get rid of bronchitis


New member
I had orientation for my new job last Monday. Out of 25 people, of course my seat was right net to the sick girl. I sat down and she was coughing like crazy. She turned me to me and said " this is the end of my illness, don't worry you wont get sick." I was thinking "yeah right, I know a cough when I hear one." By Wed I was sick, very sick, fever and all. I went to the health food store and picked up some natural wellness pills. By Friday I was almost back to normal, but I could hear the nasty bronchitis. Every day, I do notice that I am getting better, but I need it to go away quicker. I can not afford to take time off work or miss any school since I already missed two days due to this. When I say the girl who got me sick last Friday, she was in the bronchitis stage also. That's how I knew for sure it was the same illness. My bronchitis is worse of course due to CF. I even had my lungs gurgling in class today. I had to keep going to the bathroom because I did not want to cough in class. I would gross everyone out if I did. To the point, does anyone have any advice to get rid of bronchitis. I don't get sick often, but this is the worse bronchitis Ive had in some time. Just got done doing the vest and already feeling a lot better. I just hate to cough in public when it sounds so bad :/


Staff member
Ugh, other than increasing vest treatments, maybe some targeted CPT on the areas you have issues, increase fluids to get that crud up and out. Get sleep. And maybe a call into the clinic to see if they can prescribe something based on previous cultures.


New member
Yeah, that's mostly what ive been doing. I think that is what helped me get better so quick. I woke up today and its almost gone. A lot better then yesterday when I was in class and the lungs were gurgling. I was using the antibiotics as a last result. Basically, if I wasn't showing improvement daily I would take them. If Im around someone who is sick, and Ive been getting good sleep and rest, Im fine. When I was around this girl, my immune system was already not well from lack of sleep and being around another sick person a week prior. I knew I would get it, so at least I was able to prepair. Thanks for your help!


Double or Quadruple pulmozyme treatments. Sleep. Lots of fluids. And, if I am experiencing a stubborn chest infection, RUNNING. No other air clearance like it. Hope you feel better soon!


Super Moderator
It won't help with your infection, but you might make a benign example of the non sick person "working" through her/his bug. Then carry masks to offer to the next non sick person. If they refuse, take out another one and put it on. Oh, make sure your mask has a ridiculous smile drawn on it just for the occasion. You don't need to advertise your CF, but nothing wrong in asking for some consideration.



New member
Ugh. I wish I would of just moved away from the girl and bee "rude." I have never coughed up so much mucus in my life. Antibiotics might be my next step. I felt like I was getting better but its just not going away. I swear I know the smell of staph. Maybe Im crazy, but I swear I can smell it in my lungs when Im taking a shower. Ugh! I think Im going to try running tomorrow.


You can probably appreciate this scenario. I was hosting an extracurricular activity recently and one of the kids (over 10 yrs old--not a toddler) spent the 1.5 hrs sniffling, wiping his nose and licking his hands and fingers. That is not a typo. Licking! I told him to wash his hands twice, but it was hopeless.