gsh and valerie hudson


New member
Hi Families-
Just wanted to post this. It is an update from the utah valley institute is the one that Valerie Hudson created when she started the whole gsh broohaha. I have been using it for three and a half years and love it.

This is an update on her three boys who are on gsh and have been for years...two of them since birth.

It is hard to believe it, but we are going on 8 and 1/2 years using glutathione (GSH) with our children with CF! The first of our children with CF began GSH when he was almost 2 years old, and the others have started on it almost immediately after birth. I can honestly say that if I was only allowed to bring one thing with our family to a desert island, I would bring GSH for our children with CF.
The change in our lives was most dramatic with our first child with CF, of course. He was diagnosed when he was 8 months old (after two months of complete bewilderment on the part of the doctors). He is a delF508 homozygote, as are all our children with CF. He was not even on the weight chart, had temporal wasting, presented with Pseudo-Bartter's Syndrome and a severe Vitamin K deficiency which left him with huge black bruises all over his torso. They initially thought he had leukemia. When they first admitted him to the hospital, his electrolyetes were so out of whack they did not understand why he was not in a coma.

After he was put on enzymes, he got up to the 5th percentile for weight. We created a special food concoction which we would feed him by oral syringe every few hours, and with that we got him up to the 30th percentile. When he was diagnosed, he cultured Staph. He had virtually no saliva, so all his food had to be moistened for him.

We were not satisfied with the vision of his future we were given by the CF Clinic. I began to study CF in a serious fashion, even though it required a lot of bootstrapping. One legacy of this is that you will continue to find the most recent abstract summaries from both the North American and European CF conferences on my listserv, the wlgroup2 (a yahoogroup) to this day.

In the fall of 1998, it became clear to us that GSH was a very large part of the CF puzzle. GSH is one of the body's most important substances, acting in many roles and regulating many processes, including inflammation. You can read more about that on the UVICF's page on glutathione research. (<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> and then click on research, and then click on glutathione.)

At the end of October 1998, we were ready to try glutathione with our first son with CF (the others hadn't been born yet!). We used a mix of one inhalation and several oral doses a day. We began to see changes within a few days--the first thing we noticed was that he now had saliva. He drooled for the first time in his life--what a beautiful sight!

And then the weight gain started. He developed the appetite of a horse, and with each passing month his weight percentile got higher and higher. He is now at the 95th percentile for weight and according to our pediatrician, is now slightly overweight! His stools, which had alternated between constipating chalk-like feces and fatty stools, became almost normal. Most impressively, his need for enzymes decreased. At 10 years old, he takes 1 CREON 5 per meal. Yes, one enzyme of the smallest possible dose.

We also noticed that instead of being chronically sick with a cold or flu, he now rarely became ill, and when he did, he got better faster than anyone else in the family. He stopped culturing Staph. He cultures nothing to this day. He has boundless energy and stamina, and is stronger than his older brother who does not have CF.

Our other children with CF are doing just as well. One is at the 50th percentile for weight (he has my husband's build), and the other is at the 90th percentile for weight. None culture anything, and are equally healthy and strong. We thank God for GSH!

GSH is not the only way we help our children, of course. Our kitchen looks like a health food store's supplement section. Even with the usual supplementation, levels of D, E, and K, are inadequate, so we use additional doses of these vitamins. We use DHA, MSM, alpha-lipoic acid, boron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, curcumin, NAC, Co Q-10, folic acid, acidophilus, and a few other things with our children on a daily basis. (We use a lot of the GSH-Curc Caps by Theranaturals; We use enzymes, of course, though a smaller dose than what would be considered usual, because their weight and stools are doing well on the smaller dose. They are routinely cultured, so we keep on top of their bacterial status. We keep up with the latest medical literature on CF so that when something promising comes along, we can jump on it for our children.

CF is something different to us now than it was at our first son's diagnosis. We used to think of CF as something that would kill them, probably in their mid 20's. We now think of CF more on the lines of diabetes: it is a chronic condition about which one must be exceedingly vigilant. But with due vigilance and prudence, we fully expect them to live a normal and reasonably healthy lifespan. Our lives have indeed changed dramatically--and for the better--since that fateful day almost 8 and 1/2 years ago when our first son with CF took his first dose of GSH!


New member
Hi Families-
Just wanted to post this. It is an update from the utah valley institute is the one that Valerie Hudson created when she started the whole gsh broohaha. I have been using it for three and a half years and love it.

This is an update on her three boys who are on gsh and have been for years...two of them since birth.

