Good movies, books, or anything else?


New member
Are there any books, movies, or any other sort of medium that you think deals with CF well? This year, in my Honors senior class, I have a little bit of space for something, and I was hoping to introduce something that would up the awareness of CF. A book would be ideal, but if anyone has any other suggestions, I'd like to hear them. Movies I could work in also. I know it's kind of silly, but education has to start somewhere, and science classes sure as heck aren't doing it.


New member
iv got a book called growing older with cf. i think its a good book for helping to understand what cf is like. dont no if thats the kind of thing your looking for


New member
there is a popular fiction type of book by either Maeve Binchey or Jude Deveraux or Belva Plain or Nora Roberts or one of those supermarket genre writers who writes about a family where the boy has CF. An amazon search might help


New member
Plus the old stand by: Alex the Life of a Child by Frank Deford (? I think thats his last name)
-wanderlost - again.


New member
My personal favorite is Give Me One Wish by Jacquie Gordon. It's a nonfiction, but unfortunately, the only fictional CF novels/stories I have seen are melodramatic (ie, Lurlene McDaniels "A Time To Die"), or geared toward a younger audience (ie "Stevie's Secret"). I am a junior in high school, and my friends and I have all read GMOW, and it is age appropriate for us-- it was engaging, not an impossible read, etc.

Oh, and a brief synopsis of what it is about: Jacquie Gordon wrote is as a memoir of her daugher, Chris, who died of CF at 21 in 1982. It is a great book-- well written as well as moving. It's kind of hard to find, but I hope you can find it, if not for your class, than maybe even for your personal collection.


New member
There was an episode of 7th Heaven where the younger daugter made friends with someone who had CF. The show also had episodes where they treated acne like it was the e.bolla virus, so take it where it comes from.


<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>NoDayButToday</b></i><br>My personal favorite is Give Me One Wish by Jacquie Gordon. . .

It is a great book-- well written as well as moving. It's kind of hard to find, but I hope you can find it, if not for your class, than maybe even for your personal collection.<hr></blockquote>


Coll's right - the book is hard to find. Recently I wanted to send it as a thank you gift for two friends who came to our rescue financially when we were left with no car, and learned the book is out of print. However I was able to order it through Barnes and Noble - They locate out of print books for you through their network of independent booksellers and you order right on the website. It was really easy to do.

Good luck,


New member
Wow! Yeah I have a copy, but it's really old. I didn't discover it until we started moving into my grandmother's house. Then I went through the books (many went in the tag sale), and found that one, and recognized it as the one Coll mentioned, so I yanked it out of the pile. Haha. I'm curious, so let's see what the copyright year is... It's... 1988. Haha. Good book, though, definitely worth looking for.


New member
I have that book..which I have read. I would be more than happy to send it to anyone who might like to read it. I highly recommend it as well!
32 w/CF


New member
i havent read it, but i a similar topic came up a long time ago...the books called "breathing for a living" its a biography i believe of a girl who lives and dies of CF. i read the review on amazon and sounds like its very intense... hope this helps!


New member
Breathing For a Living is another one of my favorites. By Laura Rothenberg. But it's much easier to come by. So if you're looking for that one, you shouldn't have any trouble getting a hold of it.


New member
Thanks guys! I'm going to read all of these, and then see which one is going to work best. any other suggestions, keep bringing them!


New member
He's probably a bit edgy for your honors class, but you might check out Bob Flanagan just for your own kicks. He wrote a few books I can't vouch for and several of lit-mag-type pieces I can vouch for but find disturbing. They do raise interesting isssues, particularly surrounding CF and sexuality. His crowning glory was that documentary everyone walked out of at Sundance -- not by him but about him. I've mentioned it here before. It involves a penis, a nail, a board: again, maybe not entirely suitable for high schoolers. Still, Joyce, Lawrence, and Nabokov are allowed on the syllabi, aren't they, so who knows? Your teenagers are already exposed to mindless violence and perversion in the pop culture anyway. At least Flanagan seems to have a message, and you might be able to discuss whatever lines might exist between valid subversiveness and gratuitous shock, between art and pornography, etc. The film is called "Sick: The Life and Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist." But be warned. It bothers even me, and on many levels.



New member
haha. I juist bought Sick on amazon, and I can tell you, if I showed that to my Senior class, I'd be handing around my resume. Thanks for the recommend though, it looks interesting.


New member
Ha. Yeah, I'm afraid you're right. It's been a long time since I first saw it, but I rented it today, and there's no way to polish it up for a high school class. At least I wouldn't have the guts to try. (I have too lousy a resume.) Still, I'd be interested in your take. Having CF, I react to Flanagan in a particular way, but I've heard only the reactions of non-CFers.



New member
I found this list that might be of help.....

There are many books listed just about CF