
New member
Me and my friends love this recipe and make it all the time. Its called Barbeque chicken pizza.It's made differently than most pizza.
You take crossiants(that come in those tubes in the refridgerated section) and instead of rolling each triangle up(it comes as like a rectangle made up of a bunch of triangles), you just roll out and lay the whole rectangle of it into the bottom of a casserole dish then you bake it until golden brown. While its baking you take chicken and cook it(we boil it) then shred it. When the "crust" is done, you spread your favorite barbeque sauce on it(we use KC Masterpiece), then we cover it with the shredded chicken, and finally you add some shredded cheese(we use like the mexican mix, you know with white and yellow) to the top and put it back in the oven until the cheese is melted.
It is so good! You'll love it. It great to make for sleepovers because there is so much of it and its really messy, so it's fun to eat.


New member
Me and my friends love this recipe and make it all the time. Its called Barbeque chicken pizza.It's made differently than most pizza.
You take crossiants(that come in those tubes in the refridgerated section) and instead of rolling each triangle up(it comes as like a rectangle made up of a bunch of triangles), you just roll out and lay the whole rectangle of it into the bottom of a casserole dish then you bake it until golden brown. While its baking you take chicken and cook it(we boil it) then shred it. When the "crust" is done, you spread your favorite barbeque sauce on it(we use KC Masterpiece), then we cover it with the shredded chicken, and finally you add some shredded cheese(we use like the mexican mix, you know with white and yellow) to the top and put it back in the oven until the cheese is melted.
It is so good! You'll love it. It great to make for sleepovers because there is so much of it and its really messy, so it's fun to eat.


New member
Me and my friends love this recipe and make it all the time. Its called Barbeque chicken pizza.It's made differently than most pizza.
You take crossiants(that come in those tubes in the refridgerated section) and instead of rolling each triangle up(it comes as like a rectangle made up of a bunch of triangles), you just roll out and lay the whole rectangle of it into the bottom of a casserole dish then you bake it until golden brown. While its baking you take chicken and cook it(we boil it) then shred it. When the "crust" is done, you spread your favorite barbeque sauce on it(we use KC Masterpiece), then we cover it with the shredded chicken, and finally you add some shredded cheese(we use like the mexican mix, you know with white and yellow) to the top and put it back in the oven until the cheese is melted.
It is so good! You'll love it. It great to make for sleepovers because there is so much of it and its really messy, so it's fun to eat.


New member
Me and my friends love this recipe and make it all the time. Its called Barbeque chicken pizza.It's made differently than most pizza.
You take crossiants(that come in those tubes in the refridgerated section) and instead of rolling each triangle up(it comes as like a rectangle made up of a bunch of triangles), you just roll out and lay the whole rectangle of it into the bottom of a casserole dish then you bake it until golden brown. While its baking you take chicken and cook it(we boil it) then shred it. When the "crust" is done, you spread your favorite barbeque sauce on it(we use KC Masterpiece), then we cover it with the shredded chicken, and finally you add some shredded cheese(we use like the mexican mix, you know with white and yellow) to the top and put it back in the oven until the cheese is melted.
It is so good! You'll love it. It great to make for sleepovers because there is so much of it and its really messy, so it's fun to eat.


New member
Me and my friends love this recipe and make it all the time. Its called Barbeque chicken pizza.It's made differently than most pizza.
<br />You take crossiants(that come in those tubes in the refridgerated section) and instead of rolling each triangle up(it comes as like a rectangle made up of a bunch of triangles), you just roll out and lay the whole rectangle of it into the bottom of a casserole dish then you bake it until golden brown. While its baking you take chicken and cook it(we boil it) then shred it. When the "crust" is done, you spread your favorite barbeque sauce on it(we use KC Masterpiece), then we cover it with the shredded chicken, and finally you add some shredded cheese(we use like the mexican mix, you know with white and yellow) to the top and put it back in the oven until the cheese is melted.
<br />It is so good! You'll love it. It great to make for sleepovers because there is so much of it and its really messy, so it's fun to eat.


New member

I'm studying nutrition. I also do a lot of sport and dancing so I always make a conscious effort to up my protein. In the past year I have gained a good bit of muscle and I LOVE it!

almonds, peanuts, brazil, cashews, macademia...etc etc...I take them salted and dry-roasted as the oily ones make me feel a bit sick after a while!...I love peanut butter, no added sugar, yes added salt <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

mmmmmmmmmm chicken...and a steak a couple of times a month is great- so much protein and iron- esp important for the gals!

