gsh and valerie hudson


New member
This is absolutely placed where it should be. It is not blog material. Plus, it is something that people research from time to time so it's good that it is in the archives. Remember that stuff in blogs is not searchable. My opinion, only personal opinion, accounts and stories should be in blog - the rest is cf information that should be shared and searchable.


New member
Dramamama, Can you comment on the dose of GSH you do personally and what research article led you to this dosing?


New member
Dramamama, Can you comment on the dose of GSH you do personally and what research article led you to this dosing?


New member
Dramamama, Can you comment on the dose of GSH you do personally and what research article led you to this dosing?


New member
That stuff sounds really promising, thanks for sharing that dramamama. Im not sure if I want to take it though I think I would need to look into it and do research but...Im doing really well right now, but its nice to know that there is other stuff out there that I can take if need be.

Im glad that, that family is doing really well with gsh and that the mom thinks that cf is like diabetes, anyone would think that if they're doing really well. That was no slap in the face to me. I always look towards the positive anyways.


New member
That stuff sounds really promising, thanks for sharing that dramamama. Im not sure if I want to take it though I think I would need to look into it and do research but...Im doing really well right now, but its nice to know that there is other stuff out there that I can take if need be.

Im glad that, that family is doing really well with gsh and that the mom thinks that cf is like diabetes, anyone would think that if they're doing really well. That was no slap in the face to me. I always look towards the positive anyways.


New member
That stuff sounds really promising, thanks for sharing that dramamama. Im not sure if I want to take it though I think I would need to look into it and do research but...Im doing really well right now, but its nice to know that there is other stuff out there that I can take if need be.

Im glad that, that family is doing really well with gsh and that the mom thinks that cf is like diabetes, anyone would think that if they're doing really well. That was no slap in the face to me. I always look towards the positive anyways.


New member
Thanks for sharing...great story...good to hear yours are doing so well. All information shared offers hope and answers. Thanks.


New member
Thanks for sharing...great story...good to hear yours are doing so well. All information shared offers hope and answers. Thanks.


New member
Thanks for sharing...great story...good to hear yours are doing so well. All information shared offers hope and answers. Thanks.


New member
Things that helped me make this decision to take glutathione are as follows:

1. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
2. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
3. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
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7. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
8. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
Deciding to take gsh was a huge decision for me. I came across the valerie hudson interview on the Today show and that started my search. I read every single one of these articles....I lost sleep, I was so intrigued it became an obsession to learn more about my illness and the role that gsh played in my overall health. I was at a point were my health was taking a slow dive and I was desperate toturn it around. Call it clinging to a dream or whatever, but these articles offered much hope. After doing weeks of research, I decided to have my glutathione level tested....I mean if glutathione is so important in the body...wonder what mine was. We ordered a kit from Great Smokies Diagnostic laboratory...this company is now Genova Diagnostics. Anyway, my numbers were below critically low. My thought process was as follows. If glutathione is the number 1 antioxidant in the body and I am critically low, what happens if a augment the gsh so that I have a normal range. I mean, vit e, another antioxidant is replenished in cfers by supplementing, so why would glutathione, a more critical antioxidant, be any different. And if mine was so depleted, what was I waiting for?

I currently take 33mg of gsh per pound of body weight. I take roughly 3300 mg a day. It is divided into four doses throughout the day. It was a whip at first, but I quickli became used to a few more pills. I have inhaled it before and I coughed up disgusting crap but then I had a bleed (very little) and decided to stop. I also bleed with TOBI and Colistin and for this reason cannot inhale them either. I got this number from the Utah Valley Site...Dr. Clark Bishop is the doc who helped Valerie come up with a protocol for gsh supplementation. I was in contact with him, while working up to my maintenance dose.

Gsh changed my life. I have a friend on another website who is much healthier than me...her pfts ranged like Sasuka' the 90's. She started oral gsh and her pfts (FEV1) shot to 121 in a few had never been that high before! I believe we all can benefit from gsh, it is just a matter of who benefits more. The bottom line is we all have gsh in our bodies and ALL CHRONIC ILLNESSES DEPLETE doesn't take a rocket scientist to say maybe we need to level the playing field.

Hope this helps.


New member
Things that helped me make this decision to take glutathione are as follows:

1. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
2. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
3. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
4. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
5. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
6. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
7. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
8. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
Deciding to take gsh was a huge decision for me. I came across the valerie hudson interview on the Today show and that started my search. I read every single one of these articles....I lost sleep, I was so intrigued it became an obsession to learn more about my illness and the role that gsh played in my overall health. I was at a point were my health was taking a slow dive and I was desperate toturn it around. Call it clinging to a dream or whatever, but these articles offered much hope. After doing weeks of research, I decided to have my glutathione level tested....I mean if glutathione is so important in the body...wonder what mine was. We ordered a kit from Great Smokies Diagnostic laboratory...this company is now Genova Diagnostics. Anyway, my numbers were below critically low. My thought process was as follows. If glutathione is the number 1 antioxidant in the body and I am critically low, what happens if a augment the gsh so that I have a normal range. I mean, vit e, another antioxidant is replenished in cfers by supplementing, so why would glutathione, a more critical antioxidant, be any different. And if mine was so depleted, what was I waiting for?

I currently take 33mg of gsh per pound of body weight. I take roughly 3300 mg a day. It is divided into four doses throughout the day. It was a whip at first, but I quickli became used to a few more pills. I have inhaled it before and I coughed up disgusting crap but then I had a bleed (very little) and decided to stop. I also bleed with TOBI and Colistin and for this reason cannot inhale them either. I got this number from the Utah Valley Site...Dr. Clark Bishop is the doc who helped Valerie come up with a protocol for gsh supplementation. I was in contact with him, while working up to my maintenance dose.

