Getting to know eachother


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Yeah, we definitely should, I can't believe that! My e mail is and my aim sn is serendipity730. Definitely contact me!


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I'm Solana. I'm 23. I live in the Sacramento Valley in California. Currently I'm a genetics major in college. I love hiking, reading, writing. I'm a killer sewer. I spend a lot of my time working with animals. My grandparents have a ranch and I'm there a lot playing "mom" to orphans and training. I have a boyfriend He isn't a Mike, but his middle name is Micheal.


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Hello! I'm Becky. I'm 19, I'm from Idaho, and I'm going to college in Utah. I'm a sophomore majoring in math education. I was diagnosed with cf when I was 3 weeks old. I want to teach either high school or college, I'm just not sure if I want to go to school long enough to teach college<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> During the summer I work at a girls summer camp teaching music, drama, and dance. It is absolutely wonderful! I like to be outside, do stuff with my friends, and play with my cat!!



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Hi I am Jeffery & my wife is Sherrie.We live in Alabama....I have a 18 year old daughter that goes to collage in SanAntonio Texas named Cara...This is what we are all about ~~~~>Sherries only child and my step son.

This is the college essay my Daughter wrote on her first english essay at NorhtWest Vista College in SanAntonio, Texas.
Written by Cara Steading in memory of her Step-Brother Rodney Borden

I look down. There he is. He's so small. I love his little cheeks. They're the color of pink carnations. His eyes shimmer with excitement. He says hello and I hear the 'bama accent ring through his voice. I notice the tube running from his backpack up into his nose, and I get nervous. If I give him a hug will I squeeze to hard? What if he doesn't want me to hug him? Maybe I should shake his hand? What am I talking about? This is crazy. Leaning down, I wrap my arms around his little body. I feel his heart beat strum against my chest. My first time ever to hug my stepbrother.
We sit in the backseat and I hear the faint whisper of country on the radio. I see my Dad's shaggy beard in the review mirror. His smile is hidden beneath it. I feel Rodney's gaze on me, but I look out the window. I don't know what to say. A sign says were now in Gadson city. We pull into a seafood restaurant called Top O' the River. I wonder how Alabama seafood is. They don't have an ocean anywhere near by. Inside we sit down at one of the booths. Menus and silverware are laid in front of us. For the first time I get a good look at my new step-mom. Highlighted blonde hair frames her tan face. Her eyes are warm and caring, and I see a hint of sadness in their depths. Her voice is soft, and there's the same Alabama accent as Rodney's. Now I see why my Dad left Austin for a lady he had met only once before. This country girl has my Dad wrapped around her little finger with that sweet accent of hers. I smile, watching the two of them exchange kisses through out the meal. The waitress comes and I order shrimp, considering shrimp can still taste the same after twenty-four hours of shipping and handling.
Although it's dark out, I know when we've reached their house. It's much prettier than in the pictures. It reminds me of a perfect country home with it's white wooden walls, big windows, and giant front porch. I imagine the three of them lounging in rocking chairs drinking iced tea on hot afternoons. I get the sudden urge to run up and kiss the house and its sweetness. Instead we go inside where I'm given a short tour around. Rodney nearly jumps out of his skin with excitement when we finally head up the stairs to his room. He jets back and forth and I get out of breath just watching him. He shows me his swords; the figurines hung on his wall, his stuffed animals, his video game collection, his games, and his swords one more time. Sherrie comes in and herds Rodney over to the bed. He sits on the edge and she puts a vest over him. Switching it on the room fills with a loud buzzing noise. I watch as Rodney's body shakes from head to toe from the powerful vibrating. I feel uncomfortable standing in his room watching this, so I start to drift toward the stairs. Glancing back I say a swift "goodnight" and start to head down the stairs.
"I love you sis!" Rodney calls after me.
My hand grasps the handrail, and I look up. "I love you too Rod." I call back to him. I can hear them talking and laughing above me.
The sun glares through my window in the morning, toasting my face. I slide my feet around under the covers, loving the feeling of the silk sheets. Even my pillows are silk and I rub my cheek across it. Soon the sun becomes unbearable so I slip out of bed and head for the kitchen. I pour myself some juice and sit down at the dining room table.
"Well, good morning sleepy head." My dad says from the doorway. "We were wondering if you were going to wake up today or not. Rodney's driving me nuts asking every five minutes when you're going to get up."
Right then Rodney hustles past my dad and comes and sits next to me. I ruffle his hair, and grin at him.
"What you got planned for us today Rodney?" I ask.
"I want to show you my new video games. This one game is really cool; you have to shoot all of these Zombies. We can watch a movie to if you want."
My juice is still half full when I'm tugged up stairs to go shoot at Zombies. Rodney laughs when I shoot at my own men, or I die after only a few seconds. When I die from falling off a ledge his laughing turns to wheezing, and then to a terrible cough. I can hear his lungs trying to rid it self of all the fluid. My hands fidget on my lap, and I feel helpless. Finally his coughing seizes, leaving his face pink from the effort. He turns off the Nintendo and slowly makes his way downstairs. We go in to the living room and watch an old soap opera on tv. I don't know why neither of us changes the channel.
"Sis, is there any thing you want in my room when I die?" Rodney asks, gazing at me from across the room.
I wonder if he can hear my heart thundering.
"No, no, I don't think so." I reply weakly. I stare at the VCR. I can't blink. My heart hurts.
Being home feels good, but I miss the three of them already. I talk to Rodney constantly over the Internet, or when my dad calls he'll give him the phone.
"I love you sis. I miss you. When are you coming back to visit?" He asks me repeatedly. I smile and tell him "soon I hope. I miss you so much."
My dad calls to soon after that and tells me Rodney isn't doing well. My heart drops down to the pit of my stomach. I have to force air into my lungs.
"We asked him what he wished for more than anything, and he told us that he wants to see his sister one more time before he dies."
There's silence.
"I know that would be really hard on you, but I think you can handle it. You're a strong girl, and it would mean the world to him if you'd come."
Sitting on the plane going to see my stepbrother one last time is a heart wrenching experience.
We play video games, and he lets me win. We watch movies in complete silence. Sherrie and my Dad buy a cake and we celebrate his twelfth Birthday early. He slowly unwraps his presents, and sets them to the side. We all eat dinner together, but Rodney doesn't eat. Although I'm here, in his home, I barely see him. He sleeps away the days, coughing constantly morning and night. The illness owns him, has taken over his little body, and there's nothing we can do to help.
"I love you Rodney." I lean down and hug him. I say goodbye to Sherrie and my Dad, and get on the plane to head back home. Tears run down my face as I watch the airport drift out of sight. It's tough to go see your dying step-brother, but it's much worse to say goodbye.
Sitting at the computer, about to go online, my mom walks in. I let go of the mouse and look at her. Something feels wrong. She leans against the edge of the doorway, her gaze lingering a little past my right shoulder. A frown tugs at the corner of her lips. I wait in silence, giving her time to gather her words for what she is going to tell me. Her lips move.
"Rodney died last night. Your Dad called a while ago, but you were at the store. He said he'll call you again later, and that he loves you."
I have just been punched in the stomach. My body crumples up in a ball, and sobs rake through me. I can't feel my mom's hand rubbing my back. My head shakes back and forth. No, no, no, NO. This does not happen. He does not leave like this. I refuse for this to happen.
I lay in bed with the blankets pulled up to my neck. My eyes close and there he is, waiting for me beneath my eyelids. Tears blur his image. Don't worry little brother I have a plan that will change everything. I'm going to pick up my remote and rewind to the day I saw you, with your eyes full of excitement. I'm going to take you to carnivals, and fancy restaurants, and we'll go and buy tons of video games and play them all night long. I'll take you to museums where swords are incased in glass. I'm going to show you the world Rodney, because you deserve to see it. You love me and you don't even know me. You love me because I'm your sister, and you don't care about anything else. You don't care what I look like, or that I'm really bad at video games, or that my heart isn't as big as yours. I'll take you to the best doctor in the world Rodney, even if he's on the other side of the world. Were going to walk in to his office and he's going to smile. It's our lucky day! He has just discovered the cure to Cystic Fibrosis! Were going back to the little white country house in Piedmont. The four of us are going to sit on that huge front porch and drink iced tea, even if it's cold outside. This is what will happen when I press the rewind Rodney, because I don't think I can handle this ending. I close my eyes, and there you are, just beneath my eyelids. Where would you like to go little Rodney? We have so little time before I wake up.





