"gay" has a new meaning!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
gay has a new meaning, i've just discovered this from a radio show. i have been telling off my 8yr old for a while now for saying gay. he calls his brother it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> now in the uk it means stupid or rubbish (garbage). i'm getting old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> why oh why can't young people just speak proper like what i do. ps do americans really need subtitles to undersrand certain british programmes? janet uk


New member

The kids in my daughter schoolo use Gay in the stupid/ridiculous meaning. It triggers something in me everytime I hear it. I asked my daughter not to use it & she asked me why. I told her it was something that use to be used (might still be) about certain boys that wasnt very nice to say. That was enough for her & she stopped using around me anyway!


Digital opinion leader

That use of the word is used pretty often here too, but it is mostly frowned on. It started when gay meant homosexual and different from the norm in a bad way. It is now used to describe something as different from the norm in a bad way, but without the sexual part. In school we discourage use of this word because many people think of it as a "slur" and are totally offended. Its similar to using the word retard. Kids think calling someone a retard is ok because they really just mean someone is doing dumb stuff , not really mentally challenged.

That's from a teacher's point of view<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member

I will admit to using the word gay to meaning something silly or weird. I will also say that one of the most effective ways one of my gay friends (truly gay -- actually lesbian but same thing) used to get me to stop saying it was the following.

Me: Geez that is so gay.
Her: Yes you are right that is very homosexual.

I would just kind of laugh at how silly it sounded. I got her point and she made it without getting pissed or being mean. I can honestly say I haven't used the word gay in that way since that time and every time I hear someone say I always think - yes that is very homosexual and kind of chuckle to myself.

As for calling people retards I recall doing that when I was younger then realized it wasn't very nice. Now I find myself using the word/term Doof (instead of doofus), I don't really know where I got that from but have said it for years.



New member

now you mention retard it reminded me that when i was younger everyone used to call down syndrome children "mongols". it wasn't even considered offensive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! janet uk<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">


New member

Its funny to me how words over the years take on new meanings. Like gay...used to mean happy, light hearted, carfree (like dyza said). Then it meant as a slur for homosexuals....then for some it was just a title to describe a persons sexuality but not as a slur (still a controversial word but some people I am around dont mean it as a slur even my truely gay friend). Now it is being used as a word that means something stupid, ridiculous. I remember when I would get in trouble for saying 'that sucks" and to me it just mean it wasnt fair, wasnt right or not good in anyway. But I years ago it meant something worse.

I know that homosexual will start to become a slang word for weird, not right, silly...because I have heard several people use the phrase always in a goffy manner "that is so homosexual" now that might be one thats really offensive too.

I wonder what our cuss words now will mean in 20 years. Or if some normal word now like fan or meat will be considered a cuss word. lol


New member

I too have used thw word gay to relate my feelings of, "that is so stupid/retarted/pathetic...." Funny how things change over the years.

As far as the subtitles, no not really. But there are a few shows where they talk too too too fast and I probably couldn't understand it if they didnt' have the accent either <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member

ON a side note......I grew up with a girl named Gay.....talk about getting ribbed about a name. Havent thought about her in years!


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I like to use the word when expressing something as 'retarded'. It seems to get my point across quite well. Do you think it's reall offensive? I would definitely be sensitive to not say that word if anyone I "thought" might be offended by it within ear distance. I wonder. "Lame" also works well for me, I use that too.

I am always bugged my when people try to be so cool and start "new" phrases. They always seem so clustered into a certain type of lifestyle. For instance, I live in a mountain ski town and I started hearing the term "that's so epic!" I knew immediately that was suppose to be the new cool term if you were into snowboarding and "rad" stuff. Soon enough I noticed the term show on snowboarding magazines, etc. Certain lifestyles TRY so hard that it almost takes all credit away from them. Silly.


New member

I remember when the word Gay, meant the same as Happy <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">

So now it has 3 meanings ?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member

Well, to my mom and dad, gay still means happy. But to my hubby and I, gay can mean that when sung in christmas carols, but when someone our age says it, it usually means retarted, pathetic, lame...

Are you confused yet <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">



Yes, Janet, we need UK English Subtitles!!!!
While watching the last episode of "Austin Powers", couldn't understand a lick of what they were saying!!
Even now, I've been slowly adapting to the differences between the American and British English. It's mostly due to the fact that Japan's English (what little they speak) is more influenced by British English, than American English, and I had a tough time in the beginning when I was doing English proofreading!! I've even found myself spelling some words in the UK way, than the American way!
As for the word, "Gay", I remember it was related to the meaning of "happy", and often used in the early age of movies. Also, the word "Fag" (hope this word doesn't get flagged!) was in reference to a cigarette (or just the butte?)
The word "Gay" in Japan has only one meaning...and it's not happy or stupid...


New member

fred, fag is the most common name for a cigarette in the uk though most of us know what the american use of the word means!!!!! the spelling differences between american english and correct english are profound, of course english "english" is the correct english.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> janet uk<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


Digital opinion leader

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>MyNewfy</b></i>

I like to use the word when expressing something as 'retarded'. It seems to get my point across quite well. Do you think it's reall offensive?

I am always bugged my when people try to be so cool and start "new" phrases. .</end quote></div>

Kelly, My brother's girlfriend is a social worker who works with the "mentally disabled community". She takes HUGE offense when someone says retard. Once in my ceramics class, a kid was having a hard time making something and called himself a "clay 'tard". I LMAO!

The expression "my bad" drives me crazy.


New member

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>IFoundJesusToday</b></i>

THIS IS RUBISH!</end quote></div>

Don't be cystic.


New member

everyone at my school says "gay" to call something stupid or pathetic. i hate it, and me and my friends are known on the bus for picking fights about it. if one of our friends says it in an insulting way, we literally yell at them.

and we are like THE NICE group at school, so when you here us yelling... hahha you know its cuz of that :p

its all for good though, and we usually end up winning :p

i hate it when people use that, and also calling somethien 'retarded'. i hate that, but i do admit i have caught myself saying it before. its a resolution of mine to stop saying it, especially becasue i've caught myself using it when i REALLY shouldn't have. i feel extremely guilty about it.


New member

My opinion (and I'm gonna get reamed for it, I already know this): I'm tired of PC crap. If I say 'gay' it means I think something's stupid. I'm not quite sure where that meaning came from, I just know I've used it since high school, and its become a habit. As far as it being a 'slur', it was a word in the dictionary <b>long</b> before it was used to describe homosexuals. Therefore, I see no reason to censor it. There are too many people in the world that get offended by idiotic stuff like this, and I for one am not the type to tip-toe around what I say because someone might get upset by it. I say what I mean, pure and simple, and I don't censor it to be politically correct. There's too much of that as it is. People need thicker skins.

Plus, think about it this way. Have you ever met a depressed, emo homosexual? Most of them are pretty happy, therefore, I don't think the word 'gay' is a bad term. LOL. (joke, BTW, for you sensitive types. Don't get your neck in a twist.)

As far as the word 'retarded', I'm not sure there's anything wrong with that either, at least now adays. There's a specific illness name for everything today (even road rage, I think its Intermittant Explosive Disorder, or some BS like that), so no one is really known as 'retarded' anymore. I think generally today it just means moron. When I say it, that's what I think of. I don't even associate it in my mind with the mentally challenged.

But, just my 2 cents.