Great Strides t-shirts on walk day??


New member
Everyone im just wondering this is my first year doing Great Strides and im trying to figure out how they determine who gets t-shirts i know if you raise $100 you get one but like the kids tht are young they cant fundraise?? Or like myself i do all of the fundraising for me my husband and the kinds will they still get shirts even if they dont show money and its all under my name??? these might seem like crazy questions but im lost!@!



New member
We walk in Great Strides every year. We usually have about 75 people walking with our group, many of which are kids, and don't raise money. I pick up the shirts from our local chapter and then have our team name printed on the back. We pool all of the money from the walkers and it always averages more that $100 per person. Have fun and good luck.


Digital opinion leader
Some people who volunteer for the foundation are very strict handing out t-shirts. My opinion is if they show up, they get a shirt. We usually raise a lot of money and get a bunch of shirts. Then we give them to give them to people who didn't get one.


New member
They are telling us that we dont get our t-shirts until the day of the walk. so does that mean that it wont have our tem name on it?? or do you think that they put them on??



New member
you might want to consider just having your own shirts made. Our batch this year was $8.60 a piece with a $44 set-up. Thats because it was two color. If we stuck with one color it would have been $7.40 with a $22 setup. The shirts are good quality to.

You might be able to talk to the t-shirt shop and get a discount/donation. I never did because our area walk is always 1hr or more from my town. So I never felt comfortable asking for local corpate donations. But some places will give a discount, espeically if you let them put their logo on somewhere, like the sleeve or something.

You can make your graphics in MS Word using the clip-art. If you need any ideas, give me your e-mail and I'll send you some pics of ours.


New member
Hi Christi - We get our own team shirts printed also. We get a local company to sponsor us and pay for the shirts. Their logo is on the back and ours is on the front. Jason loves seeing people around town wearing "his shirts." It is a great feeling of support!
Jo Ann


Digital opinion leader
We have team shirts too. Our high school has a graphic arts class and will do the shirts for $4 a piece.
We've also done buttons and hats. I've seen other teams do matching bandanas. It doesn't make sense to pay out a lot of money when its suppose to be raising money. Be creative!


New member
Hi Christi - I would just ask your walk director about it. Jen does my walk and I just asked her a few days ago about getting a particular size for Sydney. Sydney does do fundraising (as much as a toddler can do, lol) but we turn it in under Derek's and my names - she will still get a shirt.

We did our own shirts last year and will wear them for a few years at least. You can see them at:
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
Kelli - mom of Sydney 2.5 wcf and baby boy nocf due 5/6


New member
We get shirts the morning of the walk. Usually you hand in the teamleader packet and they give you LOTS of coupons for t-shirts -- about one for each $100 earned, so if one person only raises $30 and you raise $300 -- you'll get 3 coupons. Last year was a different story all together. The CFF foundation estimates how many shirts they need to bring based on ONLINE registrations. Well a team from up north had over 30 people, raised over $16,000, but didn't register. So they ran out of t-shirts.

We always have buttons made for our team with a photo of DS on it with our team name and year.

Liza aka ratatosk


New member
What and or where is the easiest place to order buttons from or do you make them yourself!! this sounds like a good idea!



Staff member
One of our team members works at a state run hospital and she has the buttons made, but I would think you could go to any print shop and have them made up inexpensively.

One of our team members also wears her buttons out to the bars and when people ask her about it, she hits them up for a donation and she does GREAT with her fundraising.



New member
Our team is" Reeces Cup of Hope" any ideas on what to put on the shirt. this is our 1st year w/ official team name...3rd year walking. I thought about getting a reese cup printed on it...but what else could I put on it? Thank you....desprate!!!


Staff member
A big mug (cup) of frosty beer? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Sorry we usually celebrate after the walk with a keg of beer and bbqs.

Or what about a gold 1st place cup?



New member

I am walking this year and would like to get a picture of my grandson on it. Any ideas on how to do that? Just a tshirt place any that you have used?

