thing to do. Also, try things like nuts - high in protein and fat, and calories! If your parents make plain chicken or fried chicken try chopping up some cashews and placing ontop of chicken.

Last but not least, although it's not the 'healthiest' option, when I'm really trying to gain weight, I try to eat some kind of fast food as an afternoon snack. 4 chicken nuggets, a cheeseburger, fries and milkshake, apple pie (BK has the best apple pie!!), etc.

haha One more thing that I find helpful: A lot of the times I don't feel like eating, or making something to eat, or I don't know what I want to eat. I found that making a menu is extremely helpful. I write out EVERYTHING I'm going to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, down to the drink. It makes eating much less stressful because you know what you're going to have/make. Usually I look forward to eating more when I know I'm gonna like something and it isn't thrown together at the last minute. I can send you one of my menus to look at if you'd like? If you'd think it'd help. Let me know. =)

Phew! And now I'm done.


If you like milkshakes, try drinking one in the afternoon for a snack. I make my milkshakes with scandishakes and they're delicious. For extra fatty shakes I use haggan Daiz ice cream because it has much more fat than most ice creams, but it gets pricey because I use half the pint for one milk shake. Try this combo (its my favorite!!):

1 Vanilla Scandishake (ask your clinic for a few samples I'm sure you'll have no problem getting some)
3-4 scoops of White Chocolate Raspberry Haggan Daiz Ice Cream
Some milk/ heavy cream/ half and half (this is your preference sometimes I use heavy cream sometimes whole milk, sometimes both) -- amount depends on how thick you like your shakes, its usually 1/4 cup - 1/2 cup for me.
BLend and enjoy! This shake has about 1,100 calories and more than 40 grams of fat. It's a meal in a cup, and it's SO delicious. Makes an awesome dessert or afternoon snack. This would be a good way to get in some more vitamin D to help out those bones.

For other weight gaining ideas try adding 2 tbs. of heavy whipping cream to things like mashed potatoes, mac n cheese, soups, etc. 2 tbs has an extra 100 calories. And if you mix it into this that normally use milk or butter you hardly notice.

As far as snacking goes, my nutritionist says "don't eat anything naked!" Basically have a sauce or dip or spread for everything. Peanut butter, ranch dressing, jellies, ketchup, butter, syrup, etc. sauces really add hidden calories and it's an easy thing to do. Also, try things like nuts - high in protein and fat, and calories! If your parents make plain chicken or fried chicken try chopping up some cashews and placing ontop of chicken.

Last but not least, although it's not the 'healthiest' option, when I'm really trying to gain weight, I try to eat some kind of fast food as an afternoon snack. 4 chicken nuggets, a cheeseburger, fries and milkshake, apple pie (BK has the best apple pie!!), etc.

haha One more thing that I find helpful: A lot of the times I don't feel like eating, or making something to eat, or I don't know what I want to eat. I found that making a menu is extremely helpful. I write out EVERYTHING I'm going to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, down to the drink. It makes eating much less stressful because you know what you're going to have/make. Usually I look forward to eating more when I know I'm gonna like something and it isn't thrown together at the last minute. I can send you one of my menus to look at if you'd like? If you'd think it'd help. Let me know. =)

Phew! And now I'm done.


If you like milkshakes, try drinking one in the afternoon for a snack. I make my milkshakes with scandishakes and they're delicious. For extra fatty shakes I use haggan Daiz ice cream because it has much more fat than most ice creams, but it gets pricey because I use half the pint for one milk shake. Try this combo (its my favorite!!):
<br />
<br />1 Vanilla Scandishake (ask your clinic for a few samples I'm sure you'll have no problem getting some)
<br />3-4 scoops of White Chocolate Raspberry Haggan Daiz Ice Cream
<br />Some milk/ heavy cream/ half and half (this is your preference sometimes I use heavy cream sometimes whole milk, sometimes both) -- amount depends on how thick you like your shakes, its usually 1/4 cup - 1/2 cup for me.
<br />BLend and enjoy! This shake has about 1,100 calories and more than 40 grams of fat. It's a meal in a cup, and it's SO delicious. Makes an awesome dessert or afternoon snack. This would be a good way to get in some more vitamin D to help out those bones.
<br />
<br />For other weight gaining ideas try adding 2 tbs. of heavy whipping cream to things like mashed potatoes, mac n cheese, soups, etc. 2 tbs has an extra 100 calories. And if you mix it into this that normally use milk or butter you hardly notice.
<br />
<br />As far as snacking goes, my nutritionist says "don't eat anything naked!" Basically have a sauce or dip or spread for everything. Peanut butter, ranch dressing, jellies, ketchup, butter, syrup, etc. sauces really add hidden calories and it's an easy thing to do. Also, try things like nuts - high in protein and fat, and calories! If your parents make plain chicken or fried chicken try chopping up some cashews and placing ontop of chicken.
<br />
<br />Last but not least, although it's not the 'healthiest' option, when I'm really trying to gain weight, I try to eat some kind of fast food as an afternoon snack. 4 chicken nuggets, a cheeseburger, fries and milkshake, apple pie (BK has the best apple pie!!), etc.
<br />
<br />haha One more thing that I find helpful: A lot of the times I don't feel like eating, or making something to eat, or I don't know what I want to eat. I found that making a menu is extremely helpful. I write out EVERYTHING I'm going to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, down to the drink. It makes eating much less stressful because you know what you're going to have/make. Usually I look forward to eating more when I know I'm gonna like something and it isn't thrown together at the last minute. I can send you one of my menus to look at if you'd like? If you'd think it'd help. Let me know. =)
<br />
<br />Phew! And now I'm done.