Great option for getting started with exercise


Super Moderator
This article offers a great way to get started with exercise. We all know exercise is so important for CFers and short, high intensity exercise has been shown to be really beneficial to all kinds of people. The method talked about in this article seems easy to follow, doesn't require special equipment or a gym and could be adapted to all fitness levels. I know I'll be giving this a try on days when I don't make it to the gym.


New member
Very interesting! My 11-year-old-son started a HIIT program. After a year and a half he is already able to run 6k in 37min and do all your activities with no difficulty. However, it's hard to keep him motivated for workouts at the gym. I'll talk to his coach to evaluate this approach 10-20-30.


New member
So true! Exercises do help almost in any kind of disorder. They are good for both healthy and sick people. And thanks for he link.


New member
The article is so great. I created so many plans for exercises but always not complete them. I gave up only several days from starting. Your post is very useful for me. So many thanks!


New member
I have a friend who swears by Pilates and Tai Chi because both are low impact. She says the Tai Chi is also really helpful for keeping her mind and spirit refreshed.