gsh and valerie hudson


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>EnergytxGal</b></i>

Valerie did tell me that GSH can throw off your liver enzymes or something like that. Check your blood work and find what the right dossage is for you.</end quote></div>

For me, after two years on high dose biaxin (same family as zithromax) for mycobacteria, my liver enzymes were in the toilet. Only after a few months on gsh were my liver enzymes back to normal.

For me, glutathione has been a lifesaver....I have avariety of blood tests every three months from antioxidant levels to fatty acid levels in the blood. I would be the first to admit if i had a bloodwork panel come back bad...but for me, that is not the case.


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>EnergytxGal</b></i>

Valerie did tell me that GSH can throw off your liver enzymes or something like that. Check your blood work and find what the right dossage is for you.</end quote></div>

For me, after two years on high dose biaxin (same family as zithromax) for mycobacteria, my liver enzymes were in the toilet. Only after a few months on gsh were my liver enzymes back to normal.

For me, glutathione has been a lifesaver....I have avariety of blood tests every three months from antioxidant levels to fatty acid levels in the blood. I would be the first to admit if i had a bloodwork panel come back bad...but for me, that is not the case.


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>dramamama</b></i>

Hi Diane-

I don't mean to belittle what we go through or make light of this disease. But, I 100% believe if I had been on gsh since birth the course of my illness would be much different....that is just my opinion.

I didn't mean to cause discourse, I just thought it was encouraging....some people benefit from that. The good news is there is a ton of info out there about glutathione and all diseases and if just one person does the research and benefits..hey, that's a start.</end quote></div>
You didnt do anything wrong by ANY means. Im GLAD you put the topic here! I remember when we talked about GSH in im's and im thrilled it has helped you!! I agree if we had known about it and used it since we were children we would have had a different course as well with our illness. Yes it is very encouraging to hear about when something helps us in our fight with cf so please by all means shout it from the roof tops <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> !!


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>dramamama</b></i>

Hi Diane-

I don't mean to belittle what we go through or make light of this disease. But, I 100% believe if I had been on gsh since birth the course of my illness would be much different....that is just my opinion.

I didn't mean to cause discourse, I just thought it was encouraging....some people benefit from that. The good news is there is a ton of info out there about glutathione and all diseases and if just one person does the research and benefits..hey, that's a start.</end quote></div>
You didnt do anything wrong by ANY means. Im GLAD you put the topic here! I remember when we talked about GSH in im's and im thrilled it has helped you!! I agree if we had known about it and used it since we were children we would have had a different course as well with our illness. Yes it is very encouraging to hear about when something helps us in our fight with cf so please by all means shout it from the roof tops <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> !!


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>dramamama</b></i>

Hi Diane-

I don't mean to belittle what we go through or make light of this disease. But, I 100% believe if I had been on gsh since birth the course of my illness would be much different....that is just my opinion.

I didn't mean to cause discourse, I just thought it was encouraging....some people benefit from that. The good news is there is a ton of info out there about glutathione and all diseases and if just one person does the research and benefits..hey, that's a start.</end quote></div>
You didnt do anything wrong by ANY means. Im GLAD you put the topic here! I remember when we talked about GSH in im's and im thrilled it has helped you!! I agree if we had known about it and used it since we were children we would have had a different course as well with our illness. Yes it is very encouraging to hear about when something helps us in our fight with cf so please by all means shout it from the roof tops <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> !!


New member
I read this the other day and I find it fascinating. I would love to try Kj on GSH but her docs won't even check her magnesium levels let alone glutathione levels.

Thank you for the links <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I read this the other day and I find it fascinating. I would love to try Kj on GSH but her docs won't even check her magnesium levels let alone glutathione levels.

Thank you for the links <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I read this the other day and I find it fascinating. I would love to try Kj on GSH but her docs won't even check her magnesium levels let alone glutathione levels.

Thank you for the links <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
My son is on GSH and has had a huge improvement in his health. he started Azithro at the same time (Nov 2006), so I cant say for sure it is the GSH, but I think both the Azithro and GSH have made a big difference. He has put on seven kilos since he began, and is really well and energetic. Not the same child. Give it a go!!


