

New member
Hello,There has been rumers that Glutathione is a very good treatment for the congestion of mucus in people with CF. Is this true, should all CF patients take glutathione?


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<b>Text</b> I started using Glutathione orally almost a month ago. Due to my having bad problems with hemoptysis in the past i opted not to inhale it ( i hear it can be irritating to the lungs to inhale it). I have cepacia as well as psudomonas arugenosa, and i also have diabetes.It would be hard for me to pinpoint exactly what the Glutathione is doing for me, and what the precise benefit is, but i noticed one thing in particular...... I FINALLY have more energy. My lungs feel a bit more clear, i am coughing a little less, and my sputum is lighter in color. I wasnt going to mention anything about it till i knew what benefit i was gaining , but since you asked, i figured i would mention it. I think i have to be on it much longer for a full effect to start taking place, and i will definitely write about it from time to time. I want everyone to know if there are any outstanding benefits, so we can all benefit from it. I am 38 years old and i know how cf can affect ones life and quality of it. I pray that the Glutathione works and that we all gain from it someday. Diane


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What is this stuff? I'm going to my specialist Monday and I want to talk to her about it. It sounds interesting and helpful. GSH


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copy and paste this ......... it should give you some info on Glutathione Take Care ~ Diane


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You can learn a lot about it by searching on Cystic Fibrosis and Glutathione.Read "Rethinking Cystic Fibrosis Pathology: Glutathione System Dysfunction and Glutathione Augmentation Therapy". Little is it told to patients that glutathione is a tripeptide (three different amino acids) that is anion which also is trapped in the cells of the CF lung and liver, where it is most abundantly produced naturally in the body. Deficiencies cause ravaged inflamed lungs and cell damage. It is a powerfulantioxidant...Read up. You will be fascinated.


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The only thing that bothers me about glutathione is that there has not been enough testing with it and it has not been approved by the FDA. I know I've heard such good things about it so far! Good luck to all of you who are currently using it and hope to myself one day soon!Dea


New member
I too have heard great things about Glutathione since the Today show broadcast last week. Please talk to your CF docs and go take a look at the CF Foundation website. It sounds promising but not yet approved. I thought, if it doesn't hurt then why not try it. Well seems they just don't know yet. How much is safe for inhalation or even orally? Yes, it seems CF'ers are deficient but how much is needed? My girls will have to wait a little longer but I'll definantly be watching to see what happens. Liza


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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Dea</b></i>The only thing that bothers me about glutathione is that there has not been enough testing with it and it has not been approved by the FDA. I know I've heard such good things about it so far! Good luck to all of you who are currently using it and hope to myself one day soon!Dea<hr></blockquote>


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We have two sons with CF.Three weeks ago we started with oral GSH first 100mg than 200 now 500mg a day.We are planning inhalaton next.Technical question since it comes in powder form haw you process it for inhalation or for nose spray?Please answer to


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I HAVE to caution everyone who is taking Glutathione, especially parents w/ Cf children. It has not been approved by the FDA. The study that you most likley heard on the news was very small scale. Be caferul if you are inhaleing it, the long term effects as well as how it interacts with your other meds has not been studied. Perhaps it will be approved one day, but maybe not for people on certian other meds. I don't doubt the benifits reported by those that use it, just use caution.Debbie


