Getting older and gaining weight?


New member
I just turned 28 about a week ago and I weigh more now than I have ever weighed in my life! I know that's supposed to be a good thing for a CF'er, especially when I've had a feeding tube in the past, but I feel like my weight gain is out of control. I'm 5'3"ish and weigh about 130lbs. I've gained 15lbs since I graduated college 5 years ago and most of that weight has been in the past year or two. I don't really exercise but I do walk a lot during the day at work and I am always hungry and snacking throughout the day. It's never seemed to be a problem in the past but I feel like maybe my metabolism is slowing down since I've gotten older. Has anyone else experienced unwanted weight gain as they have aged? If so, what did you do about it? Thanks!


Oh How I can indentify I am 57 and have been a size 12 for thirty years until this past Feb when I went to a size 14 I have since been on my treadmill and have been walking and refuse to stay in a Size 14 For me I am quite active in the summer mowing the lawn and out more because of the warmer weather but in the winter it is daunting the cold air comes.I belive my Metabolism is slowing with my age and the Cf center has not said a word about my weight .But I sure have to take action,


New member
I am one of those CFers that watches their weight as well. Growing up eating 3-6,000 calories a day to eating anywhere from 1,200-3,000 these days isn't an easy transition. Mine started when I got diagnosed with Diabetes. I exercise daily, weights and cardio. Eat a clean diet. Start with one thing at a time. Replace oone of your unhealthier snacks with carrots or something less fattening. I'm a personal trainer and deal with these sorts of things with clients so let me know if you have any questions.


New member
Its a common technique most people thought gaining weight and getting older go hand in hand.Recently commonly techniques tell us that's just not true.Its means, unfortunately,the jig is up and now have no excuse for being overweight exception being those with medical conditions, etc.Here i wanna with you the major reasons for putting on the pounds:
Being less active
Not maintaining muscle through strength training
Eating more calories, even as metabolism slows down
Gradual loss of body cells which leads to burning fewer calories while at rest

hc scale is a need of your business


I hit 37 and wham... gained 20 lbs almost over night. I have to be super active to keep it from crawling back up to my highest weight (150). With a deteriorating hip it has been a challenge. I am doing what I can to exercise (even if it means walking to the end of the block and back). I have also lessened the food I eat and drink more water.

Most people don't believe I have CF because I am so chunky!!!


I am 52 and am now a size 14. I exercise every day (power walking) and swim 2x a week. I stay at or under 1200 caolories a day and am getting fatter and fatter. there is CF metabolic disorder, which i think i have. i have NO metabolism. none. i also have hoshimoto's thyroid disease. i am very very frustrated!

I just turned 28 about a week ago and I weigh more now than I have ever weighed in my life! I know that's supposed to be a good thing for a CF'er, especially when I've had a feeding tube in the past, but I feel like my weight gain is out of control. I'm 5'3"ish and weigh about 130lbs. I've gained 15lbs since I graduated college 5 years ago and most of that weight has been in the past year or two. I don't really exercise but I do walk a lot during the day at work and I am always hungry and snacking throughout the day. It's never seemed to be a problem in the past but I feel like maybe my metabolism is slowing down since I've gotten older. Has anyone else experienced unwanted weight gain as they have aged? If so, what did you do about it? Thanks!


New member
I was always really skinny as a child and teen. Then when I got into my late 20's, and after my pregnancy as well, my weight went up significantly. At my highest I had a BMI of 30. I am still at a 28-29, but I have been working on getting my weight down with exercise and portion control since July. I think it's mostly the normal aging/slowing metabolism that we have to deal with, just like everyone else! My advice would be to start/maintain an exercise program and watch what you eat. Its hard to do though when we have always been able to eat what we wanted as kids. That's the hardest part is changing our eating habits after years of trying to gain weight. Oh well. It's sort of nice to know that we are experiencing some of the "normal" aging concerns that everyone else has :)


New member
To boost your metabolism, engage in early morning exercices and avoid skipping breakfast. Eat spicy food more in your meals and increase your water intake for drinking. Avoid eating late and manage stress.
I'm 39, and about three years ago, same thing--BAM! After desperately struggling to get my weight up to 120 my whole life, suddenly I am 145! Happy in one way, not so much in another because I don't feel healthy. I passed healthy-feeling at about 130-135 lbs. So now I'm eating less, and boy, is my body confused! Has anyone else connected the use of Abilify with weight gain?


I hit 50 and gained 45 lbs. I am now insulin resistant. I exercise daily, don't eat meat, dairy or carbs. I have to see a specialist to figure out why this is happening and how to stop it. I am FAT.