New member

Since finding out my daughter that I am pregnant with (6 months) had CF (almost 2 months now). I have done a lot of research and have met some really GREAT people. I am now part of the CF foundation. I live in Michigan and the annual Great Strides walk is May 15. I will be taking part in this as a leader and a walker. If anyone would like to sponsor me for this I would GREATLY APPRECIATE IT . If anyone is interested please send me your email address to and I would be glad to send you the link!!


Jennifer & baby Alayna <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
That's so great that you are involved already! I just wanted to say, don't be disheartened if you don't get a tremendous response off of this website, since I know a lot of people on here participate in walks near their homes themselves. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member

Congrats - I hope that being a part of the great strides walk will be a good experience for you. Our family has done the walk 4 years in a row now. It always gave me the sense of being more proactive for my son! You'll meet some wonderful people and learn all about fund raising through your local chapter. Good luck!!

Carey <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


That's great, Jennifer!

I'm four months pregnant with my second daughter (this one is CF positive), and I'll also be walking in our local Great Strides walk. BUT, I'll only be six months along when the walk rolls around, and I am so impressed that you will be an 8-month pregnant lady walking for this!

We've only known about our baby having CF for a few weeks now, but we have also been astounded at the great people we've met. I'm looking forward to meeting more next week at the walk meeting. Let me know how yours goes!

-- Jenica


New member
I live by Metro airport. Thanks for all the support everyone. It's worth a try. I will try anything once so if I don't get any responses at least I know I tried. i have already raised quite a bit of money in the past 2 weeks so I am already proud of everyone who has already helped me. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Did you and your husband know you were CF carriers? My husband and I didn't. No one in our family has CF so this was a HUGE shock for us. I have also met some really great people on this website and through my local chapter. We started out thinking this was a death sentence for our daughter but after speaking with these GREAT people we learned she has HOPE yet.

Best of luck to you.



New member
Good for you! I participate in the Seattle walk (this will be my third year). I'm trying to get some local news coverage about it so maybe the money will roll in in waves!!!


We did know we were both carriers, so we were as prepared for the news I suppose as we could be. It was still startling, of course, but it didn't hit us all at once.

Anyway, how did you go about raising money? I have never been good at that ... from brownie scouts to Jimmy Fund walks, raising money has never been a talent of mine. Do you have any hints how I can go about this?


New member
I'm going to see how a car wash does this year. I also inlist my family to help me raise money. My dad takes a donation form to work with him and gets all of his coworkers to donate. He got $100 from one of his best customers last year. My boyfriend is in manufacturing and he can ususally scare up a few hundred bucks from his coworkers.


New member
Hi my wife and i are British and have a 2 year old daughter with CF. Our website in England is You must take a look. Between the English and the American foundations we are able to find most things out and keep well up to date with all aspects.
I am sorry to say this but welcome to our family, you will find everyone you contact are more than happy to give excellant advice.
Good Luck
Send me some details and i will gladly sponsor you.


New member
I have found for me that a letter writing campaign is the best way to receive donations. Our local walk is in April and this is my 4th year. I raised $1,750 last year. I send letters to everyone I can possibly think of...including the local businesses. You would be surprised at the response. I make my letter personal, telling a little about myself and what CF is and does to the body. Good Luck!


New member
The letter writing campaign has also raised the most for our family as well. If you'd like, email me and I'll send you last year's letter. Over the last 4 years, we've raised close to a total of $50,000. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">



Would you mind forwarding a copy to me as well? I'm not sure how to start ...



New member
Hey Jenica,

I can forward you my letter from this year b/c it's our very first one and I had a hard time getting it started. But, I think it turned out well. Let me know if you want a copy of mine.