Gsh changed my life. I have a friend on another website who is much healthier than me...her pfts ranged like Sasuka' the 90's. She started oral gsh and her pfts (FEV1) shot to 121 in a few had never been that high before! I believe we all can benefit from gsh, it is just a matter of who benefits more. The bottom line is we all have gsh in our bodies and ALL CHRONIC ILLNESSES DEPLETE doesn't take a rocket scientist to say maybe we need to level the playing field.

Hope this helps.


New member
Things that helped me make this decision to take glutathione are as follows:

1. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
2. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
3. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
4. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
5. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
6. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
7. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
8. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
Deciding to take gsh was a huge decision for me. I came across the valerie hudson interview on the Today show and that started my search. I read every single one of these articles....I lost sleep, I was so intrigued it became an obsession to learn more about my illness and the role that gsh played in my overall health. I was at a point were my health was taking a slow dive and I was desperate toturn it around. Call it clinging to a dream or whatever, but these articles offered much hope. After doing weeks of research, I decided to have my glutathione level tested....I mean if glutathione is so important in the body...wonder what mine was. We ordered a kit from Great Smokies Diagnostic laboratory...this company is now Genova Diagnostics. Anyway, my numbers were below critically low. My thought process was as follows. If glutathione is the number 1 antioxidant in the body and I am critically low, what happens if a augment the gsh so that I have a normal range. I mean, vit e, another antioxidant is replenished in cfers by supplementing, so why would glutathione, a more critical antioxidant, be any different. And if mine was so depleted, what was I waiting for?

I currently take 33mg of gsh per pound of body weight. I take roughly 3300 mg a day. It is divided into four doses throughout the day. It was a whip at first, but I quickli became used to a few more pills. I have inhaled it before and I coughed up disgusting crap but then I had a bleed (very little) and decided to stop. I also bleed with TOBI and Colistin and for this reason cannot inhale them either. I got this number from the Utah Valley Site...Dr. Clark Bishop is the doc who helped Valerie come up with a protocol for gsh supplementation. I was in contact with him, while working up to my maintenance dose.

Gsh changed my life. I have a friend on another website who is much healthier than me...her pfts ranged like Sasuka' the 90's. She started oral gsh and her pfts (FEV1) shot to 121 in a few had never been that high before! I believe we all can benefit from gsh, it is just a matter of who benefits more. The bottom line is we all have gsh in our bodies and ALL CHRONIC ILLNESSES DEPLETE doesn't take a rocket scientist to say maybe we need to level the playing field.

Hope this helps.


New member
Im Glad you posted it Mandy !! GSH has helped me a LOT. It is the <b>only</b> thing that gave me back my energy that i used to have pre-cepacia. In Valeries case she started her boys on GSH as youngsters , so they had FULL benefit right from the start, so to <b>her</b> i can see how she might view cf as comparable to diabetes, but to the rest of us it isnt. She's entitled to her happiness !


New member
Im Glad you posted it Mandy !! GSH has helped me a LOT. It is the <b>only</b> thing that gave me back my energy that i used to have pre-cepacia. In Valeries case she started her boys on GSH as youngsters , so they had FULL benefit right from the start, so to <b>her</b> i can see how she might view cf as comparable to diabetes, but to the rest of us it isnt. She's entitled to her happiness !


New member
Im Glad you posted it Mandy !! GSH has helped me a LOT. It is the <b>only</b> thing that gave me back my energy that i used to have pre-cepacia. In Valeries case she started her boys on GSH as youngsters , so they had FULL benefit right from the start, so to <b>her</b> i can see how she might view cf as comparable to diabetes, but to the rest of us it isnt. She's entitled to her happiness !


New member
Hi Diane-
I don't mean to belittle what we go through or make light of this disease. But, I 100% believe if I had been on gsh since birth the course of my illness would be much different....that is just my opinion.

I didn't mean to cause discourse, I just thought it was encouraging....some people benefit from that. The good news is there is a ton of info out there about glutathione and all diseases and if just one person does the research and benefits..hey, that's a start.


New member
Hi Diane-
I don't mean to belittle what we go through or make light of this disease. But, I 100% believe if I had been on gsh since birth the course of my illness would be much different....that is just my opinion.

I didn't mean to cause discourse, I just thought it was encouraging....some people benefit from that. The good news is there is a ton of info out there about glutathione and all diseases and if just one person does the research and benefits..hey, that's a start.


New member
Hi Diane-
I don't mean to belittle what we go through or make light of this disease. But, I 100% believe if I had been on gsh since birth the course of my illness would be much different....that is just my opinion.

I didn't mean to cause discourse, I just thought it was encouraging....some people benefit from that. The good news is there is a ton of info out there about glutathione and all diseases and if just one person does the research and benefits..hey, that's a start.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>EnergytxGal</b></i>

Valerie did tell me that GSH can throw off your liver enzymes or something like that. Check your blood work and find what the right dossage is for you.</end quote></div>

For me, after two years on high dose biaxin (same family as zithromax) for mycobacteria, my liver enzymes were in the toilet. Only after a few months on gsh were my liver enzymes back to normal.

For me, glutathione has been a lifesaver....I have avariety of blood tests every three months from antioxidant levels to fatty acid levels in the blood. I would be the first to admit if i had a bloodwork panel come back bad...but for me, that is not the case.