Getting to know eachother


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I thought I would start a new topic where we can get to know eachother better, Ill start.....

My name is Kris(Kristy) and Im 22. I am from ontario, Canada. I have CF and CFRD and Liver disease. I am waiting for a lung and liver transplant right now. I am engaged but now sure when Ill be married. I love horses and have a couple. Im not working right now but in the summer I was teaching riding lessons.

So if you would like to tell us about yourself please do and maybe we can learn more about eachother other than just having or being associated by CF.


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My name is Joseph Smith. I was born in New York but was raised in Plano,Tx. (right outside Dallas).

I am not on the transplant list for lungs but close to it 21%fev. I am not working right now but will be attending Sanford Brown Institute for Surgical Technician Jan. 18th. I hang out with my friends whenever I can. I am a big fan of cars and me and my friends work on our hot rods when there is not a party to go to. I have a 86 s-10 blazer with a 350 in the engine bay (that's where joblazer86 came from). On the weekends it is all about football! I am a big Indianapolis Colts fan!!! Well that is just a little about me.


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Hey Joseph! I am a Surgical Technician!! That is cool that you want to do that also. Lemme tell ya it's great. I had so much fun doing it and I loved it. I however am not able to work. After I graduated I got really sick and have been sick ever since. I just had sinus surgery and a feeding tube placed last week and I am hoping maybe at some point I can try and work. I hope all is well with you!! <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">

Nicole 22 CF


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Hi, I'm Mary. I am 22 w/CF. I was diagnosed at birth, because I had meconeum illeus. I live in NJ about 20 mins from Philly. I am currently in graduate school for genetic counseling, and in a year and half I am getting married <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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Hi I'm Siobhan. I'm 20 and live in England. Only ever get to go on this while I'm at work so sometimes a bit slow at replying! I work in a Call Centre 30 hours a week. I'm engaged, we're going to start arranging the wedding next year - def something to look forward to but sooo expensive I hear!! ! Also we are going to try for a baby after Xmas. Been coming on here for a few months now, love reading what everyone else is up to. Feel a bit guilty as I've just read how much exercise and PT everyone does and I've also been bad at doing PT and do virtually no exercise. Have been having IV's every other month for the last two years so I'm thinking my new years resolution will be to start excercising and get myself as well as possible. Is swimming the best thing? Not a great swimmer but I'm definitely willing to give it a try if it will really benefit my health. As for hobbies, not sure I really have any?! Sounds awful - I mainly go out with my friends, love shopping as all women do, and spending time with all my family. Love them all to bits.
Anyway, nice to meet you all...............! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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hey all

My name is erin, I'm a sophomore music education major (for now), primarily playing the tuba. I'm 19 and live in ohio towards the cleveland area. I too was diagnosed at birth with meconium illeus. Great to meet you all! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> is genetic counseling? I've considered that type of career many times!

IM: plainjane192


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Hi I'm Diane . Im happily divorced, and live with my 2 cats, 8 iguanas, and 1 skink. I am into loud, fast, American muscle cars, and finally built myself one ....86 olds 442 modified -street. Im now a member of the Northeast Muscle car club, and just trying to enjoy life. I do a lot of car shows in the summer time, and hang out with friends every chance i get. I am on disability and also have a part time job housekeeping. I try to remain as active as i can and stay as well as possible.

~Diane 39 / cf / diabetes / b.cepacia


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Hi, My name is Ashley, I'm 20. I was diagnosed at 15 months. I live in Kitchener, Ontario. I currently live with my boyfriend and work at a coffee shop (Tim Hortons). I think i'm going to go back to school next year for accounting, but I'm not sure yet. I don't really do anything else cause I just moved to Kitchener from Windsor (3 hrs. away) and I find that Kitchener is a very boring place.

Ashley 20 w/cf


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Hi, my name is Caitlin and I live in Boston. I am 21 and was diagnosed when I was two. I went from being pretty healthy when I was younger to having to try a lot harder to stay healthy now. This is partly due to my having b. cepacia. I am an art history major at Northeastern University but just got accepted for transfer to Boston College! I am excited. I currently have an internship at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston and love it. I live alone with my yorkshire terrier, and work part time at Bloomingdales (only because I like the discount!)



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I'm Emily. I'll be 21 in a month (was born on a Friday the 13th, mwahaha). I'm a sophomore in college at Northeastern University. I'm studying American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreting. I don't work during the school year, but I do during the summer. I often babysit my boyfriend Mike's baby cousins. And then I also worked at the American School for the Deaf for their 5-week summer school program as a teacher's aide. I go to school in Boston, but home is in Connecticut. I go home nearly every weekend (whenever I have time and can afford the gas) because Mike is here at home. We've been together for a year and... 4 months now. We're still young, as I'm aware, but it looks like he's it. I'm close to my family because they rule. I'm also close to Mike's, as they've kind of become my second family (and they rule too). I have a couple of very close friends. I'm a fan of sleep. I'm also a HUGE music fiend.

