Getting to know each other

Hey everyone! I don't know about you, but I think there's a bond of closeness between cfers, you know, it IS a rare disease. To meet someone(even over the internet!) who also has it is special. It's rare. So I figured we'd get to know each other. You can say your first name, but don't, DON'T say your last name. Who knows who in the world reads this stuff. lol<img src="i/expressions/sun.gif" border="0"> Also, tell which hospital you go to. I'm Daniel(but that's my middle name, NOT my first. I like my first better, but someone might be able to find out who I am if they know my name and my hospital.), and I go to the Children's Hospital in Augusta, GA. I like reading the Bible, playing video games, drawing, signing, doing ventriloquism, doing karate, playing guitar,etc. What do you like doing? (Oh and by the way, I'm a Christian. There are a couple of people who know that, including shamrock, LilStrawberrySweetness, and some other people)
In Christ,


New member
Hey Daniel! Im Felicity! I agree i would like 2 know other cfer's just to know like im not the only one. I like to cheer and dance those are pretty much the only things i do. I like sports love football, baseball, golf, volleyball. Do you like sports? Play any? What kinds of music do you listen to. I listen to country and hip hop. Well hope 2 talk to you soon. You can e-mail me @!<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey What's up I'm Brian, I'm 16 and am a sophomore in high school. I go to Childrens Hospital in Denver, Colorado. I like listening to music, playing guitar and drums, I play golf, basketball, baseball, track, and football. I like hanging out with friends, seeing movies, going fishing, camping, hunting, and other things as well. Usually in my free time I'm either playing sports or listening to music or playing drums or guitar.<img src="i/expressions/musicnote.gif" border="0">My favorite band is CREED. I also like playing video games every once in a while but not often.
falalala im most of the posts or whatever ive might get a basic roller coaster routine of what im like <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">
Yeah I play some sports, just karate though. It is an art, but also a sport. As for what kind of music I listen to, usually just Christian, especially Steven Curtis Chapman, and Micheal Card, and one other cd.
In Christ,


New member
Hey whats up? I used to be in Ti kwon do (or however you spell it) I made it to the red belt and then quit. Have you ever herd of "Audio Adrenaline?" They are a christian rock band, they are pretty good.


hello my name is Linda and i am Kaits mom, we live in Ohio and my daughter has CF I have 2 other children an 11 year old and a 6 year old and they do not have CF hey rideronthewhitehorse can i have your email address???

kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0"> P.S. i am sure my daughter would love to talk to you


New member
I did Karate for 3 years. I liked it but had to give it up because I was too busy for it. Is tae kwon doe similar to karate?