Going to College - Nervous about what people will think


I am twice your age and don't even have CF so take this for what it is worth...

NOBODY is a perfect roommate...whether because of habits, or mental or physical health, or just a lack of mesh with you personally.

One of my college roommates freshman year showed up for school with two TVs--one for the bedroom and one for the common area. She required TV to sleep and was kind enough to bring an extra TV because she didn't want people to think she was selfish about putting the TV in her room. This did not make her an un-friendable person. This made her a human being. Another roommate walked out the door looking like a million bucks everyday, but she left the bathroom covered in powders, towels, clothes and tissues.

CF issues (loud equipment and bathroom needs) are definitely different from trashing the bathroom or watching TV all night, but look at it this way. You have a perfect opportunity to separate the wheat from the chaf: the superficial and immature people from the more kind, thoughtful and mature people.

You also are going to learn what every college student learns when they live away from home: no one is there to make you clean up or take care of yourself. Your roommates might encourage you and you might encourage them, and you'll all have some tough conversations as you negotiate the shared space.

Enjoy and take it one day at a time! I wish you the very best experience.


I am twice your age and don't even have CF so take this for what it is worth...

NOBODY is a perfect roommate...whether because of habits, or mental or physical health, or just a lack of mesh with you personally.

One of my college roommates freshman year showed up for school with two TVs--one for the bedroom and one for the common area. She required TV to sleep and was kind enough to bring an extra TV because she didn't want people to think she was selfish about putting the TV in her room. This did not make her an un-friendable person. This made her a human being. Another roommate walked out the door looking like a million bucks everyday, but she left the bathroom covered in powders, towels, clothes and tissues.

CF issues (loud equipment and bathroom needs) are definitely different from trashing the bathroom or watching TV all night, but look at it this way. You have a perfect opportunity to separate the wheat from the chaf: the superficial and immature people from the more kind, thoughtful and mature people.

You also are going to learn what every college student learns when they live away from home: no one is there to make you clean up or take care of yourself. Your roommates might encourage you and you might encourage them, and you'll all have some tough conversations as you negotiate the shared space.

Enjoy and take it one day at a time! I wish you the very best experience.


I am twice your age and don't even have CF so take this for what it is worth...

NOBODY is a perfect roommate...whether because of habits, or mental or physical health, or just a lack of mesh with you personally.

One of my college roommates freshman year showed up for school with two TVs--one for the bedroom and one for the common area. She required TV to sleep and was kind enough to bring an extra TV because she didn't want people to think she was selfish about putting the TV in her room. This did not make her an un-friendable person. This made her a human being. Another roommate walked out the door looking like a million bucks everyday, but she left the bathroom covered in powders, towels, clothes and tissues.

CF issues (loud equipment and bathroom needs) are definitely different from trashing the bathroom or watching TV all night, but look at it this way. You have a perfect opportunity to separate the wheat from the chaf: the superficial and immature people from the more kind, thoughtful and mature people.

You also are going to learn what every college student learns when they live away from home: no one is there to make you clean up or take care of yourself. Your roommates might encourage you and you might encourage them, and you'll all have some tough conversations as you negotiate the shared space.

Enjoy and take it one day at a time! I wish you the very best experience.


I am twice your age and don't even have CF so take this for what it is worth...

NOBODY is a perfect roommate...whether because of habits, or mental or physical health, or just a lack of mesh with you personally.

One of my college roommates freshman year showed up for school with two TVs--one for the bedroom and one for the common area. She required TV to sleep and was kind enough to bring an extra TV because she didn't want people to think she was selfish about putting the TV in her room. This did not make her an un-friendable person. This made her a human being. Another roommate walked out the door looking like a million bucks everyday, but she left the bathroom covered in powders, towels, clothes and tissues.

CF issues (loud equipment and bathroom needs) are definitely different from trashing the bathroom or watching TV all night, but look at it this way. You have a perfect opportunity to separate the wheat from the chaf: the superficial and immature people from the more kind, thoughtful and mature people.

You also are going to learn what every college student learns when they live away from home: no one is there to make you clean up or take care of yourself. Your roommates might encourage you and you might encourage them, and you'll all have some tough conversations as you negotiate the shared space.

Enjoy and take it one day at a time! I wish you the very best experience.


I am twice your age and don't even have CF so take this for what it is worth...
<br />
<br />NOBODY is a perfect roommate...whether because of habits, or mental or physical health, or just a lack of mesh with you personally.
<br />
<br />One of my college roommates freshman year showed up for school with two TVs--one for the bedroom and one for the common area. She required TV to sleep and was kind enough to bring an extra TV because she didn't want people to think she was selfish about putting the TV in her room. This did not make her an un-friendable person. This made her a human being. Another roommate walked out the door looking like a million bucks everyday, but she left the bathroom covered in powders, towels, clothes and tissues.
<br />
<br />CF issues (loud equipment and bathroom needs) are definitely different from trashing the bathroom or watching TV all night, but look at it this way. You have a perfect opportunity to separate the wheat from the chaf: the superficial and immature people from the more kind, thoughtful and mature people.
<br />
<br />You also are going to learn what every college student learns when they live away from home: no one is there to make you clean up or take care of yourself. Your roommates might encourage you and you might encourage them, and you'll all have some tough conversations as you negotiate the shared space.
<br />
<br />Enjoy and take it one day at a time! I wish you the very best experience.


