Thank you all for yr. input. After I read what Christian wrote that was me. But also I didn't tell all of the story sorry, I have not been faithful to taking my Creon, but for the last 2 weeks I was 6-8 a day every day, that is when the problems started? my acid reflux/stomach ache upper part of stomach as well. I was also experiencing a postive side no bloating feeling or swollen stomach after a meal and not a very big one. I eat small portions of whatever all day, it works better for me 3-4 snacks/ 2-3 meals but now where does this leave me?I was always PS up till a few yrs. ago when the stomach issues started with the GERD/acid reflux, I feel so confused.....Pat w/CF 55/MAC/loss of hearing due to meds/Acid Reflux/GERD see the d