New member
My son is on GSH and has had a huge improvement in his health. he started Azithro at the same time (Nov 2006), so I cant say for sure it is the GSH, but I think both the Azithro and GSH have made a big difference. He has put on seven kilos since he began, and is really well and energetic. Not the same child. Give it a go!!


New member
My son is on GSH and has had a huge improvement in his health. he started Azithro at the same time (Nov 2006), so I cant say for sure it is the GSH, but I think both the Azithro and GSH have made a big difference. He has put on seven kilos since he began, and is really well and energetic. Not the same child. Give it a go!!


New member
I will second many of the observations and experiences that Valerie speaks of in her message. Our son (now 2 1/2) has been on GSH (inhaled 200mg 2x daily) since he was 18 months old. His stools improved, his appetite and weight have continued to climb after being in 5-10% for the first year. His growth chart looks like a straight line up. At the last appt. we had they told me to not add calories to his diet since his weight was not an issue any more. He has not needed to increase enzymes for over a year (other factors can obvioulsly contribute to this as well). Prior to this his stools were inconsistent.

He has cultured staph since diagnosis and PA at 15 months. This is what helped push us to finally do GSH. Since then he has never culutre PA again. His last culture staph was so negligable they said it is considered a clean culture! We hope to see this trend continue. His lungs are clear of mucus as well unless we skip more than 2 treatments.

Illness...he has had one very minor virus all winter. We are out all over the place, with lots of kids, and do not vaccinate for flu. He goes through colds easily.

Like Valerie mentions, we also do many food related things and he takes DHA, Tumeric (just recently and it has made a good), whole foods vitamin plus extra K, and as you know a whole food based with no dairy, white flour or white sugar. Together we feel these things will help him into his future.

I found the information on the GSH boards to be quite thorough and Dr. Bishop to be very helpful. We are also excited to see the NAC studies done on children and hope GSH is studied in comparison so this very important information in CF care can be spread further. This is a key piece in lung health but even more studies need to be done, so more can benefit.

Thank you for posting this and thank you to Valerie for her collection of research and work.


New member
I will second many of the observations and experiences that Valerie speaks of in her message. Our son (now 2 1/2) has been on GSH (inhaled 200mg 2x daily) since he was 18 months old. His stools improved, his appetite and weight have continued to climb after being in 5-10% for the first year. His growth chart looks like a straight line up. At the last appt. we had they told me to not add calories to his diet since his weight was not an issue any more. He has not needed to increase enzymes for over a year (other factors can obvioulsly contribute to this as well). Prior to this his stools were inconsistent.

He has cultured staph since diagnosis and PA at 15 months. This is what helped push us to finally do GSH. Since then he has never culutre PA again. His last culture staph was so negligable they said it is considered a clean culture! We hope to see this trend continue. His lungs are clear of mucus as well unless we skip more than 2 treatments.

Illness...he has had one very minor virus all winter. We are out all over the place, with lots of kids, and do not vaccinate for flu. He goes through colds easily.

Like Valerie mentions, we also do many food related things and he takes DHA, Tumeric (just recently and it has made a good), whole foods vitamin plus extra K, and as you know a whole food based with no dairy, white flour or white sugar. Together we feel these things will help him into his future.

I found the information on the GSH boards to be quite thorough and Dr. Bishop to be very helpful. We are also excited to see the NAC studies done on children and hope GSH is studied in comparison so this very important information in CF care can be spread further. This is a key piece in lung health but even more studies need to be done, so more can benefit.

Thank you for posting this and thank you to Valerie for her collection of research and work.


New member
I will second many of the observations and experiences that Valerie speaks of in her message. Our son (now 2 1/2) has been on GSH (inhaled 200mg 2x daily) since he was 18 months old. His stools improved, his appetite and weight have continued to climb after being in 5-10% for the first year. His growth chart looks like a straight line up. At the last appt. we had they told me to not add calories to his diet since his weight was not an issue any more. He has not needed to increase enzymes for over a year (other factors can obvioulsly contribute to this as well). Prior to this his stools were inconsistent.

He has cultured staph since diagnosis and PA at 15 months. This is what helped push us to finally do GSH. Since then he has never culutre PA again. His last culture staph was so negligable they said it is considered a clean culture! We hope to see this trend continue. His lungs are clear of mucus as well unless we skip more than 2 treatments.

Illness...he has had one very minor virus all winter. We are out all over the place, with lots of kids, and do not vaccinate for flu. He goes through colds easily.

Like Valerie mentions, we also do many food related things and he takes DHA, Tumeric (just recently and it has made a good), whole foods vitamin plus extra K, and as you know a whole food based with no dairy, white flour or white sugar. Together we feel these things will help him into his future.

I found the information on the GSH boards to be quite thorough and Dr. Bishop to be very helpful. We are also excited to see the NAC studies done on children and hope GSH is studied in comparison so this very important information in CF care can be spread further. This is a key piece in lung health but even more studies need to be done, so more can benefit.

Thank you for posting this and thank you to Valerie for her collection of research and work.


New member
They are often complimentary, with some people doing both. I don't see it as an either or may work fine for someone while someone else may benefit from the other or even both together. As Dr. Warwick says we all must be willing to experiment together. If you have a wonderful doctor who is willing to experiment along with you as he allows his patients to do, then why not do so. If you don't, you have to choose whether you are comfortable either finding a good naturopath/integrative physician to help guide your supplement choices OR become an expert yourself and make some well thought out decisions with slow careful observation. The later has been our approach...simply expanding our medical team when needed but doing most of the study and observation ourselves.

From recent press release about the study: <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

"Despite the improvement and the relatively safe profile of NAC, Conrad and Tirouvanziam strongly caution cystic fibrosis patients against self-medicating with NAC or any other drug. Although NAC can sometimes be found as a food supplement, many of these formulations contain little or no active compound, and some even contain a form of NAC that is potentially harmful to cystic fibrosis patients. The NAC that was used in this study is specially formulated for medical use by a Canadian company and is not licensed for sale in the United States."

We chose GSH because, at the time, there was much more research available and even in higher doses (which we of course do not do) the body gets rid of it with no toxicity to organs. GSH is a natural substance and therefore unpatentable (and in this country unregulated), so I believe this slows major research from happening. This has been, IMHO, the stumbling block for GSH and until recently NAC. I believe NAC has received some good attention and funds for study because of "pharm grade" NAC being used in the Stanford trials and the vested interest in some of the researcher in the company who is making the NAC used in the study.

I have just always wondered if directly inhaling GSH and taking oral GSH raises the blood GSH levels as much or more than NAC or vice versa. This would be interesting to know. Whichever one does the trick is fine with me...we just feel it is a major component of lung health in CF, and until something better comes along we will use it.

Either one right now is not going to be recommended by your clinic physician because they have not gotten THE definative affirmation from the research groups and the CFF. We feel comfortable not having approval for the things we do for our son...many may not and that's okay too. Do what works for you and your child, either way it is worth the research in my opinion.


New member
They are often complimentary, with some people doing both. I don't see it as an either or may work fine for someone while someone else may benefit from the other or even both together. As Dr. Warwick says we all must be willing to experiment together. If you have a wonderful doctor who is willing to experiment along with you as he allows his patients to do, then why not do so. If you don't, you have to choose whether you are comfortable either finding a good naturopath/integrative physician to help guide your supplement choices OR become an expert yourself and make some well thought out decisions with slow careful observation. The later has been our approach...simply expanding our medical team when needed but doing most of the study and observation ourselves.

From recent press release about the study: <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

"Despite the improvement and the relatively safe profile of NAC, Conrad and Tirouvanziam strongly caution cystic fibrosis patients against self-medicating with NAC or any other drug. Although NAC can sometimes be found as a food supplement, many of these formulations contain little or no active compound, and some even contain a form of NAC that is potentially harmful to cystic fibrosis patients. The NAC that was used in this study is specially formulated for medical use by a Canadian company and is not licensed for sale in the United States."