New member
I requested a roommate that I knew because I was like you guys and didn't want to have to explain anything. Also I did my treatments when she was in class and I had the room to myself- that way I didn't feel weird or anything.
As far as bathroom goes, I feel I am queen of noises and smells and was totally worried about that in college. I requested a dorm with a bath just for that reason. I also had my doctor write a note that said I needed AC, bathroom and as much food as possible. The school totally worked with me and gave me the roommate I wanted, the private bathroom, the room with AC, and the 3 meal a day plan- which included a meal to go so i could pick it up and not have to eat alone because most of my friends only ate 2 a day.

I told my R.A first thing that I had CF just in case anything happend. I didn't want to and was shy about doing that but it turned out to be good later on when I got sick because she totally helped me out by getting me food and drinks so I didn't have to walk to get it. As far as my 'hallmates' I only told 2 that I had CF. I didn't tell them right away but when I got sick and didn't want to go eat or when I was coughing alot I brought it up. They were really cool about it and didn't care. Also when I got sick and went into the hospital on campus they came to visit me because they knew how hard it was for me to be away from home and not have anyone come see me.

Overall it will be tough at first to get into a new routine of things, and just fit in a be a 'normal' college kid. But eventually things will get better and you will have your routine down and hopefully things will go well (of course there will be nights where your out late and sleep in and miss your treatment the next morning, but you just do it as soon as you can because you know that missing it isn't any good)

SORRY for the novel but I hope it helps a little bit
Enjoy it, freshmen year of college is a blast!


New member
I requested a roommate that I knew because I was like you guys and didn't want to have to explain anything. Also I did my treatments when she was in class and I had the room to myself- that way I didn't feel weird or anything.
As far as bathroom goes, I feel I am queen of noises and smells and was totally worried about that in college. I requested a dorm with a bath just for that reason. I also had my doctor write a note that said I needed AC, bathroom and as much food as possible. The school totally worked with me and gave me the roommate I wanted, the private bathroom, the room with AC, and the 3 meal a day plan- which included a meal to go so i could pick it up and not have to eat alone because most of my friends only ate 2 a day.

I told my R.A first thing that I had CF just in case anything happend. I didn't want to and was shy about doing that but it turned out to be good later on when I got sick because she totally helped me out by getting me food and drinks so I didn't have to walk to get it. As far as my 'hallmates' I only told 2 that I had CF. I didn't tell them right away but when I got sick and didn't want to go eat or when I was coughing alot I brought it up. They were really cool about it and didn't care. Also when I got sick and went into the hospital on campus they came to visit me because they knew how hard it was for me to be away from home and not have anyone come see me.

Overall it will be tough at first to get into a new routine of things, and just fit in a be a 'normal' college kid. But eventually things will get better and you will have your routine down and hopefully things will go well (of course there will be nights where your out late and sleep in and miss your treatment the next morning, but you just do it as soon as you can because you know that missing it isn't any good)

SORRY for the novel but I hope it helps a little bit
Enjoy it, freshmen year of college is a blast!


New member
I requested a roommate that I knew because I was like you guys and didn't want to have to explain anything. Also I did my treatments when she was in class and I had the room to myself- that way I didn't feel weird or anything.
As far as bathroom goes, I feel I am queen of noises and smells and was totally worried about that in college. I requested a dorm with a bath just for that reason. I also had my doctor write a note that said I needed AC, bathroom and as much food as possible. The school totally worked with me and gave me the roommate I wanted, the private bathroom, the room with AC, and the 3 meal a day plan- which included a meal to go so i could pick it up and not have to eat alone because most of my friends only ate 2 a day.

I told my R.A first thing that I had CF just in case anything happend. I didn't want to and was shy about doing that but it turned out to be good later on when I got sick because she totally helped me out by getting me food and drinks so I didn't have to walk to get it. As far as my 'hallmates' I only told 2 that I had CF. I didn't tell them right away but when I got sick and didn't want to go eat or when I was coughing alot I brought it up. They were really cool about it and didn't care. Also when I got sick and went into the hospital on campus they came to visit me because they knew how hard it was for me to be away from home and not have anyone come see me.

Overall it will be tough at first to get into a new routine of things, and just fit in a be a 'normal' college kid. But eventually things will get better and you will have your routine down and hopefully things will go well (of course there will be nights where your out late and sleep in and miss your treatment the next morning, but you just do it as soon as you can because you know that missing it isn't any good)

SORRY for the novel but I hope it helps a little bit
Enjoy it, freshmen year of college is a blast!


