getting pregnant... ways to do without ivf???



Hi my bf has cf, we have not started trying for a baby, and we won't for probably a year. But my question is if he does not have a good sperm count is there a way for me to get pregnant without ivf? I have 2 children that were conceived naturally, it took about 6 months to get pregnant with them. I'm not sure if we would be able to afford IVF, and it sounds really scary to me. I just wonder if there is a way to get his sperm out and not use IVF to get it in I know that if there is no problem with male fertility that there are other ways to get pregnant without IVF, I just wonder if any of them would work in our situation....


New member
I am going to say that it is doubtful, but who knows?  try contacting someone in the NaProTechnology field. It is Natural Procreative Technology - for couples facing these issues. Not sure they can help, but it might be worth a try.<br>


How do they get the sperm if he has reproductive problems? My son has CF, but I don't know how that goes if he is like most men with CF and will have problems in that area. If getting sperm is possible and not terribly invasive, a lot if people do artificial insemination or intrauterine insemination. From what I know about the problems in men with CF in terms of reproduction, getting sperm in these cases would probably be pretty invasive, so IVF would be your best chance for getting pregnant without both of you having a ton of procedures, which add up quickly too. Best of luck!! I guess he should get his sperm count checked and then you'll know you even have to worry about it.


New member
The have to take it by needle directly from the testis. If they can't some the they take a piece out and grow them in the dish. It no overly invasive it was done under an anesetic. My husband was just a little sore and uncomfotable for a couple of days. To the op it is not always the sperm count in cf males alot of them the vasdeferns dosen't develope properly so they produce sperm it just can go anywhere. In our case i had to have injections to produce more eggs and then they collect my eggs and his sperm and use a procedure called icsi to inject a single sperm into the egg so it fertilises. It is costly and a very emotional rollercoaster but it is worth it as i look at my dd just proudly show me a picture she just drew <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. It took us 2 1/2 years to conceive our dd many daily blood tests and injections for me the males have the easy part lol. you can pm if you have anymore questions or want more detail


New member
oh and i can assure you in our case we haven't used any protection for many years and no wonderful accidents have happened :/