Got the tamiflu, can't get fever to go down! Any suggestions?


New member
I posted earlier a question about Tamiflu and I appreciate all the responses. I did call and got our CF doctor's on-call doctor, a doctor we know and trust and he heads the PICU at our hospital. He called in the tamiflu and I gave her one dose already.

We are having a very hard time getting her fever to go down at all! She is running right around 102 degrees and is just miserable! I have been alternating children's motrin and tylenol every four hours around the clock and it is not seeming to help. I REALLy want to avoid the hospital! She is in a luke warm back right now to see if that will help! Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


New member
I posted earlier a question about Tamiflu and I appreciate all the responses. I did call and got our CF doctor's on-call doctor, a doctor we know and trust and he heads the PICU at our hospital. He called in the tamiflu and I gave her one dose already.

We are having a very hard time getting her fever to go down at all! She is running right around 102 degrees and is just miserable! I have been alternating children's motrin and tylenol every four hours around the clock and it is not seeming to help. I REALLy want to avoid the hospital! She is in a luke warm back right now to see if that will help! Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


New member
I posted earlier a question about Tamiflu and I appreciate all the responses. I did call and got our CF doctor's on-call doctor, a doctor we know and trust and he heads the PICU at our hospital. He called in the tamiflu and I gave her one dose already.

We are having a very hard time getting her fever to go down at all! She is running right around 102 degrees and is just miserable! I have been alternating children's motrin and tylenol every four hours around the clock and it is not seeming to help. I REALLy want to avoid the hospital! She is in a luke warm back right now to see if that will help! Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


New member
I posted earlier a question about Tamiflu and I appreciate all the responses. I did call and got our CF doctor's on-call doctor, a doctor we know and trust and he heads the PICU at our hospital. He called in the tamiflu and I gave her one dose already.

We are having a very hard time getting her fever to go down at all! She is running right around 102 degrees and is just miserable! I have been alternating children's motrin and tylenol every four hours around the clock and it is not seeming to help. I REALLy want to avoid the hospital! She is in a luke warm back right now to see if that will help! Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


New member
I posted earlier a question about Tamiflu and I appreciate all the responses. I did call and got our CF doctor's on-call doctor, a doctor we know and trust and he heads the PICU at our hospital. He called in the tamiflu and I gave her one dose already.
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<br />We are having a very hard time getting her fever to go down at all! She is running right around 102 degrees and is just miserable! I have been alternating children's motrin and tylenol every four hours around the clock and it is not seeming to help. I REALLy want to avoid the hospital! She is in a luke warm back right now to see if that will help! Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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Staff member
I would keep her hydrated with pedialyte, etc. I know DH had issues with his fever being about the same. I'd call the nurse line or the clinic and see what they suggest.


Staff member
I would keep her hydrated with pedialyte, etc. I know DH had issues with his fever being about the same. I'd call the nurse line or the clinic and see what they suggest.


Staff member
I would keep her hydrated with pedialyte, etc. I know DH had issues with his fever being about the same. I'd call the nurse line or the clinic and see what they suggest.


Staff member
I would keep her hydrated with pedialyte, etc. I know DH had issues with his fever being about the same. I'd call the nurse line or the clinic and see what they suggest.


Staff member
I would keep her hydrated with pedialyte, etc. I know DH had issues with his fever being about the same. I'd call the nurse line or the clinic and see what they suggest.


Super Moderator
Becky, I agree with calling about the dosage for weight for both the tylenol and motrin; the packages tend to underdose the we don't overdose them. I also, when my kids get like that will give alternating tylenol and motrin but wait only 2 hours between so let's say give the tylenol at 6pm, if fever still up motrin at 8pm and then tylenol at 10pm...You could ask you doc about it.. Have her drink as much fluids as possible...Cool compresses. popsicles. I hope she avoids the hospital..


Super Moderator
Becky, I agree with calling about the dosage for weight for both the tylenol and motrin; the packages tend to underdose the we don't overdose them. I also, when my kids get like that will give alternating tylenol and motrin but wait only 2 hours between so let's say give the tylenol at 6pm, if fever still up motrin at 8pm and then tylenol at 10pm...You could ask you doc about it.. Have her drink as much fluids as possible...Cool compresses. popsicles. I hope she avoids the hospital..


Super Moderator
Becky, I agree with calling about the dosage for weight for both the tylenol and motrin; the packages tend to underdose the we don't overdose them. I also, when my kids get like that will give alternating tylenol and motrin but wait only 2 hours between so let's say give the tylenol at 6pm, if fever still up motrin at 8pm and then tylenol at 10pm...You could ask you doc about it.. Have her drink as much fluids as possible...Cool compresses. popsicles. I hope she avoids the hospital..


Super Moderator
Becky, I agree with calling about the dosage for weight for both the tylenol and motrin; the packages tend to underdose the we don't overdose them. I also, when my kids get like that will give alternating tylenol and motrin but wait only 2 hours between so let's say give the tylenol at 6pm, if fever still up motrin at 8pm and then tylenol at 10pm...You could ask you doc about it.. Have her drink as much fluids as possible...Cool compresses. popsicles. I hope she avoids the hospital..


Super Moderator
Becky, I agree with calling about the dosage for weight for both the tylenol and motrin; the packages tend to underdose the we don't overdose them. I also, when my kids get like that will give alternating tylenol and motrin but wait only 2 hours between so let's say give the tylenol at 6pm, if fever still up motrin at 8pm and then tylenol at 10pm...You could ask you doc about it.. Have her drink as much fluids as possible...Cool compresses. popsicles. I hope she avoids the hospital..