New member
I requested a roommate that I knew because I was like you guys and didn't want to have to explain anything. Also I did my treatments when she was in class and I had the room to myself- that way I didn't feel weird or anything.
As far as bathroom goes, I feel I am queen of noises and smells and was totally worried about that in college. I requested a dorm with a bath just for that reason. I also had my doctor write a note that said I needed AC, bathroom and as much food as possible. The school totally worked with me and gave me the roommate I wanted, the private bathroom, the room with AC, and the 3 meal a day plan- which included a meal to go so i could pick it up and not have to eat alone because most of my friends only ate 2 a day.

I told my R.A first thing that I had CF just in case anything happend. I didn't want to and was shy about doing that but it turned out to be good later on when I got sick because she totally helped me out by getting me food and drinks so I didn't have to walk to get it. As far as my 'hallmates' I only told 2 that I had CF. I didn't tell them right away but when I got sick and didn't want to go eat or when I was coughing alot I brought it up. They were really cool about it and didn't care. Also when I got sick and went into the hospital on campus they came to visit me because they knew how hard it was for me to be away from home and not have anyone come see me.

Overall it will be tough at first to get into a new routine of things, and just fit in a be a 'normal' college kid. But eventually things will get better and you will have your routine down and hopefully things will go well (of course there will be nights where your out late and sleep in and miss your treatment the next morning, but you just do it as soon as you can because you know that missing it isn't any good)

SORRY for the novel but I hope it helps a little bit
Enjoy it, freshmen year of college is a blast!


New member
I requested a roommate that I knew because I was like you guys and didn't want to have to explain anything. Also I did my treatments when she was in class and I had the room to myself- that way I didn't feel weird or anything.
<br />As far as bathroom goes, I feel I am queen of noises and smells and was totally worried about that in college. I requested a dorm with a bath just for that reason. I also had my doctor write a note that said I needed AC, bathroom and as much food as possible. The school totally worked with me and gave me the roommate I wanted, the private bathroom, the room with AC, and the 3 meal a day plan- which included a meal to go so i could pick it up and not have to eat alone because most of my friends only ate 2 a day.
<br />
<br />I told my R.A first thing that I had CF just in case anything happend. I didn't want to and was shy about doing that but it turned out to be good later on when I got sick because she totally helped me out by getting me food and drinks so I didn't have to walk to get it. As far as my 'hallmates' I only told 2 that I had CF. I didn't tell them right away but when I got sick and didn't want to go eat or when I was coughing alot I brought it up. They were really cool about it and didn't care. Also when I got sick and went into the hospital on campus they came to visit me because they knew how hard it was for me to be away from home and not have anyone come see me.
<br />
<br />Overall it will be tough at first to get into a new routine of things, and just fit in a be a 'normal' college kid. But eventually things will get better and you will have your routine down and hopefully things will go well (of course there will be nights where your out late and sleep in and miss your treatment the next morning, but you just do it as soon as you can because you know that missing it isn't any good)
<br />
<br />
<br />SORRY for the novel but I hope it helps a little bit
<br />Enjoy it, freshmen year of college is a blast!


New member
That helps me a lot. It is nice to know that there are other people who have done this before. I am super excited about going to college and meeting new people and stuff but still a little nervous. I just found out today that I got excepted so Its gonna happen soon!!! I guess when It gets hard I will just remember that others have done it and heck I have stayed in a hospital room for two weeks by myself thats way scaryer than college!


New member
That helps me a lot. It is nice to know that there are other people who have done this before. I am super excited about going to college and meeting new people and stuff but still a little nervous. I just found out today that I got excepted so Its gonna happen soon!!! I guess when It gets hard I will just remember that others have done it and heck I have stayed in a hospital room for two weeks by myself thats way scaryer than college!


New member
That helps me a lot. It is nice to know that there are other people who have done this before. I am super excited about going to college and meeting new people and stuff but still a little nervous. I just found out today that I got excepted so Its gonna happen soon!!! I guess when It gets hard I will just remember that others have done it and heck I have stayed in a hospital room for two weeks by myself thats way scaryer than college!


New member
That helps me a lot. It is nice to know that there are other people who have done this before. I am super excited about going to college and meeting new people and stuff but still a little nervous. I just found out today that I got excepted so Its gonna happen soon!!! I guess when It gets hard I will just remember that others have done it and heck I have stayed in a hospital room for two weeks by myself thats way scaryer than college!


New member
That helps me a lot. It is nice to know that there are other people who have done this before. I am super excited about going to college and meeting new people and stuff but still a little nervous. I just found out today that I got excepted so Its gonna happen soon!!! I guess when It gets hard I will just remember that others have done it and heck I have stayed in a hospital room for two weeks by myself thats way scaryer than college!