Good Morning


New member
Good morning everyone!! Its been a long time I know.. I still stop by and read everyonce in a while but with it being summer and MAY in INDY we re BUSY... Over all everyone is doing good... The only thing going on is at least once a week Ashton developes a fever.. no other symptoms other than a runny nose.. he plays fine and eats fine then it goes away after the motrin and ususally dosent come back.. The only thing i can think is teeth... But i was wondering if it is common for CF'rs to run fevers like 101-103 on and off then it goes away?? thanks!! talk to you later


New member
Good morning everyone!! Its been a long time I know.. I still stop by and read everyonce in a while but with it being summer and MAY in INDY we re BUSY... Over all everyone is doing good... The only thing going on is at least once a week Ashton developes a fever.. no other symptoms other than a runny nose.. he plays fine and eats fine then it goes away after the motrin and ususally dosent come back.. The only thing i can think is teeth... But i was wondering if it is common for CF'rs to run fevers like 101-103 on and off then it goes away?? thanks!! talk to you later


New member
Good morning everyone!! Its been a long time I know.. I still stop by and read everyonce in a while but with it being summer and MAY in INDY we re BUSY... Over all everyone is doing good... The only thing going on is at least once a week Ashton developes a fever.. no other symptoms other than a runny nose.. he plays fine and eats fine then it goes away after the motrin and ususally dosent come back.. The only thing i can think is teeth... But i was wondering if it is common for CF'rs to run fevers like 101-103 on and off then it goes away?? thanks!! talk to you later


New member
Christi, my Vivian would do that to, in fact she started having febrile seizures for about three years. She would go to sleep fit as a fiddle and in a few hours would spike a fever never did find out why or what caused them.


New member
Christi, my Vivian would do that to, in fact she started having febrile seizures for about three years. She would go to sleep fit as a fiddle and in a few hours would spike a fever never did find out why or what caused them.


New member
Christi, my Vivian would do that to, in fact she started having febrile seizures for about three years. She would go to sleep fit as a fiddle and in a few hours would spike a fever never did find out why or what caused them.


New member
**Holds hand up** It happens to me and each time I panic then it goes away as fast as it came. We use to think it was infection, but it doesnt always coincide with infections. I think its just our bodies working so hard!


New member
**Holds hand up** It happens to me and each time I panic then it goes away as fast as it came. We use to think it was infection, but it doesnt always coincide with infections. I think its just our bodies working so hard!


New member
**Holds hand up** It happens to me and each time I panic then it goes away as fast as it came. We use to think it was infection, but it doesnt always coincide with infections. I think its just our bodies working so hard!


New member
actually im 18 now and i have this symptom for 2 months now!Just a little low fever(36,9Celsius) during the day that goes off at night(36,6 normal)No other symptoms and sure im not sick or having any bad infection because im taking Zithromax long term


New member
actually im 18 now and i have this symptom for 2 months now!Just a little low fever(36,9Celsius) during the day that goes off at night(36,6 normal)No other symptoms and sure im not sick or having any bad infection because im taking Zithromax long term


New member
actually im 18 now and i have this symptom for 2 months now!Just a little low fever(36,9Celsius) during the day that goes off at night(36,6 normal)No other symptoms and sure im not sick or having any bad infection because im taking Zithromax long term