Please visit our website ~~~>


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As you can see from my name, I belong to Emily. I am married to Alan for almost 22 years. Emily has a younger sister Jody (17) who does not have CF and is not a carrier. We got lucky! I work for the public school system here in the town we live in Connecticut. We have three dogs and one cat. I love to walk and since the beginnng of this year, have gone heathly, and lost 40 pounds. YEAH ME!! Our family is really genetically screwed up!!! Emily has CF. Jody has Von Willebrands Disease which is a bleedingf disorder and last year, Alan was diagnosed with Early onset Parkinsons Disease. I'm not sure I like genetics anymore....LOL


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Did I see some south NJ/Philly area people? Where do you go to clinic? I live in Cherry Hill and see Dr. Holsclaw at Presbyterian (before that I was at St. Christophers, before that at Hahnemann, before that at Cooper... stupid hospital politics!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0"> ).

Guess I'll jump in here. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I'm Eliana, I'm 25 and am currently in grad school part time at Bryn Mawr School of Social Work. I'm also working full time in a group home for the mentally ill on the 4pm-midnight shift, so I'm officially nocturnal. I've been working there for 2 years and just started school this semester, and am a little overwhelmed with all the work! I'm also an artist, I actually majored in art in college (always fun watching people try to figure out how I went from art major to a masters program in social work!), though I haven't done much artwork lately. I like animals, I live with my mother and stepfather and we have 3 cats, a bird, and at some point will probably be getting a dog (our dog died a couple months ago <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">).

I'm also an Orthodox Jew, which I only mention because it's a major part of my life, lots of rules I follow affecting pretty much all aspects of life. I've been told by my coworkers though that I'm a very respectful and worldly religious fanatic. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> Not looking to start any religious debates, I have a pretty easy going live and let live attitude; it's just a big part of who I am, and that's what this thread is about right? I also very rarely meet other people with CF in the orthodox community, it would be interesting to see if there's anyone else on these boards.

In terms of CF I've been pretty fortunate, my case is kinda mild thus far, I wasn't even diagnosed until I was 8 years old. I used to need tune-ups more frequently, but since starting nebulized antibiotics going into high school I've only needed to go in once every 2-3 years, and in February it'll be 4 years since my last tune-up so go me! I got a g-tube almost 4 years ago and it has helped a LOT, I've also had a couple sinus surgeries.

That's enough rambling from me! Anyone who wants to email/IM can reach me at (just make the subject line about CF or I may delete it as junk mail).

25 w/ cf


New member
Hi Coll,
I didnt mean skunk, lol. A skink is a small lizzard. Kind of looks like a snake with tiny short legs. His name is Milo, and he is the cutest little adorable lizard. If i knew how to post a picture of him i would, if you want to see one email me and ill send you one....
~Diane 39 / cf / diabetes / b.cepacia


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Hi Im Jaime. Im 26 years old and I live in Salem, Mass (yes, the witch city!) Salem is about 20 minutes north of Boston.

I have an older brother Jake, he is 28. He does not have CF and is not a carrier either which is great! I work doing ultrasound in Boston at Brigham and Womens Hospital in the OB dept. I usually work 32 hours a week. I enjoy spending time with my friends and family and just going out with people. I snowboard too--as long as its not wicked cold out!
I love this site because its so great to hear how other people deal with CF and opinions and stuff. Nice to meet you all!


New member

I'm confused. I haven't looked at this thing for a few days...

Yeah, we definitely should, I can't believe that! My e mail is and my aim sn is serendipity730. Definitely contact me!<hr></blockquote>

I'll definitely contact you though, lol.