Oily fish-
Great fats in here, tuna, salmon, mackeral- full of goodness to give you the right fats for good skin and hair as well as your all-important joints.

Complex carbs-
BROWN bread, if you can find yeast free, no addedd sugar even better for you!, potato, brown rice, brown pasta...white will do a similar job, I just love the whole grains and have issues with the stuff they put in white bread

Fruit and Veg-
Your dietician may fail to emphasise these but I think they are so important- you want ones with extra anti-oxidant power so any dark or vividly coloured stuff- Plums, blueberries, cranberries, passion fruit, banana, apples, kiwi, red cabbage, spinnach, brocolli, lettuce...these make me feel really good

I don't eat dairy as I think I'm lactose intolreant and anyway, I believe it promotes mucous production...if you do eat/ drink it, maybe avoid it late at night before lying down to sleep?...I take calcichew calcium supplements and then the vit D I get in my aquadeks helps my body absorb that calcium.

ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS TAKE YOUR VITAMINS...I cannot stress that enough! And any other supplements you've been advised to take, keep them up and you will benefit!

In a nutshell- limit the refined sugar, drink plenty of water, lots of protein calories, lots of good fats, fibre and take your vitamins!

Hope this has helped...and that you kept reading to the end! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member

I'm studying nutrition. I also do a lot of sport and dancing so I always make a conscious effort to up my protein. In the past year I have gained a good bit of muscle and I LOVE it!

almonds, peanuts, brazil, cashews, macademia...etc etc...I take them salted and dry-roasted as the oily ones make me feel a bit sick after a while!...I love peanut butter, no added sugar, yes added salt <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

mmmmmmmmmm chicken...and a steak a couple of times a month is great- so much protein and iron- esp important for the gals!

Oily fish-
Great fats in here, tuna, salmon, mackeral- full of goodness to give you the right fats for good skin and hair as well as your all-important joints.

Complex carbs-
BROWN bread, if you can find yeast free, no addedd sugar even better for you!, potato, brown rice, brown pasta...white will do a similar job, I just love the whole grains and have issues with the stuff they put in white bread

Fruit and Veg-
Your dietician may fail to emphasise these but I think they are so important- you want ones with extra anti-oxidant power so any dark or vividly coloured stuff- Plums, blueberries, cranberries, passion fruit, banana, apples, kiwi, red cabbage, spinnach, brocolli, lettuce...these make me feel really good

I don't eat dairy as I think I'm lactose intolreant and anyway, I believe it promotes mucous production...if you do eat/ drink it, maybe avoid it late at night before lying down to sleep?...I take calcichew calcium supplements and then the vit D I get in my aquadeks helps my body absorb that calcium.

ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS TAKE YOUR VITAMINS...I cannot stress that enough! And any other supplements you've been advised to take, keep them up and you will benefit!

In a nutshell- limit the refined sugar, drink plenty of water, lots of protein calories, lots of good fats, fibre and take your vitamins!

Hope this has helped...and that you kept reading to the end! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member

I'm studying nutrition. I also do a lot of sport and dancing so I always make a conscious effort to up my protein. In the past year I have gained a good bit of muscle and I LOVE it!

almonds, peanuts, brazil, cashews, macademia...etc etc...I take them salted and dry-roasted as the oily ones make me feel a bit sick after a while!...I love peanut butter, no added sugar, yes added salt <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

mmmmmmmmmm chicken...and a steak a couple of times a month is great- so much protein and iron- esp important for the gals!

Oily fish-
Great fats in here, tuna, salmon, mackeral- full of goodness to give you the right fats for good skin and hair as well as your all-important joints.

Complex carbs-
BROWN bread, if you can find yeast free, no addedd sugar even better for you!, potato, brown rice, brown pasta...white will do a similar job, I just love the whole grains and have issues with the stuff they put in white bread

Fruit and Veg-
Your dietician may fail to emphasise these but I think they are so important- you want ones with extra anti-oxidant power so any dark or vividly coloured stuff- Plums, blueberries, cranberries, passion fruit, banana, apples, kiwi, red cabbage, spinnach, brocolli, lettuce...these make me feel really good

I don't eat dairy as I think I'm lactose intolreant and anyway, I believe it promotes mucous production...if you do eat/ drink it, maybe avoid it late at night before lying down to sleep?...I take calcichew calcium supplements and then the vit D I get in my aquadeks helps my body absorb that calcium.

ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS TAKE YOUR VITAMINS...I cannot stress that enough! And any other supplements you've been advised to take, keep them up and you will benefit!

In a nutshell- limit the refined sugar, drink plenty of water, lots of protein calories, lots of good fats, fibre and take your vitamins!

Hope this has helped...and that you kept reading to the end! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member

I'm studying nutrition. I also do a lot of sport and dancing so I always make a conscious effort to up my protein. In the past year I have gained a good bit of muscle and I LOVE it!

almonds, peanuts, brazil, cashews, macademia...etc etc...I take them salted and dry-roasted as the oily ones make me feel a bit sick after a while!...I love peanut butter, no added sugar, yes added salt <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

mmmmmmmmmm chicken...and a steak a couple of times a month is great- so much protein and iron- esp important for the gals!

Oily fish-
Great fats in here, tuna, salmon, mackeral- full of goodness to give you the right fats for good skin and hair as well as your all-important joints.

Complex carbs-
BROWN bread, if you can find yeast free, no addedd sugar even better for you!, potato, brown rice, brown pasta...white will do a similar job, I just love the whole grains and have issues with the stuff they put in white bread

Fruit and Veg-
Your dietician may fail to emphasise these but I think they are so important- you want ones with extra anti-oxidant power so any dark or vividly coloured stuff- Plums, blueberries, cranberries, passion fruit, banana, apples, kiwi, red cabbage, spinnach, brocolli, lettuce...these make me feel really good

I don't eat dairy as I think I'm lactose intolreant and anyway, I believe it promotes mucous production...if you do eat/ drink it, maybe avoid it late at night before lying down to sleep?...I take calcichew calcium supplements and then the vit D I get in my aquadeks helps my body absorb that calcium.

ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS TAKE YOUR VITAMINS...I cannot stress that enough! And any other supplements you've been advised to take, keep them up and you will benefit!

In a nutshell- limit the refined sugar, drink plenty of water, lots of protein calories, lots of good fats, fibre and take your vitamins!

Hope this has helped...and that you kept reading to the end! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
<br />
<br />I'm studying nutrition. I also do a lot of sport and dancing so I always make a conscious effort to up my protein. In the past year I have gained a good bit of muscle and I LOVE it!
<br />
<br />
<br />Nuts-
<br />almonds, peanuts, brazil, cashews, macademia...etc etc...I take them salted and dry-roasted as the oily ones make me feel a bit sick after a while!...I love peanut butter, no added sugar, yes added salt <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />Chicken-
<br />mmmmmmmmmm chicken...and a steak a couple of times a month is great- so much protein and iron- esp important for the gals!
<br />
<br />Oily fish-
<br />Great fats in here, tuna, salmon, mackeral- full of goodness to give you the right fats for good skin and hair as well as your all-important joints.
<br />
<br />Complex carbs-
<br />BROWN bread, if you can find yeast free, no addedd sugar even better for you!, potato, brown rice, brown pasta...white will do a similar job, I just love the whole grains and have issues with the stuff they put in white bread
<br />
<br />Fruit and Veg-
<br />Your dietician may fail to emphasise these but I think they are so important- you want ones with extra anti-oxidant power so any dark or vividly coloured stuff- Plums, blueberries, cranberries, passion fruit, banana, apples, kiwi, red cabbage, spinnach, brocolli, lettuce...these make me feel really good
<br />
<br />Dairy-
<br />I don't eat dairy as I think I'm lactose intolreant and anyway, I believe it promotes mucous production...if you do eat/ drink it, maybe avoid it late at night before lying down to sleep?...I take calcichew calcium supplements and then the vit D I get in my aquadeks helps my body absorb that calcium.
<br />
<br />ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS TAKE YOUR VITAMINS...I cannot stress that enough! And any other supplements you've been advised to take, keep them up and you will benefit!
<br />
<br />
<br />In a nutshell- limit the refined sugar, drink plenty of water, lots of protein calories, lots of good fats, fibre and take your vitamins!
<br />
<br />Hope this has helped...and that you kept reading to the end! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />