GREAT NEWS-New advances made in CF research


New member
Hi Everyone,

How ironic... My little nephew with CF lives in Croatia and the scientist responsible for this new discovery is Croatian. My brother called me yesterday extremely excited. The news was displayed as the major headline in most European papers. Igor Stagljar is being interviewed by Ny Times and soon you will hear of this on NBC news.
Here is the copy of the article, and the link to more information.
Technology reveals 'lock and key' proteins behind diseases
New test reveals proteins potentially involved in diseases



the "iMYTH-system " shows a positive readout of our iMYTH sytem. If two proteins interact in iMYTH system the yeast cell will stain blue.

Click here for more information.

A new technology developed at the University of Toronto is revealing biochemical processes responsible for diseases such as cystic fibrosis and could one day pave the way for pharmaceutical applications.

A study appearing in the April 13 issue of Molecular Cell describes how U of T and Johns Hopkins University researchers designed a device to test for proteins that play an important role in human health and disease. The technology, iMYTH (or integrated membrane yeast-two hybrid system), scans cells to detect proteins that interact with key proteins called ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters - proteins that, when impaired, can cause disease. One of the best known ABC transporters is the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR), which, when disabled by mutation, causes cystic fibrosis, a hereditary disease that results in progressive disability and early death. Another important ABC protein is the Multidrug Resistance Protein (MRP), which normally removes drug metabolites and toxins from cells in our bodies but when overzealous can contribute to the drug resistance of tumours, thereby thwarting chemotherapy.



University of Toronto

Click here for more information.

"All the cells in our bodies contain transporters that are poised in cellular membranes and act as 'gatekeepers' to allow the entry of certain substances, like nutrients, into the cell and promote the export of other substances, like toxins, out of the cell," says Professor Igor Stagljar, Department of Medical Genetics and Department of Biochemistry at the University of Toronto and lead author of the study. "When the function of these transporters is impaired, disease can result. This device gives us insights as to what proteins are interfering with this process."

iMYTH works by scanning cells to reveal proteins that fit with the transporters, the only screening system sophisticated enough to work with delicate membrane proteins. Simply, if two proteins interact in iMYTH, they will stain the yeast cell blue. "Like lock and key, if two proteins interact with one another, it is safe to assume they participate or regulate the same cellular process," explains Stagljar. "Identifying new interactors for ABC transporters may reveal unanticipated aspects of how these transporters function and help researchers gain clues for fighting disease and drug resistance."

Using iMYTH, the Stagljar lab identified six proteins that interact with and presumably communicate with the ABC transporter Ycf1p, a yeast version of the human proteins CFTR and MRP. These newly discovered protein interactors represent novel potential pharmaceutical targets. Through a series of biochemical and genetic tests, the researchers discovered that one of these interactors, Tus1p, regulates Ycf1p transporter function in a completely novel way to stimulate its ability to remove toxins from the cell.

"The more we learn about membrane proteins, the better we can use this knowledge for pharmacological and clinical applications," Stagljar says. "We work by putting together biochemical processes piece by piece like a puzzle. Hopefully soon we will have a complete picture of how many other diseases such as breast cancer, heart diseases, arthritis and schizophrenia are caused by mutations in various human membrane proteins."

Moderator Comment:
Thank you Lu for your participation in the community,
This information is interesting. We removed the researchers contact information, anyone wishing to post contact information, please contact the moderator directly.


New member
Hi Everyone,

How ironic... My little nephew with CF lives in Croatia and the scientist responsible for this new discovery is Croatian. My brother called me yesterday extremely excited. The news was displayed as the major headline in most European papers. Igor Stagljar is being interviewed by Ny Times and soon you will hear of this on NBC news.
Here is the copy of the article, and the link to more information.
Technology reveals 'lock and key' proteins behind diseases
New test reveals proteins potentially involved in diseases



the "iMYTH-system " shows a positive readout of our iMYTH sytem. If two proteins interact in iMYTH system the yeast cell will stain blue.

Click here for more information.

A new technology developed at the University of Toronto is revealing biochemical processes responsible for diseases such as cystic fibrosis and could one day pave the way for pharmaceutical applications.

A study appearing in the April 13 issue of Molecular Cell describes how U of T and Johns Hopkins University researchers designed a device to test for proteins that play an important role in human health and disease. The technology, iMYTH (or integrated membrane yeast-two hybrid system), scans cells to detect proteins that interact with key proteins called ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters - proteins that, when impaired, can cause disease. One of the best known ABC transporters is the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR), which, when disabled by mutation, causes cystic fibrosis, a hereditary disease that results in progressive disability and early death. Another important ABC protein is the Multidrug Resistance Protein (MRP), which normally removes drug metabolites and toxins from cells in our bodies but when overzealous can contribute to the drug resistance of tumours, thereby thwarting chemotherapy.



