Genotropin (Growth Hormone Injections)


New member
I am the original poster of this... My daugther did end up going on Genotropin. She was on it for a total of 8 months. She grew very little, though every little bit helps. Now, I don't want to scare anyone or discourage the use of growth hormones, but after reading your post, I feel obligated to tell you that we had a very serious and very severe side effect to the Gentotropin. I actually posted about it when it happened. I don't know how to link you to that post, but if you search you will be able to find it. The title was:

Papilledema-related to growth hormone injections and it was started by me... if you want to read it and have trouble finding it, let me know and I'll just copy and paste it.

At the time of me posting that we were not positive if it was related to the Gentropin or not, but as it turned out, it was. And Kaitlyn is doing fine now, though she is still being seen by a neurologist and an opthomologist and is still on medication... This will make more sense after you read the other post...

I hope I don't discourage you from anything that will help your children. I'm sure that what happened to Kaitlyn was rare... still, you asked about side effects and I feel that I should mention it just incase.


New member
I am the original poster of this... My daugther did end up going on Genotropin. She was on it for a total of 8 months. She grew very little, though every little bit helps. Now, I don't want to scare anyone or discourage the use of growth hormones, but after reading your post, I feel obligated to tell you that we had a very serious and very severe side effect to the Gentotropin. I actually posted about it when it happened. I don't know how to link you to that post, but if you search you will be able to find it. The title was:

Papilledema-related to growth hormone injections and it was started by me... if you want to read it and have trouble finding it, let me know and I'll just copy and paste it.

At the time of me posting that we were not positive if it was related to the Gentropin or not, but as it turned out, it was. And Kaitlyn is doing fine now, though she is still being seen by a neurologist and an opthomologist and is still on medication... This will make more sense after you read the other post...

I hope I don't discourage you from anything that will help your children. I'm sure that what happened to Kaitlyn was rare... still, you asked about side effects and I feel that I should mention it just incase.


New member
I am the original poster of this... My daugther did end up going on Genotropin. She was on it for a total of 8 months. She grew very little, though every little bit helps. Now, I don't want to scare anyone or discourage the use of growth hormones, but after reading your post, I feel obligated to tell you that we had a very serious and very severe side effect to the Gentotropin. I actually posted about it when it happened. I don't know how to link you to that post, but if you search you will be able to find it. The title was:

Papilledema-related to growth hormone injections and it was started by me... if you want to read it and have trouble finding it, let me know and I'll just copy and paste it.

At the time of me posting that we were not positive if it was related to the Gentropin or not, but as it turned out, it was. And Kaitlyn is doing fine now, though she is still being seen by a neurologist and an opthomologist and is still on medication... This will make more sense after you read the other post...

I hope I don't discourage you from anything that will help your children. I'm sure that what happened to Kaitlyn was rare... still, you asked about side effects and I feel that I should mention it just incase.


New member
I am the original poster of this... My daugther did end up going on Genotropin. She was on it for a total of 8 months. She grew very little, though every little bit helps. Now, I don't want to scare anyone or discourage the use of growth hormones, but after reading your post, I feel obligated to tell you that we had a very serious and very severe side effect to the Gentotropin. I actually posted about it when it happened. I don't know how to link you to that post, but if you search you will be able to find it. The title was:

Papilledema-related to growth hormone injections and it was started by me... if you want to read it and have trouble finding it, let me know and I'll just copy and paste it.

At the time of me posting that we were not positive if it was related to the Gentropin or not, but as it turned out, it was. And Kaitlyn is doing fine now, though she is still being seen by a neurologist and an opthomologist and is still on medication... This will make more sense after you read the other post...

I hope I don't discourage you from anything that will help your children. I'm sure that what happened to Kaitlyn was rare... still, you asked about side effects and I feel that I should mention it just incase.


New member
I found the other post and bumped it up so it would be easier for you to find..It is in the Adults section.


New member
I found the other post and bumped it up so it would be easier for you to find..It is in the Adults section.


New member
I found the other post and bumped it up so it would be easier for you to find..It is in the Adults section.


New member
I found the other post and bumped it up so it would be easier for you to find..It is in the Adults section.


New member
I found the other post and bumped it up so it would be easier for you to find..It is in the Adults section.