New member
Okay so I just got off of IV Tobramycin and Ceftazpeme (sp?) about 1.5 months ago. I was on these for 4 weeks. I was also on oral Tetracycline for MRSA. So now I've been on Tobi for nearly 2 weeks and Sunday I started running fevers and coughing up green junk again. I've been on Tobi since I was about 16 I think. My brother and I both stopped taking it for a couple years because every time we got on it we would start getting sick. I've told my doctor this, but she doesn't really pay any attention to it. I culture MRSA, but my bro just cultures regular Staph. Could it be the MRSA & Staph making us sick because we're not on anything for it while we're taking Tobi? Has anyone else experienced this? I really don't want to have to do IVs again anytime soon. I've already been on them twice this year and I'm afraid I'm gonna become resistant to them if I keep taking them. I think I was on IVs 4 or 5 times last year.