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Glutathione is a substance found in the body. It is manufactured within the cells of our body and acts primarily as a (1)antioxidant (2)immune booster (3)detoxifier. Glutathione is rate-limited by "cysteine" which is an amino acid that our body produces. There are essential amino acids which are in food and thats how our body supplies itself. Then there are non-essential amino acids which we do not receive through our diet, but the body produces. Cysteine is a non-essential amino acid.Glutathionie is produced in the cell by the interaction between cysteine, glycine and glutamate. Because the cystic fibrosis patients body has the increased burden of pathogens, antigens and increased mucous causing inflammation, all of which need glutathioine to quench the toxins that it creates (reactive oxygen species). Glutathione is slowly depleted in the cystic fibrosis patients body and the body cannot catch up.Never stop taking cystic fibrosis medicine or start anything new without consulting your cystic fibrosis care physician.The only product on the market today that has been studied over the past 25 years is "Immunocal", by Immunotec Research Ltd in Canada. Their product makes cystine, which are two cysteines bonded together and can enter the cell and is bioavailable to the body. Once cystine enters the cell, the bond between the cysteines are broken, allowing the cysteines to enter into the glutathione synthetase process.Immunocal has been studied within the laboratory, clinical trials with other diseases such as COPD, Pulmonary fibrosis and HIV-Aids. It has been scientifically proven to increase intracellular glutathione levels to normal. Immunocal has no seen drug interactions, toxicity or severe side effects. There are not many studies worldwide to date regarding Immunocal in "cystic fibrosis", but it is my understanding that the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is very seriously looking into it.If you would like your cystic fibrosis care physician to look into Immunocal, have them go to their handy "Physicians Desk Reference Manual" and look up "Immunotec Research Ltd" and they will view all the information they need.Glutathione pills have been clinically proven to not be taken up by the digestive tract, for example one study conducted gave individuals 3000 mg of glutathione and the results were zero increase in blood glutathione levels. I would strongly encourage each and every person considering "inhaling" glutathione to speak to their physician. It has not been studied or tested and their is not a great deal of scientific data on the subject and could be very dangerous both in the short term and long term.If you really want to increase your glutathione levels, then ask your physician about "Immunocal", by Immunotec Research Ltd.


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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i>In case anyone comes to this thread looking for answers, I just want you to know that just because something isn't approved by the FDA, means nothing. The pharmaceutical companies are in their back pockets. The geneticist might be looking for answers but the pharm. and FDA aren't. You all must find the answers yourself, by studying human biology and understanding just how the body works. We are all assaulted by daily applications of pesticides to our foods (approved by the FDA), and we all breathe polluted air. We are also eating meats that are injected with steroids and hormones and drinking milk with remnants of the Bovine Growth Hormone; both approved by the FDA. So who's side do you think the FDA is really on???? You need to simply try to understand that the body is made up of five components; water, amino acids (proteins), minerals, vitamins, and fatty acids. Glutathione is formed in the body by three amino acids which are glycine, glutamate and methionine, of which the latter is what most of us are lacking, due to all the assaults our body has to endure on a daily basis. Methionine is a sulfur containing amino, which provides our body with natural chelators to remove toxic substances from our bodies. Glutathione is very important for everyone, not just ones with Cystic Fibrosis. My own molecular testings revealed I was low in all my sulfur containing aminos. So basically what I'm trying to convey, is you must all take control of your own lives and health, quit depending on the gov't. to give you false hope, quit depending on the pharmaceutical companies to give you more harmful and damaging drugs to destroy your sensitive ecosystem of your body, take a initiative to start learning as much as you can about how the body operates from a nutritional standpoint, and DO start feeding your body the nutrients it needs, based on its five components. Eat as many sulfur containing, ORGANIC vegetables as you can, to replenish these stores, and eat organic meats. Eat nuts, seeds, and coconut in their raw state for life giving fatty acids that keep the cells permeable, and eat good organic fruits on an empty stomach for their cleansing properties. Eat fresh salads 3x's per day with a bit of olive oil and rice vinegar. And above all: AVOID ALL PROCESSED FOOD, FAST FOOD, SIMPLE SUGARS, WHEAT, DAIRY (UNLESS RAW) MSG, AND ASPARTAME. I am a researcher looking for my own answers to my affliction, and I can tell you the FDA doesn't have a clue!!!!<hr></blockquote>


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In reply to the anonymous letter from the person saying look after your health and eat organic etc -Hear hear!!!! Did you know that the USA gov't, those who tell you what is supposedly good for you to have, use nuclear waste to irradiate your food so it lasts longer? This practise is still illegal in Australia, where I am from.Early 2001 i decided i was fed up wiht going to hosp every six months and went mainly vegetarian, eating as much organic produce as possible. I live near the beach in a remote town and am so much better. My boyfriend's father is an alco who smokes like a chimney - he disgusts me because he doesn't respect his health, let alone his lungs. And yet I used to be okay with spending time inside the pub when there's an outside area etc, and eat heaps of bad food. Eat nuts, seeds, salads, olive oil - all the good things the previous poster wrote. you go girl, and when people comment that you are a hippee, ask them if they would prefer higher taxes having you sick in hsopital - at least we give our bodies the best chancePs have you tried acupuncture and/or yoga?? i find they really help


