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This is the first tune up I've had where my DD who is now 4 actually understands and talks about what's going on. Boy was I surprised at the amount of detailed questions she has!<br>In the end, a simple explanation is getting through to her. Recently she had a bad cut on her leg, and I put Bactine on it each day. On her own, she put together that mom's IV meds are just like her Bactine. To kill the "bad bacteria guys"-in her own words.<br>When I came home from the hospital she was pretty freaked out by my PICC. Like most kids she hates needles, but she gets especially emotional/dramatic about it. I said this is going to make mommy strong and healthy and made muscles-looking happy and positive. This is a good thing in the end, not a scary thing. Well, she wasn't totally convinced of course.<br>I started thinking what could I do to make this less scary? I looked online and found a couple things to help. I thought it would be cool to ask her to help me decorate my IV pole-I have some old battery powered twinkle lights, and found these great things called polepals-noteboards, photo holders, stuffed animals, and shapes that are meant to clip onto an iv pole. They're pretty cheap too. They came this morning and she loved setting them up! We're making this our normal. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"><br>In the midst of this I'm still breastfeeding, and of course babys head is resting right against my PICC which is hurting. I googled PICC line cover and found these cool covers on etsy that are cheap and chic looking with cute fabrics. They velcro on. I explained the situation to the woman that makes them and she's even including a free mini cover for my daughter's doll! Awesome! I figure this will look cute, provide extra cushioning to protect it from the kids, and I can tuck all my tubing into it.<br><br>So does this make IVs fun and great?!-NO. But it gives a little silver lining... I have learned the hard way to make the most of things. <br>