I realize that with any medication choise individuals must decide with their medical team risks versus benefits; however, my daughter took Reglan for over 4 years for gastroparesis and ended up with a facial tick (tardive dyskensia). You shoul read the FDA press release regarding Reglan, so you can make an informed decision for your child. This side affect was not known about when my daughter took Reglan. Tardive Dyskinesia is now the reason for a black box label on Reglan.
<br />http://www.fda.gov/newsevents/newsroom/pressannouncements/ucm149533.htm
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<br />My daughter did try Eurythromycin (sp?), which is from the same family as Zythromycin. Her gastroparethesis seems to improve with better mucus clearance and gets worst the more mucus she has in her system which is also associated with a decrease in PFTs. Overall getting more mucus out helps her lungs and digestive system.
<br />http://www.fda.gov/newsevents/newsroom/pressannouncements/ucm149533.htm
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<br />My daughter did try Eurythromycin (sp?), which is from the same family as Zythromycin. Her gastroparethesis seems to improve with better mucus clearance and gets worst the more mucus she has in her system which is also associated with a decrease in PFTs. Overall getting more mucus out helps her lungs and digestive system.