It is hard to believe it, but we are going on 8 and 1/2 years using glutathione (GSH) with our children with CF! The first of our children with CF began GSH when he was almost 2 years old, and the others have started on it almost immediately after birth. I can honestly say that if I was only allowed to bring one thing with our family to a desert island, I would bring GSH for our children with CF.
The change in our lives was most dramatic with our first child with CF, of course. He was diagnosed when he was 8 months old (after two months of complete bewilderment on the part of the doctors). He is a delF508 homozygote, as are all our children with CF. He was not even on the weight chart, had temporal wasting, presented with Pseudo-Bartter's Syndrome and a severe Vitamin K deficiency which left him with huge black bruises all over his torso. They initially thought he had leukemia. When they first admitted him to the hospital, his electrolyetes were so out of whack they did not understand why he was not in a coma.

After he was put on enzymes, he got up to the 5th percentile for weight. We created a special food concoction which we would feed him by oral syringe every few hours, and with that we got him up to the 30th percentile. When he was diagnosed, he cultured Staph. He had virtually no saliva, so all his food had to be moistened for him.

We were not satisfied with the vision of his future we were given by the CF Clinic. I began to study CF in a serious fashion, even though it required a lot of bootstrapping. One legacy of this is that you will continue to find the most recent abstract summaries from both the North American and European CF conferences on my listserv, the wlgroup2 (a yahoogroup) to this day.

In the fall of 1998, it became clear to us that GSH was a very large part of the CF puzzle. GSH is one of the body's most important substances, acting in many roles and regulating many processes, including inflammation. You can read more about that on the UVICF's page on glutathione research. (<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> and then click on research, and then click on glutathione.)

At the end of October 1998, we were ready to try glutathione with our first son with CF (the others hadn't been born yet!). We used a mix of one inhalation and several oral doses a day. We began to see changes within a few days--the first thing we noticed was that he now had saliva. He drooled for the first time in his life--what a beautiful sight!

And then the weight gain started. He developed the appetite of a horse, and with each passing month his weight percentile got higher and higher. He is now at the 95th percentile for weight and according to our pediatrician, is now slightly overweight! His stools, which had alternated between constipating chalk-like feces and fatty stools, became almost normal. Most impressively, his need for enzymes decreased. At 10 years old, he takes 1 CREON 5 per meal. Yes, one enzyme of the smallest possible dose.

We also noticed that instead of being chronically sick with a cold or flu, he now rarely became ill, and when he did, he got better faster than anyone else in the family. He stopped culturing Staph. He cultures nothing to this day. He has boundless energy and stamina, and is stronger than his older brother who does not have CF.

Our other children with CF are doing just as well. One is at the 50th percentile for weight (he has my husband's build), and the other is at the 90th percentile for weight. None culture anything, and are equally healthy and strong. We thank God for GSH!

GSH is not the only way we help our children, of course. Our kitchen looks like a health food store's supplement section. Even with the usual supplementation, levels of D, E, and K, are inadequate, so we use additional doses of these vitamins. We use DHA, MSM, alpha-lipoic acid, boron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, curcumin, NAC, Co Q-10, folic acid, acidophilus, and a few other things with our children on a daily basis. (We use a lot of the GSH-Curc Caps by Theranaturals; We use enzymes, of course, though a smaller dose than what would be considered usual, because their weight and stools are doing well on the smaller dose. They are routinely cultured, so we keep on top of their bacterial status. We keep up with the latest medical literature on CF so that when something promising comes along, we can jump on it for our children.

CF is something different to us now than it was at our first son's diagnosis. We used to think of CF as something that would kill them, probably in their mid 20's. We now think of CF more on the lines of diabetes: it is a chronic condition about which one must be exceedingly vigilant. But with due vigilance and prudence, we fully expect them to live a normal and reasonably healthy lifespan. Our lives have indeed changed dramatically--and for the better--since that fateful day almost 8 and 1/2 years ago when our first son with CF took his first dose of GSH!


New member
Hi Families-
Just wanted to post this. It is an update from the utah valley institute is the one that Valerie Hudson created when she started the whole gsh broohaha. I have been using it for three and a half years and love it.

This is an update on her three boys who are on gsh and have been for years...two of them since birth.

It is hard to believe it, but we are going on 8 and 1/2 years using glutathione (GSH) with our children with CF! The first of our children with CF began GSH when he was almost 2 years old, and the others have started on it almost immediately after birth. I can honestly say that if I was only allowed to bring one thing with our family to a desert island, I would bring GSH for our children with CF.
The change in our lives was most dramatic with our first child with CF, of course. He was diagnosed when he was 8 months old (after two months of complete bewilderment on the part of the doctors). He is a delF508 homozygote, as are all our children with CF. He was not even on the weight chart, had temporal wasting, presented with Pseudo-Bartter's Syndrome and a severe Vitamin K deficiency which left him with huge black bruises all over his torso. They initially thought he had leukemia. When they first admitted him to the hospital, his electrolyetes were so out of whack they did not understand why he was not in a coma.