New member
To anonymous: You are absolutely correct when you state that you must really look out for yourself and investigate what you are eating. Just as you are investigating what you are eating, you must also research amino acids. Methionine is an amino acid but is not directly involved in the synthetase of glutathione. Glutathioine is made from Glutamate, Glycine and Cysteine, which cysteine is a non-essential amino acid, meaning that we do not receive it through our North American Diet, but depend upon the body to produce it. Cysteine is produced by the body from Methionine. Once cysteine is produced it has many functions as do all of the amino acids within the body as they are the building blocks for proteins.Glutathione is produced within each cell and not outside of the cell and "cysteine" the rate-limiting amino acid in the production of glutathione is not allowed within the cell. Two cysteines must bond together creating a disulfide bond (sulfur) and at this point the two cysteines become a "cystine" and cystine can enter into the cell. Once cystine is in the cell, it is broken back down into two cysteines. Once the cysteines are free within the cell, the cysteine joins with glutamate creating glutamylcysteine and then enters into the glutathione synthetase with glycine, creating "glutathione".Glutathione is very, very important to the body, cells, cell function, immune function and many other chemical reactions needed.Immunocal from Immunotec Research Ltd is the only company in the world that has developed a product that is bioavailable to the body and produces glutathione naturally. Ask your physician to check his/her Physicians Desk Reference Manual by looking up Immunotec Research Ltd and he/she can read about it. I would always recommend consulting with your cystic fibrosis physician before starting or stopping existing therapies, I mention Immunocal because it has been proven safe, effective, efficient, non-toxic, no drug interactions and has been proven in scientific study after study, clinical trials, posted on the FDA website etc....


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To All of you,I have been taking GSH for several months now, the impact on my digestive tract has been incredible, I am down from 12 pancrease pills a day to 3. You can say all you want about GSH not being absorbed if taken orally, I can tell you that it does work! This is not something that I can "feel", your digestion is digestion and a change is a change, unless I tricked my digestion into feeling works!I didn't ask my doc before I started, if you don't take initiative with CF, you won't get anywhere. Take the initiative!Blessedanonymous


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To the last reply,Knowledge is strength and I agree with you about taking initiative, but I think many are shooting from the hip and that is much different than taking iniative. Taking initiative is studying, learning the various aspects of cystic fibrosis, learning how important glutathione is and glutathione is very important, but glutathione pills do not benefit the entire body.To produce glutathione naturally within the human cell, it take glycine, glutamate and cysteine. I'll give you some explanations: glutamate and cysteine are non-essential amino acids, meaning that they are naturally produced within the body and regulated by the body. Unlike cysteine, which can be toxic to the body in excess, glutamate is found in our diets. Glutamate my knowledge is then heavily metabolized within the intestines or used as a food source for energy (96%), as about (4%) then enters into the body. Our bodies naturally produce glutamate for use within the body, outside of the intestines or about 50 grams daily. It could be that the glutathione pills you take are not taken up into the body, but catabolized, allowing the intestine to use glutamate as a form of energy, cysteine (rate-limiting) in the production of intracellular glutathione is not taken up in the body.To make glycine, glutamate and cysteine bioavailable to the body, you must take Immunocal or ProNutra.My opinion or thoughts on not talking with your cystic fibrosis physician is simple. Your ultimately hurting yourself by not talking with your primary care provider. Even if you both agree or disagree on a subject, they need to know exactly what you are taking and doing with your body so they can chart your health and make the best decisions (recommendations) when it comes to your health. Also, if you do not consult with your physician and fully explain yourself, diet and additional medications that you are taking, you are not helping others. If your doctor sees benefits from your choices and they have been discussed and charted, this might help with others that have cystic fibrosis and more importantly lead to other directions in research. Ultimately, you may decide to go directly against what your doctor advices and this is your choice, but communicating with your doctor is vital and I strongly appose anyone giving the advice to not consult with your physician. Not consulting with your physician is dangerous, wreckless and "yes" this would be shooting from the hip and "not" initiative.


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To the last poster,I am the "anonymous" poster, I agree with what you have said, I have adviced my doc and he gave his cautious approval. He said that if I feel anything wrong I should stop immediately. I realize their is a risk and I pray that nothing bad happens.


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<b>Anonymous</b>I want to know all the disadvantages of glutathione. Actually this is my 1st day to take that pill. And why we need to take more viyamins when we are using glutathione?bet<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">