Glucose Tolerance Tests (GTT)


Staff member
CFF recommends starting GTT at age 10, so last week when DS had his regular blood work, they also had him do a 2 hour GTT. Drew blood after fasting, drank a cup of orange flavored sugary stuff, then another blood draw after two hours. Fasting Level was normal 87 (range is 70-100 mg/dL), but his two hour was 155. Got a form letter from his pediatrician/local CF doctor who suggested two weeks of testing with a glucometer fasting/2 hours after meals; however, the CFF guidelines suggest another GTT next year. DS has a terrible, terrible needle phobia and while we will do it if it's absolutely necessary, I'd prefer waiting. Waiting to hear what his primary CF doctor in the City suggests. Friend of mine's daughter's showed reactive hypoglycemic and she just has to eat every two hours.... Guess I'll just wait and see what the powers that be suggest.


Super Moderator
My daughter had her first GTT this year too. I had suspected she had some blood sugar issues because we have to use prednisone in bursts on occasion when she has an exacerbation.

Anyhow, My daughter has "impaired glucose tolerance". Her fasting was 102. She was 87 2 hours AFTER drinking the orange drink. Weird. I did check her sugars last time she had a predisone burst and her blood sugars were up. Her Fastings were not bad; 113; or so but by 4pm she would be 230. I followed it for a while and discussed this with our nutritionist. She suggested following her Hemoglobin A1C more often(it's usually done once a year but to do her 2x a year.

Has he had a Hemoglobin A1C?

I also got rid of juice; we are doing only low cal or diet juice. No sugared drinks. We are back on whole milk. Alot of my daughters calories do come from carbs; so trying to make them healthier carbs.

I think this is VERY common in CF


Super Moderator
Oh, and try not to worry too much; he is only slightly above normal :)

My daughter was fine getting her fingerstick done; but she has no fear of needles. The needles are very tiny for fingersticks.

Our kids go through so much; I felt so bad to be sticking her 2-3 times a day(I'm not doing it now)...

She did get a few new things from Amazon after that excerbation; bribery works wonders.


Staff member
He hasn't had the Hemoglobin A1C test. I think what annoyed me was the note at the bottom of the form letter about calling to arrange for a glucometer to do 2 weeks of finger pokes. And two years ago his fasting level was high. If it weren't for testing two housr after drinking that stuff, we'd have been perfectly happy with the 87 after fasting. :) Just feeling a little frazzled with all that we've had going on since school let out last month. Thought this was supposed to be summer vacation, but we've been busier than ever.


New member
Ι was a little above the boundary a few years ago in 2004. I dont have CFRD. It doesnt mean that your kid has either. Try getting retested. You mentioned a great fear of needles. You should know stress affects the results A LOT.