growth issues?


New member
My son is currently being investigated for CF due to repeat lung infections, 2 episodes of acidosis with hyponatremia and now reduced growth. He's had respiratory issues since he was 3 or 4 months old, but grew very well until more recently. Can growth issues happen later, or do they usually start right away? It seems weird to me that he'd be a big kid for 6 years, then suddenly slow way down! He used to be in the 95th percentile for height, and is now at the 50th. He's also being investigated for adrenal issues since his cortisol is very low. Thanks for any thoughts.



New member
Cf causes differnt problems with each person. But it can cause lung problems and then all the sudden start with the stomach/growth problems. Or the other way around. IF not cf there could be some other problem so don't let them tell you oh don't know what it is.


New member
One of my 2children with cf weighs in the 95th percentile. He has never had breathing problems. They only found it because my other son was not gaining weight and had breathing problems.

This is a very weird how two people with the same genes can respond so differently.


New member
Hi There, My son is 12 yrs old and is in what that call nutritional failure. He has lung problems also but the doctors main concern is his weight and height. I may be mistakes but I am pretty sure the last time we went to the dr they said he was in the 35-40 percentile. He is only 4ft 2 inches and weighs only 58lbs at 12. We have tried several things to put weight on to no avail. In a year he had gained 6 pounds and thats with us making him eat 6 times a day.


New member
A significant drop in weight %iiles almost always coincides with lung problems. Ask your child's doc to test for unusual bugs - perhaps they're not treating something. Good luck!


New member
I have to agree that it varys with each person. My daughter Courtney is 12 years old. She is above the 50% in height and is just as tall as her 14 year old sister, but she is below the 5% in weight. She was diagnosed at the age of 10 and only weighed 48 pounds and was in the 10% for height. Now at the age of 12, with the help of enzymes she weighs 74 pounds. She has very few lungs issues, mainly all digestive. Courtney had weight problems from birth but seemed to thrive until about the age of 7. That is when her weight really became an issue.


mom to Lauren, 14, no CF-Courtney, 12, with CF-Cameron,10, no CF