Great Strides Rules?


New member
I went to the site and couldn't find much except the stuff about "adding tomorrows" and all that. I was just wondering if anyone knows the rules as to who can attend. Are people with cepacia, MRSA, and other such stuff not allowed? I have MRSA, and when I'm hospitalized I still get isolated... but I haven't cultured it since 01. Any ideas on whether or not I can go to one this year?


New member
When we had our walk meeting last year, that was one of the topics of discussion, and because the walk is outside and in open air there wasn't a huge concern for germs and such. I had MRSA, as well as my sister, and we both went. I am the team leader for my walk team. As long as you're careful, like in all that we do to avoid getting sick, you should be fine. I recently cultured negative for MRSA, but my sister still has it, and we live together, so we really don't know how spreadable it is.


New member
People with B. Cepia are requested not to attend, out of consideration for others. MRSA is still a risk to spread, even if you don't culture it because it is still inactive within your body and can be passed to others. I think a mask might be appropriate for MRSA though, it's not quite as 'spreadable' as B. Cepia is.



New member
People with b. cepecia are asked not to come to the Seattle walk as well. There are a lot of young CF patients that are at the walk and it isn't fare to expose them needlessly.