Great Strides fundraisers


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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>We mostly just have our team get donations and I send letters out. I'm a teacher too, the best thing we ever did for GREAT STRIDES was have a "kiss a pig" contest at school. For a week the kids could pay to vote for a teacher (a dollar a vote). The top teacher had to kiss a pig on the school's daily video announcements. It was great!!!<hr></blockquote>

We did something like when I was in school except a student got to put a pie in the teachers face, now that was cool. I love the pig idea.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>We mostly just have our team get donations and I send letters out. I'm a teacher too, the best thing we ever did for GREAT STRIDES was have a "kiss a pig" contest at school. For a week the kids could pay to vote for a teacher (a dollar a vote). The top teacher had to kiss a pig on the school's daily video announcements. It was great!!!<hr></blockquote>

We did something like when I was in school except a student got to put a pie in the teachers face, now that was cool. I love the pig idea.


New member
I'm a chairperson for our local Great Strides and have tried to think of many new fundraisers, it's difficult but here are a few that worked. We organized a "used" book sale, everybody in my family and my friends donated their book collections and we had a book sale at the church. We also advertised the book sale in the church bulletin and asked for church members to donate their unwanted books. We had 10 tables of books donated and raised more than $800 in a weekend. Because we held it at the church, The Thrivent Foundation matched 50% of our proceeds also which was really cool.

The other fundraiser is through our local Cinema, the movie theater donates a number of passes to the Great Strides cause and then let's us use their basketball hoop (the kind that game rooms, arcades, etc. have). We sell the chance to win Free movie passes to be used at a later date, we ask for a dollar a shot but most people donate more. I take a poster of my little girl with a caption that explains she has CF, what the disease is and why we're raising money. In one day we can make over $200. Our cinema usually donates 50-60 movie passes. It's a lot of fun and you'd be surprised how much competition it creates between movie patrons.

Good luck and can't wait to hear other great ideas!


New member
I'm a chairperson for our local Great Strides and have tried to think of many new fundraisers, it's difficult but here are a few that worked. We organized a "used" book sale, everybody in my family and my friends donated their book collections and we had a book sale at the church. We also advertised the book sale in the church bulletin and asked for church members to donate their unwanted books. We had 10 tables of books donated and raised more than $800 in a weekend. Because we held it at the church, The Thrivent Foundation matched 50% of our proceeds also which was really cool.

The other fundraiser is through our local Cinema, the movie theater donates a number of passes to the Great Strides cause and then let's us use their basketball hoop (the kind that game rooms, arcades, etc. have). We sell the chance to win Free movie passes to be used at a later date, we ask for a dollar a shot but most people donate more. I take a poster of my little girl with a caption that explains she has CF, what the disease is and why we're raising money. In one day we can make over $200. Our cinema usually donates 50-60 movie passes. It's a lot of fun and you'd be surprised how much competition it creates between movie patrons.

Good luck and can't wait to hear other great ideas!


Digital opinion leader
The pig idea came from another teacher who raised pigs. One year he happened to have piglets and he brought one in to school for the contest. The next year the "winner" had to go to the pen to catch the pig first. It was so gross, but hysterical!! He was a good sport, not everyone would have gone that far.


Digital opinion leader
The pig idea came from another teacher who raised pigs. One year he happened to have piglets and he brought one in to school for the contest. The next year the "winner" had to go to the pen to catch the pig first. It was so gross, but hysterical!! He was a good sport, not everyone would have gone that far.


New member
These are some great ideas! Here are some from me:

Our team worked 2 nights at a local pizza place last year and raised around $800. We advertised in the local paper (got sponsors to pay for that) and got all of the tips for the night plus $1 for every buffet purchased. It was a very easy way to earn some $ and spread awareness. We made table tents for all the tables that have a picture of our daughter with her CF story on one side then CF info on the other side.

My brother (middle school teacher) had his classes to a "Change for a Cure" fundraiser where they brought in different coins each day of the week - that made around $700

A friend (another middle school teacher) got her student council to donate all the proceeds from a school dance - that made around $700

Of course, we also do the letter campaign, which was the easiest way to get money for us. You can see the text version of our 2005 letter at: <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
Abby, I really like your movie theater ticket idea and may try to do something similar to that. It is amazing how many tickets they will give! We also got a Thrivent match for our entire walk - they matched up to $30,000 last year and we are hoping for more this year! How great is it that they will give so much $!!!

Keep up the great work everyone!!!
Kelli - mom of Sydney 2.5 wcf
<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
These are some great ideas! Here are some from me:

Our team worked 2 nights at a local pizza place last year and raised around $800. We advertised in the local paper (got sponsors to pay for that) and got all of the tips for the night plus $1 for every buffet purchased. It was a very easy way to earn some $ and spread awareness. We made table tents for all the tables that have a picture of our daughter with her CF story on one side then CF info on the other side.

My brother (middle school teacher) had his classes to a "Change for a Cure" fundraiser where they brought in different coins each day of the week - that made around $700

A friend (another middle school teacher) got her student council to donate all the proceeds from a school dance - that made around $700

Of course, we also do the letter campaign, which was the easiest way to get money for us. You can see the text version of our 2005 letter at: <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
Abby, I really like your movie theater ticket idea and may try to do something similar to that. It is amazing how many tickets they will give! We also got a Thrivent match for our entire walk - they matched up to $30,000 last year and we are hoping for more this year! How great is it that they will give so much $!!!

Keep up the great work everyone!!!
Kelli - mom of Sydney 2.5 wcf
<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
Here are a couple we do...

Sell roses at my sister's salon

We hold a 2 day bakesale at her salon during the town's Christmas walk downtown. The first year we raised $3,000. Baked goods, novelties, a local artist donated a painting for a silent auction, raffles and craft items.

Garage sale

My daughter's Daisy Troop is making bracelets for a silent auction or to sell.

We're grilling out at the grocery store parking lot this Spring to raise money

Letter campaign, which is the most successful for us.


New member
Here are a couple we do...

Sell roses at my sister's salon

We hold a 2 day bakesale at her salon during the town's Christmas walk downtown. The first year we raised $3,000. Baked goods, novelties, a local artist donated a painting for a silent auction, raffles and craft items.

Garage sale

My daughter's Daisy Troop is making bracelets for a silent auction or to sell.

We're grilling out at the grocery store parking lot this Spring to raise money

Letter campaign, which is the most successful for us.