I guess that's all. It was a good idea to start this thread. It's nice to learn what we all do outside of CF. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


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I'm Megan, 23 from Ohio. I go to school full time for medical coding/billing, and phlebotomy. I still have no idea what I really want to do, but figured I might as well start somewhere! I work part time at a mini golf course thats glow in the dark! It's a pretty cool job for now, plus I get to do all my homework there!! I live with my boyfriend of 2 years. I'm really hoping to get an engagement ring soon because we've been talking about getting married for awhile now. Right now, I'm in the hospital in Cleveland hoping to get out of here before X-mas!! I was diagnosed at 2, when my brother was born (who also has CF, and is up here with me now!!) Other than that I enjoy camping with my boyfriend Mike, even though I complain when he wants to hike around! I go to my other younger brothers basketball games which I really enjoy! I have 3 kitties at home that are like my little baby's!! I'd also really like to get some dogs, but we have to get a place of our before that!


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Hey everyone! My name is Eva. I live in Birchrun, Michigan. I am a team leader at dept. store. Although I've been on leave since March because my lung function went way down. It's slowwwwwly going up. Very slowly. HeeHee. I was diagnost late in life at 30 yrs old. I'm now 35. I have 3 brothers with no CF. Live with my boyfriend and just bought a house 2 years ago. I love to shop, read , go camping in Summer's, and hang with friends most of the time. I have a cat named "Sam". That's about it. Hope everyone is well!.


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Hi my name is kelli and im 23. I have been with my boyfriend mike for three years and we have live together three years as well. I have had cystic fibrosis sense i was 2months old and i also have cf diabetes,ashma,acid refluxs,arthiritis,. I get ssi and im going to go to collage soon. I like spending time with the love of my like mike and my chujuajua faith and my friends . I like to go camping,boating,shopping, go to movies out to dinner,swimming.

Kelli 23 w cf


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how weird - there are so many boyfriends called mike!!!!

Siobhan <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


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lol I was just about to write that. It's also pretty funny that three of us are engaged!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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Hi everyone, My name is Ann. I'm the youngest of six children, four of which had CF, and two of the four are still living. I live in Wyoming with my husband of three years. I consider myself to be extremely healthy. I only go into the hospital about every two - three years. Currently I am working full time as an Accounts Payable Auditor, and part time at a fitness center. I love this message board, although I don't reply to very many topics. I think everyone here is just amazing. You have all accomplished so much and I'm glad for your willness to share your experiences and concerns with the rest of us. I thank you all.


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Hi, I'm Coll (short for Colleen- I'm a girl, clarifying just because there's been some confusion LOL), I'm 15 and in the 10th grade. I'm the manager of the field hockey team, am in band and also on the debate team. Most of my free time I hang out with my friends, and my mom cause she's pretty cool also <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. I also like to read, and listen to music- and am a huge fan of Rent (the musical)- it's where my username comes from.

PS: This may sound kind of stupid, maybe it is, but Diane, what's a skink? Did you mean skunk? I was just wondering
I'm Lindsey, 23, and I live in Irvine, California. I'm engaged too, but my fiancee's name isn't Mike! We are getting married next summer. We both work at a restaurant called Cafe Tu Tu Tango. I'm a server, he's a bartender. I currently go to school, trying to get my degree in Business. Honestly, though, I want to be done with school because I just want to start a family now. I like sewing (I make my own purses) and to get away I like camping and going to Vegas. I have an older sister, but she doesn't have CF. I was diagnosed when I was 8 months old, and about 7 years ago I was diagnosed with diabetes as well. About 2 months ago I got an insulin pump so I am much more compliant with that now. I just finished 5 weeks of IV's. After reading all the threads on this forum, it seems as though I haven't been doing my treatments as well as everyone else does. I also never even knew what my PFT results were; when I went to the doctor on Wednesday I found out I was at about 55%. So my new goal is to do my treatments more and get my numbers up!!


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Hey Everyone!

I'm new to this thing, my mom just told me about it today. My name is Kim and I'm 20 years old. I was diagnosed with CF pretty much at birth. I live in NJ and am in my third year of college. I'm studying Psychology, although I have no real clue what I want to do. I want to teach it, but in order to do that I'm gonna have to go through some extra schooling <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> I really just want to be done school, get married, and be a mom/wife. I have a boyfriend that I met here at school, and we've been together for over 2 years. We've talked about marriage, but I think I might have to wait until he graduates from here. I'm gonna be done in Spring 2006, he might not be done until 2008! Which sucks, because that means I'll be at home working while he's still in school. I am one of six children, and one of my older sisters (she's 23) also has CF. I live on-campus during the school year. I have been pretty fortunate with my CF because it seems to be pretty mild, but lately I think it's been getting worse. I've been in the hospital I think 3 or 4 times, but my first time wasn't until my sophomore year of high school...but ever since then, I feel like I've been in there every summer. I learned my lesson two years ago about not doing my meds as well as I should. And now I try to do them religiously. For anyone who has trouble remembering to do meds, it helps to make a chart of all your meds and check them off as you do them each day <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Anyway, thats enough rambling on for me haha.