New member
I'm pretty tickled today... I finally cranked up my ATV & went for a little ride in the Pinal Mountains. It felt so good! This is the first time since February I've felt good enough to get out & go for a ride. I put on 31 miles today. It was beautiful up on the mountain! When I left home it was around 85 very humid, warm degrees. When I stopped to eat lunch, it was 69 lovely, cool degrees! It even rained a little on me & I saw a very young white-tail deer. It still had spots & was only around 1-1/2 ft. tall. I'm very happy to be able to ride again. Maybe next week or so I can get my ATV riding pal to go with me for a longer ride up in the Sierra Ancha Mountains. We love riding up there, in the summer & in the snow during the winter. It feels so good to feel semi-decent again. Thank you God!