great music-fight CF


New member
 I wanted to tell you about this great project my husband has
put together which was motivated by our daughter, Allie.
 Allie is our 4 yr old that was diagnosed with CF 21 months
ago.  Anyway, my husband is a music producer and he has
put together an awesome 18 song CD called "Songs for Sixty
Five Roses"  <b>100%</b> of the proceeds will go directly
to the CF Foundation.  The CD is great and has some great
artists on it.  The singer from Seven Mary Three did a song,
Tift Merritt, some of the members from the Squirrel Nut Zippers and
many more......  all the artists donated their time and are
performing for free at our concert this Friday in North
Visit the website to learn more or to buy a CD.<br>
Thanks for reading.  Good luck to you all.<br>


New member
Hey that is so cool. Did you know Tammy Cochran has a song about her brothers that died of cf when they were young? I cry everytime I hear it. I believe it's name is "Angels in Waiting". A very neat song.

Mother of 9 yr old boy wcf


New member
yay!! i just got my tickets! i am very excited. i live in cary. when i read the artists on the cd from your post i was thinking, hey, these are north carolina people! then i was so excited to see the show was at the cats cradle.

see you there!



New member
Awesome Laura!!  That's so cool you live in Cary and are
coming to the show.  Please make sure to find me and my
husband and introduce yourself.  We are so excited about the
show and can't believe it is finally here.  It's been a long
time planning it.<br>
See you Friday night!


New member
i checked out the website and it is great. i listened to some of the songs and they are really good. i wasn't familiar with any of the singers but i plan on looking some of them up. i didn't know one of the guys that sing Budda Budda was in Ben Folds Five. they were one of my fav groups.


New member
i went to the show last night and IT WAS AWESOME!!! i can't believe how many people were there. you must have raised a lot of money for CF! do you have any figures yet for how much you raised?

not only was i glad to support CF research by going to the show and getting a tee shirt and cd, but i also feel like i got a lesson in north carolina artists. what a cool idea this was. i hope the album sells a lot of copies. i know it is probably too soon to ask this but do you think your husband would consider doing another compilation like this on down the road??



New member
Hey Laura...aka catboogie.

This is alliesmom. For some reason, it won't let me log in. oh well.

So, i'm so glad you came to the concert. It was great, wasn't it? We have the numbers and we raised over $9000. There were a little over 500 people there. Cool, huh? We are so happy with how it turned out.

My husband is definitely going to put on another show at some point. The Lincoln Theater has offered to do one for us. We would ask them to have no smoking for it b/c I don't think they are a nonsmoking club like the Cats Cradle. He's also going to do another CD but probably not for another year. It was very time consuming but well worth the work.

I'm glad you came and had a good time. Thanks for the support!

Amy mom to Allie 4w/CF