After he was put on enzymes, he got up to the 5th percentile for weight. We created a special food concoction which we would feed him by oral syringe every few hours, and with that we got him up to the 30th percentile. When he was diagnosed, he cultured Staph. He had virtually no saliva, so all his food had to be moistened for him.

We were not satisfied with the vision of his future we were given by the CF Clinic. I began to study CF in a serious fashion, even though it required a lot of bootstrapping. One legacy of this is that you will continue to find the most recent abstract summaries from both the North American and European CF conferences on my listserv, the wlgroup2 (a yahoogroup) to this day.

In the fall of 1998, it became clear to us that GSH was a very large part of the CF puzzle. GSH is one of the body's most important substances, acting in many roles and regulating many processes, including inflammation. You can read more about that on the UVICF's page on glutathione research. (<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> and then click on research, and then click on glutathione.)

At the end of October 1998, we were ready to try glutathione with our first son with CF (the others hadn't been born yet!). We used a mix of one inhalation and several oral doses a day. We began to see changes within a few days--the first thing we noticed was that he now had saliva. He drooled for the first time in his life--what a beautiful sight!

And then the weight gain started. He developed the appetite of a horse, and with each passing month his weight percentile got higher and higher. He is now at the 95th percentile for weight and according to our pediatrician, is now slightly overweight! His stools, which had alternated between constipating chalk-like feces and fatty stools, became almost normal. Most impressively, his need for enzymes decreased. At 10 years old, he takes 1 CREON 5 per meal. Yes, one enzyme of the smallest possible dose.

We also noticed that instead of being chronically sick with a cold or flu, he now rarely became ill, and when he did, he got better faster than anyone else in the family. He stopped culturing Staph. He cultures nothing to this day. He has boundless energy and stamina, and is stronger than his older brother who does not have CF.

Our other children with CF are doing just as well. One is at the 50th percentile for weight (he has my husband's build), and the other is at the 90th percentile for weight. None culture anything, and are equally healthy and strong. We thank God for GSH!

GSH is not the only way we help our children, of course. Our kitchen looks like a health food store's supplement section. Even with the usual supplementation, levels of D, E, and K, are inadequate, so we use additional doses of these vitamins. We use DHA, MSM, alpha-lipoic acid, boron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, curcumin, NAC, Co Q-10, folic acid, acidophilus, and a few other things with our children on a daily basis. (We use a lot of the GSH-Curc Caps by Theranaturals; We use enzymes, of course, though a smaller dose than what would be considered usual, because their weight and stools are doing well on the smaller dose. They are routinely cultured, so we keep on top of their bacterial status. We keep up with the latest medical literature on CF so that when something promising comes along, we can jump on it for our children.

CF is something different to us now than it was at our first son's diagnosis. We used to think of CF as something that would kill them, probably in their mid 20's. We now think of CF more on the lines of diabetes: it is a chronic condition about which one must be exceedingly vigilant. But with due vigilance and prudence, we fully expect them to live a normal and reasonably healthy lifespan. Our lives have indeed changed dramatically--and for the better--since that fateful day almost 8 and 1/2 years ago when our first son with CF took his first dose of GSH!


New member
I thought so too.

Why don't you read some more stories from their board.
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
I don't mean to give false hope. But, it has helped mean a lot.


New member
I thought so too.

Why don't you read some more stories from their board.
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
I don't mean to give false hope. But, it has helped mean a lot.


New member
I thought so too.

Why don't you read some more stories from their board.
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
I don't mean to give false hope. But, it has helped mean a lot.


New member
ok i will look at that.I always look for new natural things for my kiddos but that sounded way to good but you know im going to have to try it and tell ya about it...


New member
ok i will look at that.I always look for new natural things for my kiddos but that sounded way to good but you know im going to have to try it and tell ya about it...


New member
ok i will look at that.I always look for new natural things for my kiddos but that sounded way to good but you know im going to have to try it and tell ya about it...


New member
I will second many of the observations and experiences that Valerie speaks of in her message. Our son (now 2 1/2) has been on GSH (inhaled 200mg 2x daily) since he was 18 months old. His stools improved, his appetite and weight have continued to climb after being in 5-10% for the first year. His growth chart looks like a straight line up. At the last appt. we had they told me to not add calories to his diet since his weight was not an issue any more. He has not needed to increase enzymes for over a year (other factors can obvioulsly contribute to this as well). Prior to this his stools were inconsistent.