We chose GSH because, at the time, there was much more research available and even in higher doses (which we of course do not do) the body gets rid of it with no toxicity to organs. GSH is a natural substance and therefore unpatentable (and in this country unregulated), so I believe this slows major research from happening. This has been, IMHO, the stumbling block for GSH and until recently NAC. I believe NAC has received some good attention and funds for study because of "pharm grade" NAC being used in the Stanford trials and the vested interest in some of the researcher in the company who is making the NAC used in the study.

I have just always wondered if directly inhaling GSH and taking oral GSH raises the blood GSH levels as much or more than NAC or vice versa. This would be interesting to know. Whichever one does the trick is fine with me...we just feel it is a major component of lung health in CF, and until something better comes along we will use it.

Either one right now is not going to be recommended by your clinic physician because they have not gotten THE definative affirmation from the research groups and the CFF. We feel comfortable not having approval for the things we do for our son...many may not and that's okay too. Do what works for you and your child, either way it is worth the research in my opinion.


New member
They are often complimentary, with some people doing both. I don't see it as an either or may work fine for someone while someone else may benefit from the other or even both together. As Dr. Warwick says we all must be willing to experiment together. If you have a wonderful doctor who is willing to experiment along with you as he allows his patients to do, then why not do so. If you don't, you have to choose whether you are comfortable either finding a good naturopath/integrative physician to help guide your supplement choices OR become an expert yourself and make some well thought out decisions with slow careful observation. The later has been our approach...simply expanding our medical team when needed but doing most of the study and observation ourselves.

From recent press release about the study: <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

"Despite the improvement and the relatively safe profile of NAC, Conrad and Tirouvanziam strongly caution cystic fibrosis patients against self-medicating with NAC or any other drug. Although NAC can sometimes be found as a food supplement, many of these formulations contain little or no active compound, and some even contain a form of NAC that is potentially harmful to cystic fibrosis patients. The NAC that was used in this study is specially formulated for medical use by a Canadian company and is not licensed for sale in the United States."

We chose GSH because, at the time, there was much more research available and even in higher doses (which we of course do not do) the body gets rid of it with no toxicity to organs. GSH is a natural substance and therefore unpatentable (and in this country unregulated), so I believe this slows major research from happening. This has been, IMHO, the stumbling block for GSH and until recently NAC. I believe NAC has received some good attention and funds for study because of "pharm grade" NAC being used in the Stanford trials and the vested interest in some of the researcher in the company who is making the NAC used in the study.

I have just always wondered if directly inhaling GSH and taking oral GSH raises the blood GSH levels as much or more than NAC or vice versa. This would be interesting to know. Whichever one does the trick is fine with me...we just feel it is a major component of lung health in CF, and until something better comes along we will use it.

Either one right now is not going to be recommended by your clinic physician because they have not gotten THE definative affirmation from the research groups and the CFF. We feel comfortable not having approval for the things we do for our son...many may not and that's okay too. Do what works for you and your child, either way it is worth the research in my opinion.


New member
Dramamama, My son is 5 years and 9 months, he was diagnosed 2 years ago, and last week searching on the internet I found the information about the Glutathione, i started to give to him emediately. He is taking one pill of 100mg a day. Can you guide me on the dosage you gave your sons. Thanks very much for your help. I would also like to tell you that he is also taking Curcumin daily and he has stoped coughing completely.



New member
Dramamama, My son is 5 years and 9 months, he was diagnosed 2 years ago, and last week searching on the internet I found the information about the Glutathione, i started to give to him emediately. He is taking one pill of 100mg a day. Can you guide me on the dosage you gave your sons. Thanks very much for your help. I would also like to tell you that he is also taking Curcumin daily and he has stoped coughing completely.



New member
Dramamama, My son is 5 years and 9 months, he was diagnosed 2 years ago, and last week searching on the internet I found the information about the Glutathione, i started to give to him emediately. He is taking one pill of 100mg a day. Can you guide me on the dosage you gave your sons. Thanks very much for your help. I would also like to tell you that he is also taking Curcumin daily and he has stoped coughing completely.
