Hi, I don't know you but what everyone says is good, Do meds, eat right, exersise, but for me it was kind of what LouLou said.
As a woman, we are taught to help others and listen to others, a lot of us are unselfish and very helpful. Well, it is now YOUR turn.
You must listen to your body... you pft went down, was there one little clue? For me it is caughing up more in one day than my normal. I immediatly go to the closet and start what my Dr. always puts me on. Then I call him and let him know. If I am not feeling better after 5 or 6 days, I call back and get a diff. anti and a sputum test.
You must help yourself by Doing for YOURSELF. That is the biggest one of all, I have a husband and child. I come first. She is used to mommy not going to do some activities with her because I just need to sit and rest or take a nap. Daddy does it. Yes I miss out on sum fun but if I get what I need then I can have fun the next day.
I am determined to live a long life and being selfish is going to help me get there.
Cyndi 41