I did a quick check in the CF mutation index for you and only can find one that is all the same but ends in +2insA.
I don't know if it is different, but it says that it was found because of a CBAVD (male who lacks the vas deferens and thus is unable to conceive). Usually those that are found this way means that the symptoms were mild into the reproduction years and they were tested because of the infertility, not typical CF issues. This does not mean that the CF will not be typical CF, as ultimately mutations don't make the only decider for progression.
If you want more information, Steve posts in the Ambry thread (under Families). He is a geneticist who may be able to explain this more.
Please keep in mind that CF is different for everyone. I'm so sorry you've gotten a diagnosis and I know the need to try and figure out what all this means, but pinning hopes on the genetic mutation can really set you up for a big dissappointment if things don't go as you thought they would.