getting PFT's up


New member
I think the real trick is just getting the phlegm out. If you do that your FEV1 will probably come up some. I would recommend the Hypertonic saline though. When I was at your stage of the disease the vest never helped a whole lot and only did it 30 min a day. Was I using the vest teh right way? I don't know, but it never brought anything up. Exercise always worked for me. Unfortunatley I was too self conscious to do it once I developed a productive cough.


New member
I'm going to reitterate what's been said here. You gotta do the meds, HS is the best, and just as important as doing your meds is exercise. 1/2 hour of cardio 3-4 days a week will do wonders.


New member
I'm going to reitterate what's been said here. You gotta do the meds, HS is the best, and just as important as doing your meds is exercise. 1/2 hour of cardio 3-4 days a week will do wonders.


New member
I'm going to reitterate what's been said here. You gotta do the meds, HS is the best, and just as important as doing your meds is exercise. 1/2 hour of cardio 3-4 days a week will do wonders.


New member
I'll go a little further than everyone above me. I've noticed that if I don't get enough sleep or eat right my PFT's start to drop. Make sure your body is getting enough rest, and you are eating enough. But doing your tharapies is MOST important. I would look into Salene (HS) I do it 15 minutes before each flutter and it has done WONDERS.
Do your tharapies,<br>Eat right,<br>Exercise,<br>Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night.<br><br>Keep us updated on your you're doing!


New member
I'll go a little further than everyone above me. I've noticed that if I don't get enough sleep or eat right my PFT's start to drop. Make sure your body is getting enough rest, and you are eating enough. But doing your tharapies is MOST important. I would look into Salene (HS) I do it 15 minutes before each flutter and it has done WONDERS.
Do your tharapies,<br>Eat right,<br>Exercise,<br>Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night.<br><br>Keep us updated on your you're doing!


New member
I'll go a little further than everyone above me. I've noticed that if I don't get enough sleep or eat right my PFT's start to drop. Make sure your body is getting enough rest, and you are eating enough. But doing your tharapies is MOST important. I would look into Salene (HS) I do it 15 minutes before each flutter and it has done WONDERS.
Do your tharapies,<br>Eat right,<br>Exercise,<br>Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night.<br><br>Keep us updated on your you're doing!


New member
one other thing. i know you're in a tough spot right now with your bro on his 1st IV's, but you might want to consider being more aggressive with antibiotics by going on IV's instead of oral antibiotics.

If you read the story linked at the bottom of my signature - one of the differences between the top clinics in the US and those who are in the average middle is how aggressive docs are with treating drops in PFT's.

A girls' PFT's dropped about 10% points in the story and Warwick put her on IV's even though she was in the 90s for her FEV1.

The result - Warwick's patients live longer than any other CF patients in the US.

IV's aren't fun - you've seen it 1st hand with your bro. But it's something to consider if you want to preserve your lung function. Read the story - you'll probably find it interesting <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
one other thing. i know you're in a tough spot right now with your bro on his 1st IV's, but you might want to consider being more aggressive with antibiotics by going on IV's instead of oral antibiotics.

If you read the story linked at the bottom of my signature - one of the differences between the top clinics in the US and those who are in the average middle is how aggressive docs are with treating drops in PFT's.

A girls' PFT's dropped about 10% points in the story and Warwick put her on IV's even though she was in the 90s for her FEV1.

The result - Warwick's patients live longer than any other CF patients in the US.

IV's aren't fun - you've seen it 1st hand with your bro. But it's something to consider if you want to preserve your lung function. Read the story - you'll probably find it interesting <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
one other thing. i know you're in a tough spot right now with your bro on his 1st IV's, but you might want to consider being more aggressive with antibiotics by going on IV's instead of oral antibiotics.

If you read the story linked at the bottom of my signature - one of the differences between the top clinics in the US and those who are in the average middle is how aggressive docs are with treating drops in PFT's.

A girls' PFT's dropped about 10% points in the story and Warwick put her on IV's even though she was in the 90s for her FEV1.

The result - Warwick's patients live longer than any other CF patients in the US.

IV's aren't fun - you've seen it 1st hand with your bro. But it's something to consider if you want to preserve your lung function. Read the story - you'll probably find it interesting <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
thanks for the replies. I am on HS and it really does help. I think that when I go back if my PFTs haven't come up, then i will talk to my doctor about IVs. I know it has to come to that one day, so it might as well be now before my health really starts getting bad.


New member
thanks for the replies. I am on HS and it really does help. I think that when I go back if my PFTs haven't come up, then i will talk to my doctor about IVs. I know it has to come to that one day, so it might as well be now before my health really starts getting bad.


