Student Loan discharge is very hard to get, but it is possible. I've always heard that the worst loan to not pay is a student loan, because they do not go away and can always be collected on and they have a lot more avenues to collect from.
With all the recent loan defaults/forclosures in the country I could see the loan approval process changing. I could see it becoming like other insurance. Like with life insurance, being required to a physical and disclosing chronic medical problems. I think this is standard practice in some european places with mortgage notes. Not that I agree with it, but it makes sense. Why are you going to give someone in their 20s this large loan and tell them they can repay it over the next 20 or 30 years, when the odds are they will not live that long.
With all the recent loan defaults/forclosures in the country I could see the loan approval process changing. I could see it becoming like other insurance. Like with life insurance, being required to a physical and disclosing chronic medical problems. I think this is standard practice in some european places with mortgage notes. Not that I agree with it, but it makes sense. Why are you going to give someone in their 20s this large loan and tell them they can repay it over the next 20 or 30 years, when the odds are they will not live that long.