Great strides?


New member
Okay so this is my first year doing Great Strides (sad I know!) and I am wondering. Do you thank the people who donate? If so how? Just a thank you note or what?

I want to show my appreciation to my donors (some of whom have been very generous!) but how? Thank you notes to the individual donors? Thank you emails?

Am I over thinking this? Maybe my parents made me write so many thank yous as a kid that its super in grained in me, I don't know.

I am going to make a thank you video to send to everyone who has it team members or donors


New member
Okay so this is my first year doing Great Strides (sad I know!) and I am wondering. Do you thank the people who donate? If so how? Just a thank you note or what?

I want to show my appreciation to my donors (some of whom have been very generous!) but how? Thank you notes to the individual donors? Thank you emails?

Am I over thinking this? Maybe my parents made me write so many thank yous as a kid that its super in grained in me, I don't know.

I am going to make a thank you video to send to everyone who has it team members or donors


New member
Okay so this is my first year doing Great Strides (sad I know!) and I am wondering. Do you thank the people who donate? If so how? Just a thank you note or what?

I want to show my appreciation to my donors (some of whom have been very generous!) but how? Thank you notes to the individual donors? Thank you emails?

Am I over thinking this? Maybe my parents made me write so many thank yous as a kid that its super in grained in me, I don't know.

I am going to make a thank you video to send to everyone who has it team members or donors


New member
Okay so this is my first year doing Great Strides (sad I know!) and I am wondering. Do you thank the people who donate? If so how? Just a thank you note or what?

I want to show my appreciation to my donors (some of whom have been very generous!) but how? Thank you notes to the individual donors? Thank you emails?

Am I over thinking this? Maybe my parents made me write so many thank yous as a kid that its super in grained in me, I don't know.

I am going to make a thank you video to send to everyone who has it team members or donors


New member
Okay so this is my first year doing Great Strides (sad I know!) and I am wondering. Do you thank the people who donate? If so how? Just a thank you note or what?
<br />
<br />I want to show my appreciation to my donors (some of whom have been very generous!) but how? Thank you notes to the individual donors? Thank you emails?
<br />
<br />Am I over thinking this? Maybe my parents made me write so many thank yous as a kid that its super in grained in me, I don't know.
<br />
<br />I am going to make a thank you video to send to everyone who has it team members or donors


Active member
I think thank you's are very important. The first year we did Great Strides I had a picture postcard made with a preprinted note on the back. I mentioned how much we had raised and wrote about how the funds we raised will help vital research. Last year I did an email with pictures and personal notes to people I didn't have an email for.
Good luck with your fundraising!


Active member
I think thank you's are very important. The first year we did Great Strides I had a picture postcard made with a preprinted note on the back. I mentioned how much we had raised and wrote about how the funds we raised will help vital research. Last year I did an email with pictures and personal notes to people I didn't have an email for.
Good luck with your fundraising!


Active member
I think thank you's are very important. The first year we did Great Strides I had a picture postcard made with a preprinted note on the back. I mentioned how much we had raised and wrote about how the funds we raised will help vital research. Last year I did an email with pictures and personal notes to people I didn't have an email for.
Good luck with your fundraising!


Active member
I think thank you's are very important. The first year we did Great Strides I had a picture postcard made with a preprinted note on the back. I mentioned how much we had raised and wrote about how the funds we raised will help vital research. Last year I did an email with pictures and personal notes to people I didn't have an email for.
Good luck with your fundraising!


Active member
I think thank you's are very important. The first year we did Great Strides I had a picture postcard made with a preprinted note on the back. I mentioned how much we had raised and wrote about how the funds we raised will help vital research. Last year I did an email with pictures and personal notes to people I didn't have an email for.
<br />Good luck with your fundraising!


