Hey! Kinda new to the site and the blogs are great for getting to
know people but I thought I'd start a little thread to get to know
more people and things about everyone! So please answer these
1) Favorite Color<br>
2) Favorite Food<br>
3) Hobbies<br>
4) Extra<br>
5) Where you are from<br>
6) Favorite Animal<br>
7) Favorite Sport<br>
8) Favorite 5 Movies<br>
9) Favorite Music<br>
10) Favorite Song Artist<br>
I'll start...<br>
1) Blue<br>
2) Gummi Bears, Angel Food Cake<br>
3) Bike rides, cross-stitch, crochet, cooking, decorating,
football, basketball (Go Spurs!)<br>
4) I'm a cosmetologist (hence my username)<br>
5) San Antonio, TX<br>
6) Chug Dog (Chihuahua/Pug)<br>
<img src="http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g54/roshelle20338/chugdog2.jpg"><br>
7) Basketball (Spurs), football<br>
8) Count of Monte Cristo, Mulan, Wedding Planner, Ocean's Eleven,
The Notebook.<br>
9) Country (from TX)<br>
10) Gary Allen, George Strait, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill<br>
Thanks! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
know people but I thought I'd start a little thread to get to know
more people and things about everyone! So please answer these
1) Favorite Color<br>
2) Favorite Food<br>
3) Hobbies<br>
4) Extra<br>
5) Where you are from<br>
6) Favorite Animal<br>
7) Favorite Sport<br>
8) Favorite 5 Movies<br>
9) Favorite Music<br>
10) Favorite Song Artist<br>
I'll start...<br>
1) Blue<br>
2) Gummi Bears, Angel Food Cake<br>
3) Bike rides, cross-stitch, crochet, cooking, decorating,
football, basketball (Go Spurs!)<br>
4) I'm a cosmetologist (hence my username)<br>
5) San Antonio, TX<br>
6) Chug Dog (Chihuahua/Pug)<br>
<img src="http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g54/roshelle20338/chugdog2.jpg"><br>
7) Basketball (Spurs), football<br>
8) Count of Monte Cristo, Mulan, Wedding Planner, Ocean's Eleven,
The Notebook.<br>
9) Country (from TX)<br>
10) Gary Allen, George Strait, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill<br>
Thanks! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">