University of Toronto

Click here for more information.

"All the cells in our bodies contain transporters that are poised in cellular membranes and act as 'gatekeepers' to allow the entry of certain substances, like nutrients, into the cell and promote the export of other substances, like toxins, out of the cell," says Professor Igor Stagljar, Department of Medical Genetics and Department of Biochemistry at the University of Toronto and lead author of the study. "When the function of these transporters is impaired, disease can result. This device gives us insights as to what proteins are interfering with this process."

iMYTH works by scanning cells to reveal proteins that fit with the transporters, the only screening system sophisticated enough to work with delicate membrane proteins. Simply, if two proteins interact in iMYTH, they will stain the yeast cell blue. "Like lock and key, if two proteins interact with one another, it is safe to assume they participate or regulate the same cellular process," explains Stagljar. "Identifying new interactors for ABC transporters may reveal unanticipated aspects of how these transporters function and help researchers gain clues for fighting disease and drug resistance."

Using iMYTH, the Stagljar lab identified six proteins that interact with and presumably communicate with the ABC transporter Ycf1p, a yeast version of the human proteins CFTR and MRP. These newly discovered protein interactors represent novel potential pharmaceutical targets. Through a series of biochemical and genetic tests, the researchers discovered that one of these interactors, Tus1p, regulates Ycf1p transporter function in a completely novel way to stimulate its ability to remove toxins from the cell.

"The more we learn about membrane proteins, the better we can use this knowledge for pharmacological and clinical applications," Stagljar says. "We work by putting together biochemical processes piece by piece like a puzzle. Hopefully soon we will have a complete picture of how many other diseases such as breast cancer, heart diseases, arthritis and schizophrenia are caused by mutations in various human membrane proteins."

Moderator Comment:
Thank you Lu for your participation in the community,
This information is interesting. We removed the researchers contact information, anyone wishing to post contact information, please contact the moderator directly.


New member
Hi Everyone,

How ironic... My little nephew with CF lives in Croatia and the scientist responsible for this new discovery is Croatian. My brother called me yesterday extremely excited. The news was displayed as the major headline in most European papers. Igor Stagljar is being interviewed by Ny Times and soon you will hear of this on NBC news.
Here is the copy of the article, and the link to more information.
Technology reveals 'lock and key' proteins behind diseases
New test reveals proteins potentially involved in diseases



the "iMYTH-system " shows a positive readout of our iMYTH sytem. If two proteins interact in iMYTH system the yeast cell will stain blue.

Click here for more information.

A new technology developed at the University of Toronto is revealing biochemical processes responsible for diseases such as cystic fibrosis and could one day pave the way for pharmaceutical applications.

A study appearing in the April 13 issue of Molecular Cell describes how U of T and Johns Hopkins University researchers designed a device to test for proteins that play an important role in human health and disease. The technology, iMYTH (or integrated membrane yeast-two hybrid system), scans cells to detect proteins that interact with key proteins called ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters - proteins that, when impaired, can cause disease. One of the best known ABC transporters is the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR), which, when disabled by mutation, causes cystic fibrosis, a hereditary disease that results in progressive disability and early death. Another important ABC protein is the Multidrug Resistance Protein (MRP), which normally removes drug metabolites and toxins from cells in our bodies but when overzealous can contribute to the drug resistance of tumours, thereby thwarting chemotherapy.



University of Toronto

Click here for more information.

"All the cells in our bodies contain transporters that are poised in cellular membranes and act as 'gatekeepers' to allow the entry of certain substances, like nutrients, into the cell and promote the export of other substances, like toxins, out of the cell," says Professor Igor Stagljar, Department of Medical Genetics and Department of Biochemistry at the University of Toronto and lead author of the study. "When the function of these transporters is impaired, disease can result. This device gives us insights as to what proteins are interfering with this process."

iMYTH works by scanning cells to reveal proteins that fit with the transporters, the only screening system sophisticated enough to work with delicate membrane proteins. Simply, if two proteins interact in iMYTH, they will stain the yeast cell blue. "Like lock and key, if two proteins interact with one another, it is safe to assume they participate or regulate the same cellular process," explains Stagljar. "Identifying new interactors for ABC transporters may reveal unanticipated aspects of how these transporters function and help researchers gain clues for fighting disease and drug resistance."

Using iMYTH, the Stagljar lab identified six proteins that interact with and presumably communicate with the ABC transporter Ycf1p, a yeast version of the human proteins CFTR and MRP. These newly discovered protein interactors represent novel potential pharmaceutical targets. Through a series of biochemical and genetic tests, the researchers discovered that one of these interactors, Tus1p, regulates Ycf1p transporter function in a completely novel way to stimulate its ability to remove toxins from the cell.