He has cultured staph since diagnosis and PA at 15 months. This is what helped push us to finally do GSH. Since then he has never culutre PA again. His last culture staph was so negligable they said it is considered a clean culture! We hope to see this trend continue.

Illness...he has had one very minor virus all winter. We are out all over the place, with lots of kids, and do not vaccinate for flu. He goes through colds easily.

Like Valerie mentions, we also do many food related things and he takes DHA, Tumeric (just recently and it has made a good), whole foods vitamin plus extra K, and as you know a whole food based with no dairy, white flour or white sugar. Together we feel these things will help him into his future.

I found the information on the GSH boards to be quite thorough and Dr. Bishop to be very helpful. We are also excited to see the NAC studies done on children and hope GSH is studied in comparison so this very important information in CF care can be spread further. This is a key piece in lung health but even more studies need to be done, so more can benefit.

Thank you for posting this and thank you to Valerie for her collection of research and work.


New member
I will second many of the observations and experiences that Valerie speaks of in her message. Our son (now 2 1/2) has been on GSH (inhaled 200mg 2x daily) since he was 18 months old. His stools improved, his appetite and weight have continued to climb after being in 5-10% for the first year. His growth chart looks like a straight line up. At the last appt. we had they told me to not add calories to his diet since his weight was not an issue any more. He has not needed to increase enzymes for over a year (other factors can obvioulsly contribute to this as well). Prior to this his stools were inconsistent.

He has cultured staph since diagnosis and PA at 15 months. This is what helped push us to finally do GSH. Since then he has never culutre PA again. His last culture staph was so negligable they said it is considered a clean culture! We hope to see this trend continue.

Illness...he has had one very minor virus all winter. We are out all over the place, with lots of kids, and do not vaccinate for flu. He goes through colds easily.

Like Valerie mentions, we also do many food related things and he takes DHA, Tumeric (just recently and it has made a good), whole foods vitamin plus extra K, and as you know a whole food based with no dairy, white flour or white sugar. Together we feel these things will help him into his future.

I found the information on the GSH boards to be quite thorough and Dr. Bishop to be very helpful. We are also excited to see the NAC studies done on children and hope GSH is studied in comparison so this very important information in CF care can be spread further. This is a key piece in lung health but even more studies need to be done, so more can benefit.

Thank you for posting this and thank you to Valerie for her collection of research and work.


New member
I will second many of the observations and experiences that Valerie speaks of in her message. Our son (now 2 1/2) has been on GSH (inhaled 200mg 2x daily) since he was 18 months old. His stools improved, his appetite and weight have continued to climb after being in 5-10% for the first year. His growth chart looks like a straight line up. At the last appt. we had they told me to not add calories to his diet since his weight was not an issue any more. He has not needed to increase enzymes for over a year (other factors can obvioulsly contribute to this as well). Prior to this his stools were inconsistent.

He has cultured staph since diagnosis and PA at 15 months. This is what helped push us to finally do GSH. Since then he has never culutre PA again. His last culture staph was so negligable they said it is considered a clean culture! We hope to see this trend continue.

Illness...he has had one very minor virus all winter. We are out all over the place, with lots of kids, and do not vaccinate for flu. He goes through colds easily.

Like Valerie mentions, we also do many food related things and he takes DHA, Tumeric (just recently and it has made a good), whole foods vitamin plus extra K, and as you know a whole food based with no dairy, white flour or white sugar. Together we feel these things will help him into his future.

I found the information on the GSH boards to be quite thorough and Dr. Bishop to be very helpful. We are also excited to see the NAC studies done on children and hope GSH is studied in comparison so this very important information in CF care can be spread further. This is a key piece in lung health but even more studies need to be done, so more can benefit.

Thank you for posting this and thank you to Valerie for her collection of research and work.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ratatosk</b></i>

Didn't someone else post about NAC vs. GSH -- one being a better supplement?</end quote></div>

NAC is the precusor to GSH, while not necessarily better, it is easier for the body to absord and less is needed to actually replenish the GSH supply. But one isn't necessarily better than the other, just more efficient.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ratatosk</b></i>

Didn't someone else post about NAC vs. GSH -- one being a better supplement?</end quote></div>

NAC is the precusor to GSH, while not necessarily better, it is easier for the body to absord and less is needed to actually replenish the GSH supply. But one isn't necessarily better than the other, just more efficient.