Gas and Stretch Marks: Oh How I Love My Body!


New member
haha thanks everyone..and no i am not pregnant! haha

i know i just have to deal because they're not going away (fast anyways).
but they're still annoying and next time i go to the derm. i will ask her about it... i have asked the pharmacist and she gave me aloe vera/vitamin e lotion that i use.

oh well.

i have a huge scar on my side that i just love showing people because they think i got big by a shark or i tell them i did (i have a whole story made up, but i do tell them...eventually.) but the stretch marks... haha no good stories for that.

and gas, haha well... i eat tons of diary and french fries are the only fried food i eat..but i love em' so i have them like once a week during the school year. diary is probably my biggest problem, but its like theonly thing i eat, so its not going anywhere. im a realllly icky eater so, haha oh well again.

haha thanks everyone


New member
haha thanks everyone..and no i am not pregnant! haha

i know i just have to deal because they're not going away (fast anyways).
but they're still annoying and next time i go to the derm. i will ask her about it... i have asked the pharmacist and she gave me aloe vera/vitamin e lotion that i use.

oh well.

i have a huge scar on my side that i just love showing people because they think i got big by a shark or i tell them i did (i have a whole story made up, but i do tell them...eventually.) but the stretch marks... haha no good stories for that.

and gas, haha well... i eat tons of diary and french fries are the only fried food i eat..but i love em' so i have them like once a week during the school year. diary is probably my biggest problem, but its like theonly thing i eat, so its not going anywhere. im a realllly icky eater so, haha oh well again.

haha thanks everyone