Get an amnio to know for sure?


New member
Hi Ted,

I have a one year old daughter with CF, and we are now thinking of having a second child but have not yet decided which steps to take.
When she was born she had a bowel obstruction which is common in babies with CF, the doctors started saying we will have to do a sweat test to confirm it, and the reults were positive.

We could not get our heads around it because, we have not had any form of CF or anything in either of our families.
My point is, had we been mentally prepared we would have dealt with it alot better than we did,and would have had more knowledge about the illness.

I think it would be a good idea to have the amnio, i know i would.

I also couldn't imagine my life without my daughter, we love her so much as she has brought so much happiness to our lives, and i'm sure your children do to.

Good luck with it all, and let us know how things go.

Best Wishes
Eli<img src="i/expressions/angel.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Ted,

I have a one year old daughter with CF, and we are now thinking of having a second child but have not yet decided which steps to take.
When she was born she had a bowel obstruction which is common in babies with CF, the doctors started saying we will have to do a sweat test to confirm it, and the reults were positive.

We could not get our heads around it because, we have not had any form of CF or anything in either of our families.
My point is, had we been mentally prepared we would have dealt with it alot better than we did,and would have had more knowledge about the illness.

I think it would be a good idea to have the amnio, i know i would.

I also couldn't imagine my life without my daughter, we love her so much as she has brought so much happiness to our lives, and i'm sure your children do to.

Good luck with it all, and let us know how things go.

Best Wishes
Eli<img src="i/expressions/angel.gif" border="0">


New member
I would think you'd have nothing to lose by getting the amnio. More information is always better. If + for CF, you can already have read the books and made decisions. My son was diagnosed at 8 months old. I think back to giving birth to our beautiful boy and I'm not sure I could handle getting the news about CF at the same time. Good luck!

Jill 32
mom to Derek 1 1/2 w/CF


New member
I would think you'd have nothing to lose by getting the amnio. More information is always better. If + for CF, you can already have read the books and made decisions. My son was diagnosed at 8 months old. I think back to giving birth to our beautiful boy and I'm not sure I could handle getting the news about CF at the same time. Good luck!

Jill 32
mom to Derek 1 1/2 w/CF


New member
I had an amnio as well (over 3 years ago) which diagnosed my daughter prenatally with CF. I also have an older son without CF. He was sweat tested which was negative. I also had him blood tested for our Cf carrrier mutations because i could not stop worrying if he had a false negative sweat test. My son carrys neither mutation.

An amnio is an extremely personal decision because of the risks involved. Like above posters said, have the doc review those risks for you if you decide to go that route. You have the advantage of being able to educate yourself either way about Cf and prepare yourself and household for a CF baby. Knowledge is power one doc told me years ago and I believe she was right.

I found meeting with a genetic couselor to be very helpful when I was pregnant as well as going to a reputable CF clinic to speak with a doc there to find out about CF and all the questions I had. I spoke to both these people even before I definately knew my daughter had CF. Our insurance covered these appointments.

Good luck,

I found genetic testing while i was pregnant to be so emotional, be strong.

Both my children are blessings and have brought so much joy into our lives and to everyone that knows them.

Rebecca (mom to sammy no CF and Maggie 3 with CF)


New member
I had an amnio as well (over 3 years ago) which diagnosed my daughter prenatally with CF. I also have an older son without CF. He was sweat tested which was negative. I also had him blood tested for our Cf carrrier mutations because i could not stop worrying if he had a false negative sweat test. My son carrys neither mutation.

An amnio is an extremely personal decision because of the risks involved. Like above posters said, have the doc review those risks for you if you decide to go that route. You have the advantage of being able to educate yourself either way about Cf and prepare yourself and household for a CF baby. Knowledge is power one doc told me years ago and I believe she was right.

I found meeting with a genetic couselor to be very helpful when I was pregnant as well as going to a reputable CF clinic to speak with a doc there to find out about CF and all the questions I had. I spoke to both these people even before I definately knew my daughter had CF. Our insurance covered these appointments.

Good luck,

I found genetic testing while i was pregnant to be so emotional, be strong.

Both my children are blessings and have brought so much joy into our lives and to everyone that knows them.

Rebecca (mom to sammy no CF and Maggie 3 with CF)


New member
I personally would not have an amnio if my decision would be to keep the child regardless of the results of the test. You can still read books and be prepared just in case - but, I could not have grieved during my pregnancy. I know people have said that an amnio is a simple test - but, its not without risks. I had a miscarriage related to an amnio (amnio was not for CF diagnoses) and I could never go through that again. My daughter has CF and I don't believe that anyone could "prepare" themselves for this. Each case is different and you do not realize all the challenges until you are facing and dealing with them one day at a time.


New member
I personally would not have an amnio if my decision would be to keep the child regardless of the results of the test. You can still read books and be prepared just in case - but, I could not have grieved during my pregnancy. I know people have said that an amnio is a simple test - but, its not without risks. I had a miscarriage related to an amnio (amnio was not for CF diagnoses) and I could never go through that again. My daughter has CF and I don't believe that anyone could "prepare" themselves for this. Each case is different and you do not realize all the challenges until you are facing and dealing with them one day at a time.