

New member
hello everyone, I havent posted in a long time but I always come here to read. My daughter Rubie was dignosed at age 6 and she was so tiny..only 37lbs. Now at age 8 she is still very small...only 46lbs and thats on a good day. Her CF doc has been pushing the Gtube for about 6 months now and my husband and I have been fighting it. She eats well and I never skimp on the calories, she drinks her ensure and its still not enough. I want her to be strong and healthy enough to fight infection. I know that she needs the tube and I have to put my pain and fears aside and do what is best for my daughter. I would just like to know how long the healing time is, will she miss alot of school, is it better to get it done in the summer? Will she hate me for having her get it? I just wish there was a better way. I would appreciate any advice I can get. Thank you everyone. Liz

Mother to Rubie 8 ( double df508)
she loves listening to music and of course Hannah Montana


New member
hello everyone, I havent posted in a long time but I always come here to read. My daughter Rubie was dignosed at age 6 and she was so tiny..only 37lbs. Now at age 8 she is still very small...only 46lbs and thats on a good day. Her CF doc has been pushing the Gtube for about 6 months now and my husband and I have been fighting it. She eats well and I never skimp on the calories, she drinks her ensure and its still not enough. I want her to be strong and healthy enough to fight infection. I know that she needs the tube and I have to put my pain and fears aside and do what is best for my daughter. I would just like to know how long the healing time is, will she miss alot of school, is it better to get it done in the summer? Will she hate me for having her get it? I just wish there was a better way. I would appreciate any advice I can get. Thank you everyone. Liz

Mother to Rubie 8 ( double df508)
she loves listening to music and of course Hannah Montana


New member
hello everyone, I havent posted in a long time but I always come here to read. My daughter Rubie was dignosed at age 6 and she was so tiny..only 37lbs. Now at age 8 she is still very small...only 46lbs and thats on a good day. Her CF doc has been pushing the Gtube for about 6 months now and my husband and I have been fighting it. She eats well and I never skimp on the calories, she drinks her ensure and its still not enough. I want her to be strong and healthy enough to fight infection. I know that she needs the tube and I have to put my pain and fears aside and do what is best for my daughter. I would just like to know how long the healing time is, will she miss alot of school, is it better to get it done in the summer? Will she hate me for having her get it? I just wish there was a better way. I would appreciate any advice I can get. Thank you everyone. Liz

Mother to Rubie 8 ( double df508)
she loves listening to music and of course Hannah Montana


New member
hello everyone, I havent posted in a long time but I always come here to read. My daughter Rubie was dignosed at age 6 and she was so tiny..only 37lbs. Now at age 8 she is still very small...only 46lbs and thats on a good day. Her CF doc has been pushing the Gtube for about 6 months now and my husband and I have been fighting it. She eats well and I never skimp on the calories, she drinks her ensure and its still not enough. I want her to be strong and healthy enough to fight infection. I know that she needs the tube and I have to put my pain and fears aside and do what is best for my daughter. I would just like to know how long the healing time is, will she miss alot of school, is it better to get it done in the summer? Will she hate me for having her get it? I just wish there was a better way. I would appreciate any advice I can get. Thank you everyone. Liz

Mother to Rubie 8 ( double df508)
she loves listening to music and of course Hannah Montana


New member
hello everyone, I havent posted in a long time but I always come here to read. My daughter Rubie was dignosed at age 6 and she was so tiny..only 37lbs. Now at age 8 she is still very small...only 46lbs and thats on a good day. Her CF doc has been pushing the Gtube for about 6 months now and my husband and I have been fighting it. She eats well and I never skimp on the calories, she drinks her ensure and its still not enough. I want her to be strong and healthy enough to fight infection. I know that she needs the tube and I have to put my pain and fears aside and do what is best for my daughter. I would just like to know how long the healing time is, will she miss alot of school, is it better to get it done in the summer? Will she hate me for having her get it? I just wish there was a better way. I would appreciate any advice I can get. Thank you everyone. Liz
<br />
<br />Mother to Rubie 8 ( double df508)
<br />she loves listening to music and of course Hannah Montana
<br />


We are awaiting our surgery reschedule, so I don't really have advice. But I wanted to say that I'm right there with you, its what's best for our kiddos. Hang in there.


We are awaiting our surgery reschedule, so I don't really have advice. But I wanted to say that I'm right there with you, its what's best for our kiddos. Hang in there.


We are awaiting our surgery reschedule, so I don't really have advice. But I wanted to say that I'm right there with you, its what's best for our kiddos. Hang in there.


We are awaiting our surgery reschedule, so I don't really have advice. But I wanted to say that I'm right there with you, its what's best for our kiddos. Hang in there.


We are awaiting our surgery reschedule, so I don't really have advice. But I wanted to say that I'm right there with you, its what's best for our kiddos. Hang in there.


New member
My son is also having trouble gaining weight. At his last appointment, his doctor said it's time for aggressive intervention. However, he never mentioned a g-tube, only an appetite stimulant. I fear that a g-tube is next. I think I will fight it as my son is in high school and is so self concious about his port. I just can't see adding something else for him to feel self-concious about. Is there someone that got a g-tube and had a lot of success with it?