New member
ASHLEY!!! I live about 45 minutes north of Kitchener. Do you go to the CF clinic at Grand River?? I do, my doc is DR. JACKSON. I was born in K town as well. Email Im currently waiting for transplant...I started this thread

Im so happy that this thread got so much response! Its so cool to see so many of us CFers in our twenties doing well and even getting married. I never saw myself living to see my wedding or finding a guy who would wanna marry me before meeting Garry, my fiance! This is great! hopefully we can start some great friendships....??

22/CF, CFRD and liver disease
waiting for lungs and liver tranplant


New member
You guys are making me feel very old (old age is a good thing, though!) Thank the Lord I will be 45 years old at the end of this month. I've been married for 23 years and have a 14 year old son. Merry Christmas. GSH pseudonomas/strenotrophonomas/cepacia - lung tx candidate


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Hi, Joseph. My name is courtney. Do you still live in plano, cause I grew up and still live in Plano. I just thought it was neat that you were from Plano as well. Hope all is going well for you.


New member
So...are there 3 Plano people in here..? Anyways, I'm not from there haha, I've just been readong some. I'm only 16, but the teens don't write much haha. I like in Chesapeake, Virginia, but also lived in Pasadina, TX and near Mt. View, CA. I was diagnosed when I was about 11 months, on my mom's birthday (her best yet..) have to say, one of the worst things about having in illness like this is seeing how it hurts the ones who love you. I just hate coughing and then hearing my mom sigh, or seeing her cringe. I have CFRD, too. I have since I was 10/11..something like that. God, that just makes it all a whoooole lot more complicated. Having CF is stressful and it hurts emotionally, but adding the CFRD on top of that is SUCH a pain in the butt! And it's would biabetes not be? I do home hospitalizations about 3 or 4 times a year to avoid getting very sick, and it' SO much nicer than going into the hospital, only because I'm still only a junior in highschool. I can't wait to graduate sometimes. Having CF and feeling so different from everyone else, and also looking different with my barrel chest and barrel stomach is hard, with teens being so judgemental and hard on eachother. I try to be strong and not care, but I'm 16...come on..I haven't lived long enough to not care yet. I guess one big issue with me, and something I'd like to hear from you guys about i holding a job and going to that hard for you guys? I just don't see it being easy at all for me. I'm picky about what I end up doing..I'm into art and music and writing..what kin of jobs will I be able to hold?? And I have a college I plan on going to (Portland State), so now I just need the rest of the plan..
Hmmm, I'll go into things I like..more than anything singing (but I'm so shy because of another problem I have with my nervous system making my face VERY red, and I cough too much, but I still love it), writing poetry and short stories, drawing and painting and photography, piano, and psychology! I loooove learning how peoples' minds work. I've learned a lot just from keeping track of my own feelings by writing just about every though I have down and also reading a lot about emotions and disorders. I guess I could do SOMETHING with that later on? Who knows!
Well guys, sorry I wrote so much about plain old me. I haven't talked to many CF people before..only 2 maybe? 1? Stay strong ladies and gentlemen.


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Oh! I'm Allyson..I wrote the last one..forgot to lon on (woops!)..but here's my <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">myspace page</a> incase you haven't seen it or are bored or whatnot..
You guys are awesome, later!


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Hey my name is Gabby, and i am 19 years old. i live in NY, and am a sophmore in college. i am majoring in Textiles and Apparel! as wella s a Business minor. i hope to go into Fashion Merchandizing. i was diagnosed at birth,(born with Merconium Peritinitous) with CF and kinda have CFRD now (brought on by steriods, but right now it is mild; the CFRD). Nice meeting all you guys! Be well!!


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My name is Michelle. I am mom to Cory who is 18. He was diagnosed with CF at 4 weeks old. He has pretty much been sick most of his life. Currently we can add kidney disease tohis long list with cfrd, abpa, asthma, cepacia. He stopped attending school his senior year due to the fact that it became very hard to juggle school with the emotional and physical affect of CF. He is studing to take his GED though.
I am a special education teacher working mainly with students with Autism and have 2 other children(20&14) who do not have CF
p.s.I also have a boyfriend name Mike
Glad to meet you all