"The more we learn about membrane proteins, the better we can use this knowledge for pharmacological and clinical applications," Stagljar says. "We work by putting together biochemical processes piece by piece like a puzzle. Hopefully soon we will have a complete picture of how many other diseases such as breast cancer, heart diseases, arthritis and schizophrenia are caused by mutations in various human membrane proteins."

Moderator Comment:
Thank you Lu for your participation in the community,
This information is interesting. We removed the researchers contact information, anyone wishing to post contact information, please contact the moderator directly.


New member
Great news, thanks for the post and THANKS to the amazing country of CANADA....truly working for a cure, unlike America with Pharmacuetical companies controling the pockets of the politicians.


New member
Great news, thanks for the post and THANKS to the amazing country of CANADA....truly working for a cure, unlike America with Pharmacuetical companies controling the pockets of the politicians.


New member
Great news, thanks for the post and THANKS to the amazing country of CANADA....truly working for a cure, unlike America with Pharmacuetical companies controling the pockets of the politicians.


New member
I must agree with you. CF will be eradicated soon if US don't get involved in research funding. The above funding for the research was not provided by US but from Switzerland and Canada. US will invent the disease first so that they can sell expensive drugs to treat them with.

Check out the short film "We Became Silent" It reveals an ongoing attempt of pharmaceuticals companies and government agencies to limit the access to vitamins, herbs and therapies.

Can you imagine if most people discovered a relief for inflammation and arthritis with whole food that has glyconutrients . Multi billion dollar industry for anti inflamatory drugs would be devastated.


New member
I must agree with you. CF will be eradicated soon if US don't get involved in research funding. The above funding for the research was not provided by US but from Switzerland and Canada. US will invent the disease first so that they can sell expensive drugs to treat them with.

Check out the short film "We Became Silent" It reveals an ongoing attempt of pharmaceuticals companies and government agencies to limit the access to vitamins, herbs and therapies.

Can you imagine if most people discovered a relief for inflammation and arthritis with whole food that has glyconutrients . Multi billion dollar industry for anti inflamatory drugs would be devastated.


New member
I must agree with you. CF will be eradicated soon if US don't get involved in research funding. The above funding for the research was not provided by US but from Switzerland and Canada. US will invent the disease first so that they can sell expensive drugs to treat them with.

Check out the short film "We Became Silent" It reveals an ongoing attempt of pharmaceuticals companies and government agencies to limit the access to vitamins, herbs and therapies.

Can you imagine if most people discovered a relief for inflammation and arthritis with whole food that has glyconutrients . Multi billion dollar industry for anti inflamatory drugs would be devastated.


New member

Here is a report back with specifics. The CFF pipeline has NOTHING to do with our government. It is a result of hard work by a lot of individuals and coropations that do fundraising and donations. To take a quote from the foundation, "we receive no federal funding for our programs and depend exclusively on individual and corporate donations."

The government does appropriate some funding to science and research through the NIH, but it is minimal since CF is an orphan disease and there are so few pepople that it effects. If a cure is found in the US it will probably not be because of the government. Where as other countries like Canada and Europe appropriately fund thier scientist.


New member

Here is a report back with specifics. The CFF pipeline has NOTHING to do with our government. It is a result of hard work by a lot of individuals and coropations that do fundraising and donations. To take a quote from the foundation, "we receive no federal funding for our programs and depend exclusively on individual and corporate donations."

The government does appropriate some funding to science and research through the NIH, but it is minimal since CF is an orphan disease and there are so few pepople that it effects. If a cure is found in the US it will probably not be because of the government. Where as other countries like Canada and Europe appropriately fund thier scientist.


New member

Here is a report back with specifics. The CFF pipeline has NOTHING to do with our government. It is a result of hard work by a lot of individuals and coropations that do fundraising and donations. To take a quote from the foundation, "we receive no federal funding for our programs and depend exclusively on individual and corporate donations."

The government does appropriate some funding to science and research through the NIH, but it is minimal since CF is an orphan disease and there are so few pepople that it effects. If a cure is found in the US it will probably not be because of the government. Where as other countries like Canada and Europe appropriately fund thier scientist.


New member
Agree with that, if the govt ran the CFF, then CF research would not be where it is today. Some things are better done out of the govts hands. But I still stand behind my statement that other countries do more scientific work, instead of just focusing as America does on pharmacuticals where the money is at.


New member
Agree with that, if the govt ran the CFF, then CF research would not be where it is today. Some things are better done out of the govts hands. But I still stand behind my statement that other countries do more scientific work, instead of just focusing as America does on pharmacuticals where the money is at.


New member
Agree with that, if the govt ran the CFF, then CF research would not be where it is today. Some things are better done out of the govts hands. But I still stand behind my statement that other countries do more scientific work, instead of just focusing as America does on pharmacuticals where the money is at.