Generic Singulair


New member
My most recent refill of Singulair is in its generic form, which I read was just approved by the FDA. But for some reason, my symptoms (tightness in chest) have come back as if I'm not even taking it. I'd been getting the regular Singulair for over a year and loved it, but I feel this generic pill isn't the same. This isn't possible, is it? Shouldn't the generic be the exact same? Just wondering if I should try to get my hands on the original, or if my symptoms are unrelated to the generic (although they started at the same time as switching over). Thanks!


New member
My son has really bad allergies. I'm not sure where you live but a cold front just blew through Texas which has everyone hacking and sniffing. Clayton is on Singular and while I did get the generic with the latest refill, he is still on the real Singular and he is really bad right now. Could it just be weather related you think? I'm not sure as I have not started the new generic but just wanted to share my story with you. Good luck! Hope you feel better!


New member
Thanks for your response. :) Turns out, I am allergic to the generic one. The pharmacist told me there are fillers/additives/binders in it that the real Singulair doesn't have. I'm back to Singulair, and my symptoms are almost gone after one day. Hopefully your son won't have the problems I did with the generic version, but I'm very allergic to the binding agents added to lots of vitamins/pills.