Got the Tamiflu, can't keep fever down! Any suggestions?


New member
I posted earlier a question about Tamiflu and I appreciate all the responses. I did call and got our CF doctor's on-call doctor, a doctor we know and trust and he heads the PICU at our hospital. He called in the tamiflu and I gave her one dose already.

We are having a very hard time getting her fever to go down at all! She is running right around 102 degrees and is just miserable! I have been alternating children's motrin and tylenol every four hours around the clock and it is not seeming to help. I REALLy want to avoid the hospital! She is in a luke warm back right now to see if that will help! Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


New member
I posted earlier a question about Tamiflu and I appreciate all the responses. I did call and got our CF doctor's on-call doctor, a doctor we know and trust and he heads the PICU at our hospital. He called in the tamiflu and I gave her one dose already.

We are having a very hard time getting her fever to go down at all! She is running right around 102 degrees and is just miserable! I have been alternating children's motrin and tylenol every four hours around the clock and it is not seeming to help. I REALLy want to avoid the hospital! She is in a luke warm back right now to see if that will help! Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


New member
I posted earlier a question about Tamiflu and I appreciate all the responses. I did call and got our CF doctor's on-call doctor, a doctor we know and trust and he heads the PICU at our hospital. He called in the tamiflu and I gave her one dose already.

We are having a very hard time getting her fever to go down at all! She is running right around 102 degrees and is just miserable! I have been alternating children's motrin and tylenol every four hours around the clock and it is not seeming to help. I REALLy want to avoid the hospital! She is in a luke warm back right now to see if that will help! Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


New member
I posted earlier a question about Tamiflu and I appreciate all the responses. I did call and got our CF doctor's on-call doctor, a doctor we know and trust and he heads the PICU at our hospital. He called in the tamiflu and I gave her one dose already.

We are having a very hard time getting her fever to go down at all! She is running right around 102 degrees and is just miserable! I have been alternating children's motrin and tylenol every four hours around the clock and it is not seeming to help. I REALLy want to avoid the hospital! She is in a luke warm back right now to see if that will help! Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


New member
I posted earlier a question about Tamiflu and I appreciate all the responses. I did call and got our CF doctor's on-call doctor, a doctor we know and trust and he heads the PICU at our hospital. He called in the tamiflu and I gave her one dose already.
<br />
<br />
<br />We are having a very hard time getting her fever to go down at all! She is running right around 102 degrees and is just miserable! I have been alternating children's motrin and tylenol every four hours around the clock and it is not seeming to help. I REALLy want to avoid the hospital! She is in a luke warm back right now to see if that will help! Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


New member
Maybe you can sweat it out of her.....

Just be sure to push the fluids. When I have fevers the 4 hours I cant wait so when I alternate tylenol & motrin I can do it ever 3 hours then.

I'm sorry! Fevers kick my ass & are the worst of just about everything I encounter with CF!


New member
Maybe you can sweat it out of her.....

Just be sure to push the fluids. When I have fevers the 4 hours I cant wait so when I alternate tylenol & motrin I can do it ever 3 hours then.

I'm sorry! Fevers kick my ass & are the worst of just about everything I encounter with CF!


New member
Maybe you can sweat it out of her.....

Just be sure to push the fluids. When I have fevers the 4 hours I cant wait so when I alternate tylenol & motrin I can do it ever 3 hours then.

I'm sorry! Fevers kick my ass & are the worst of just about everything I encounter with CF!


New member
Maybe you can sweat it out of her.....

Just be sure to push the fluids. When I have fevers the 4 hours I cant wait so when I alternate tylenol & motrin I can do it ever 3 hours then.

I'm sorry! Fevers kick my ass & are the worst of just about everything I encounter with CF!


New member
Maybe you can sweat it out of her.....
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<br />Just be sure to push the fluids. When I have fevers the 4 hours I cant wait so when I alternate tylenol & motrin I can do it ever 3 hours then.
<br />
<br />I'm sorry! Fevers kick my ass & are the worst of just about everything I encounter with CF!


HGot the Tamiflu, can't keep fever down! Any suggestions?

My son just had the flu. His fever ran between 102 and 104 for 48 hours before coming down.

Doc says seek help if not down after 72 hours.

I kept cold wash cloths and ice packs on his head and kept the heavy blankets off him.

Hope she is better soon.


HGot the Tamiflu, can't keep fever down! Any suggestions?

My son just had the flu. His fever ran between 102 and 104 for 48 hours before coming down.

Doc says seek help if not down after 72 hours.

I kept cold wash cloths and ice packs on his head and kept the heavy blankets off him.

Hope she is better soon.


HGot the Tamiflu, can't keep fever down! Any suggestions?

My son just had the flu. His fever ran between 102 and 104 for 48 hours before coming down.

Doc says seek help if not down after 72 hours.

I kept cold wash cloths and ice packs on his head and kept the heavy blankets off him.

Hope she is better soon.


HGot the Tamiflu, can't keep fever down! Any suggestions?

My son just had the flu. His fever ran between 102 and 104 for 48 hours before coming down.

Doc says seek help if not down after 72 hours.

I kept cold wash cloths and ice packs on his head and kept the heavy blankets off him.

Hope she is better soon.


HGot the Tamiflu, can't keep fever down! Any suggestions?

My son just had the flu. His fever ran between 102 and 104 for 48 hours before coming down.
<br />
<br />Doc says seek help if not down after 72 hours.
<br />
<br />I kept cold wash cloths and ice packs on his head and kept the heavy blankets off him.
<br />
<br />Hope she is better soon.