New member
Okay I called my doctor last week (the same day I posted this) She never did return my call. Anyways, I decided to just go ahead and start taking Bactrium. I had about a 2 week supply of it from last time I was on it and my doc changed me to Zyvox in the middle of it. Anyways, I'm not feeling 100% better, but I'm not running fevers anymore and have had a lot more energy. I've noticed that when I get sick from MRSA, I feel WAY worse then when the PA makes me sick. She has talked about putting my on Cayston, but right now she has no nurse b/c my CF nurse just left for a better job. I think she told me that I will have to get the Cayston from a speciality pharmacy and I'll also have to get the device to take it in. I go to UMC in Jackson, MS and it's a very small CF clinic. There is only 1 adult doctor and 1 pediatric doctor.