New member
We do the same. We take a picture of the team the day of the walk and make a postcard out of it. We send it to everyone that donated and we include the total amount raised. People love getting these and I've also seen an increase with the people that walk with us once they see the card and see how many people are there that day. We email a copy to the people that donated online./


New member
We do the same. We take a picture of the team the day of the walk and make a postcard out of it. We send it to everyone that donated and we include the total amount raised. People love getting these and I've also seen an increase with the people that walk with us once they see the card and see how many people are there that day. We email a copy to the people that donated online./


New member
We do the same. We take a picture of the team the day of the walk and make a postcard out of it. We send it to everyone that donated and we include the total amount raised. People love getting these and I've also seen an increase with the people that walk with us once they see the card and see how many people are there that day. We email a copy to the people that donated online./


New member
We do the same. We take a picture of the team the day of the walk and make a postcard out of it. We send it to everyone that donated and we include the total amount raised. People love getting these and I've also seen an increase with the people that walk with us once they see the card and see how many people are there that day. We email a copy to the people that donated online./


New member
We do the same. We take a picture of the team the day of the walk and make a postcard out of it. We send it to everyone that donated and we include the total amount raised. People love getting these and I've also seen an increase with the people that walk with us once they see the card and see how many people are there that day. We email a copy to the people that donated online./


Staff member
I send out a letter indicating our goal, how much we earned, with photos from the walk. Usually I'll describe the day -- first year we were the only walk who with SNOW, special guests.. Last year we described the walk as mudfest -- rained and the shelter we were assigned was surrounded by mud -- I almost lost a shoe moving picnic tables into the shelter area and the walk still managed to double the amount raised the year before.

I copy the letters off and usually add a personal note to the bottom of the page if it's a close family friend, etc.

Oh, and I know one family who last year sent bookmarks with pictures of their walk team on it with the thank you. Some are planning to send magnets, bracelets or some little "prize" to the donors.


Staff member
I send out a letter indicating our goal, how much we earned, with photos from the walk. Usually I'll describe the day -- first year we were the only walk who with SNOW, special guests.. Last year we described the walk as mudfest -- rained and the shelter we were assigned was surrounded by mud -- I almost lost a shoe moving picnic tables into the shelter area and the walk still managed to double the amount raised the year before.

I copy the letters off and usually add a personal note to the bottom of the page if it's a close family friend, etc.

Oh, and I know one family who last year sent bookmarks with pictures of their walk team on it with the thank you. Some are planning to send magnets, bracelets or some little "prize" to the donors.


Staff member
I send out a letter indicating our goal, how much we earned, with photos from the walk. Usually I'll describe the day -- first year we were the only walk who with SNOW, special guests.. Last year we described the walk as mudfest -- rained and the shelter we were assigned was surrounded by mud -- I almost lost a shoe moving picnic tables into the shelter area and the walk still managed to double the amount raised the year before.

I copy the letters off and usually add a personal note to the bottom of the page if it's a close family friend, etc.

Oh, and I know one family who last year sent bookmarks with pictures of their walk team on it with the thank you. Some are planning to send magnets, bracelets or some little "prize" to the donors.


Staff member
I send out a letter indicating our goal, how much we earned, with photos from the walk. Usually I'll describe the day -- first year we were the only walk who with SNOW, special guests.. Last year we described the walk as mudfest -- rained and the shelter we were assigned was surrounded by mud -- I almost lost a shoe moving picnic tables into the shelter area and the walk still managed to double the amount raised the year before.

I copy the letters off and usually add a personal note to the bottom of the page if it's a close family friend, etc.

Oh, and I know one family who last year sent bookmarks with pictures of their walk team on it with the thank you. Some are planning to send magnets, bracelets or some little "prize" to the donors.


Staff member
I send out a letter indicating our goal, how much we earned, with photos from the walk. Usually I'll describe the day -- first year we were the only walk who with SNOW, special guests.. Last year we described the walk as mudfest -- rained and the shelter we were assigned was surrounded by mud -- I almost lost a shoe moving picnic tables into the shelter area and the walk still managed to double the amount raised the year before.
<br />
<br />I copy the letters off and usually add a personal note to the bottom of the page if it's a close family friend, etc.
<br />
<br />Oh, and I know one family who last year sent bookmarks with pictures of their walk team on it with the thank you. Some are planning to send magnets, bracelets or some little "prize" to the donors.