class 5 mutation
Hello. I have a 3-1/2 yr. old daughter with CF. She was born with a bowel obstruction and lost an adequate amount of intestines at birth. She was tested for CF twice bc of this and both times was negative. When we moved to a new town, her new gastro wanted to test her again bc she had alot of malabsorption and tummy aches plus protrudring rectum while potty training. She tested positive genetically and then sweat test as well. Can anyone tell me if they know of anyone with a delta F508 mutation and a 711+1G>T??? I know it is a class 5 and I would like to know the severity of this mutation. Right now, she has no lung issues so far and is pushing 4 yrs. old
Hello. I have a 3-1/2 yr. old daughter with CF. She was born with a bowel obstruction and lost an adequate amount of intestines at birth. She was tested for CF twice bc of this and both times was negative. When we moved to a new town, her new gastro wanted to test her again bc she had alot of malabsorption and tummy aches plus protrudring rectum while potty training. She tested positive genetically and then sweat test as well. Can anyone tell me if they know of anyone with a delta F508 mutation and a 711+1G>T??? I know it is a class 5 and I would like to know the severity of this mutation. Right now, she has no lung issues so far and is pushing 4 yrs. old