New member
thanks for the replies. I am on HS and it really does help. I think that when I go back if my PFTs haven't come up, then i will talk to my doctor about IVs. I know it has to come to that one day, so it might as well be now before my health really starts getting bad.


New member
Hi, I don't know you but what everyone says is good, Do meds, eat right, exersise, but for me it was kind of what LouLou said.

As a woman, we are taught to help others and listen to others, a lot of us are unselfish and very helpful. Well, it is now YOUR turn.

You must listen to your body... you pft went down, was there one little clue? For me it is caughing up more in one day than my normal. I immediatly go to the closet and start what my Dr. always puts me on. Then I call him and let him know. If I am not feeling better after 5 or 6 days, I call back and get a diff. anti and a sputum test.

You must help yourself by Doing for YOURSELF. That is the biggest one of all, I have a husband and child. I come first. She is used to mommy not going to do some activities with her because I just need to sit and rest or take a nap. Daddy does it. Yes I miss out on sum fun but if I get what I need then I can have fun the next day.

I am determined to live a long life and being selfish is going to help me get there.

Cyndi 41


New member
Hi, I don't know you but what everyone says is good, Do meds, eat right, exersise, but for me it was kind of what LouLou said.

As a woman, we are taught to help others and listen to others, a lot of us are unselfish and very helpful. Well, it is now YOUR turn.

You must listen to your body... you pft went down, was there one little clue? For me it is caughing up more in one day than my normal. I immediatly go to the closet and start what my Dr. always puts me on. Then I call him and let him know. If I am not feeling better after 5 or 6 days, I call back and get a diff. anti and a sputum test.

You must help yourself by Doing for YOURSELF. That is the biggest one of all, I have a husband and child. I come first. She is used to mommy not going to do some activities with her because I just need to sit and rest or take a nap. Daddy does it. Yes I miss out on sum fun but if I get what I need then I can have fun the next day.

I am determined to live a long life and being selfish is going to help me get there.

Cyndi 41


New member
Hi, I don't know you but what everyone says is good, Do meds, eat right, exersise, but for me it was kind of what LouLou said.

As a woman, we are taught to help others and listen to others, a lot of us are unselfish and very helpful. Well, it is now YOUR turn.

You must listen to your body... you pft went down, was there one little clue? For me it is caughing up more in one day than my normal. I immediatly go to the closet and start what my Dr. always puts me on. Then I call him and let him know. If I am not feeling better after 5 or 6 days, I call back and get a diff. anti and a sputum test.

You must help yourself by Doing for YOURSELF. That is the biggest one of all, I have a husband and child. I come first. She is used to mommy not going to do some activities with her because I just need to sit and rest or take a nap. Daddy does it. Yes I miss out on sum fun but if I get what I need then I can have fun the next day.

I am determined to live a long life and being selfish is going to help me get there.

Cyndi 41


New member
I totally understand how you are feeling.

I didn't do my meds great, got the flu, and now have my PFT at 38% down from 50. My doctor told me to up my HS, acappella, and exercise. Which is so easy for him to say and so hard to do. I can barely walk across my apartment let alone get on the treadmill. When I do my HS i get dizzy from breathing so hard.

I know people have lower than 38% but I can not figure out how they exercise or do more treatments.

But it does hurt to see your PFTs go down no matter at what %. Hope you get better!


New member
I totally understand how you are feeling.

I didn't do my meds great, got the flu, and now have my PFT at 38% down from 50. My doctor told me to up my HS, acappella, and exercise. Which is so easy for him to say and so hard to do. I can barely walk across my apartment let alone get on the treadmill. When I do my HS i get dizzy from breathing so hard.

I know people have lower than 38% but I can not figure out how they exercise or do more treatments.

But it does hurt to see your PFTs go down no matter at what %. Hope you get better!


New member
I totally understand how you are feeling.

I didn't do my meds great, got the flu, and now have my PFT at 38% down from 50. My doctor told me to up my HS, acappella, and exercise. Which is so easy for him to say and so hard to do. I can barely walk across my apartment let alone get on the treadmill. When I do my HS i get dizzy from breathing so hard.

I know people have lower than 38% but I can not figure out how they exercise or do more treatments.

But it does hurt to see your PFTs go down no matter at what %. Hope you get better!


New member
I take bactrim and have been on it for 3 yrs or so. I dont mind being on it, I take 1 pill 3xa day. I do the vest and pulmozyme and the hypertonic saline has helped me get to 90% from 65% so just do your treatments everyday and exercise and you should be back up to where you like to be.