New member
My son is also having trouble gaining weight. At his last appointment, his doctor said it's time for aggressive intervention. However, he never mentioned a g-tube, only an appetite stimulant. I fear that a g-tube is next. I think I will fight it as my son is in high school and is so self concious about his port. I just can't see adding something else for him to feel self-concious about. Is there someone that got a g-tube and had a lot of success with it?


New member
My son is also having trouble gaining weight. At his last appointment, his doctor said it's time for aggressive intervention. However, he never mentioned a g-tube, only an appetite stimulant. I fear that a g-tube is next. I think I will fight it as my son is in high school and is so self concious about his port. I just can't see adding something else for him to feel self-concious about. Is there someone that got a g-tube and had a lot of success with it?


New member
My son is also having trouble gaining weight. At his last appointment, his doctor said it's time for aggressive intervention. However, he never mentioned a g-tube, only an appetite stimulant. I fear that a g-tube is next. I think I will fight it as my son is in high school and is so self concious about his port. I just can't see adding something else for him to feel self-concious about. Is there someone that got a g-tube and had a lot of success with it?


New member
My son is also having trouble gaining weight. At his last appointment, his doctor said it's time for aggressive intervention. However, he never mentioned a g-tube, only an appetite stimulant. I fear that a g-tube is next. I think I will fight it as my son is in high school and is so self concious about his port. I just can't see adding something else for him to feel self-concious about. Is there someone that got a g-tube and had a lot of success with it?


I was in a similar situation as you a yr and a half ago. My daughter was five and 37 lbs. She got the g-tube and it has been absolutely the best decision we could have made for her. Today she is 56 lbs. There was a very small recovery time. Maybe two or three days, then she was back to normal (and she also got the nissan fundoplication at the same time!). She has done great with the night time feeds. She went from -5% bmi to now 75% bmi. She just looks so healthy now. Chubby cheeks and a pink glow to her skin. It is so worth it!! The g-tube does not bother my daughter one bit and it never has. Once or twice she has said she doesn't want to get rid of it. But she is not a good eater and pretty much doesn't enjoy eating unless it is a lollipop, etc. She remembers I think the food battles we had before the g-tube. Not a lot of fun. Now we all are much less stressed about the calories she takes in during the day.

I would not make a big deal about the g-tube to your daughter. Mention it once or twice only in a positive light. They have dolls at the cf clinic that have the g-tube. This helps them to see exactly what the g-tube is. Just explain it will help her gain weight and keep her healthy.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 7 and Jack 5 both with cf


I was in a similar situation as you a yr and a half ago. My daughter was five and 37 lbs. She got the g-tube and it has been absolutely the best decision we could have made for her. Today she is 56 lbs. There was a very small recovery time. Maybe two or three days, then she was back to normal (and she also got the nissan fundoplication at the same time!). She has done great with the night time feeds. She went from -5% bmi to now 75% bmi. She just looks so healthy now. Chubby cheeks and a pink glow to her skin. It is so worth it!! The g-tube does not bother my daughter one bit and it never has. Once or twice she has said she doesn't want to get rid of it. But she is not a good eater and pretty much doesn't enjoy eating unless it is a lollipop, etc. She remembers I think the food battles we had before the g-tube. Not a lot of fun. Now we all are much less stressed about the calories she takes in during the day.

I would not make a big deal about the g-tube to your daughter. Mention it once or twice only in a positive light. They have dolls at the cf clinic that have the g-tube. This helps them to see exactly what the g-tube is. Just explain it will help her gain weight and keep her healthy.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 7 and Jack 5 both with cf


I was in a similar situation as you a yr and a half ago. My daughter was five and 37 lbs. She got the g-tube and it has been absolutely the best decision we could have made for her. Today she is 56 lbs. There was a very small recovery time. Maybe two or three days, then she was back to normal (and she also got the nissan fundoplication at the same time!). She has done great with the night time feeds. She went from -5% bmi to now 75% bmi. She just looks so healthy now. Chubby cheeks and a pink glow to her skin. It is so worth it!! The g-tube does not bother my daughter one bit and it never has. Once or twice she has said she doesn't want to get rid of it. But she is not a good eater and pretty much doesn't enjoy eating unless it is a lollipop, etc. She remembers I think the food battles we had before the g-tube. Not a lot of fun. Now we all are much less stressed about the calories she takes in during the day.

I would not make a big deal about the g-tube to your daughter. Mention it once or twice only in a positive light. They have dolls at the cf clinic that have the g-tube. This helps them to see exactly what the g-tube is. Just explain it will help her gain weight and keep her healthy.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 7 and Jack 5 both with cf


I was in a similar situation as you a yr and a half ago. My daughter was five and 37 lbs. She got the g-tube and it has been absolutely the best decision we could have made for her. Today she is 56 lbs. There was a very small recovery time. Maybe two or three days, then she was back to normal (and she also got the nissan fundoplication at the same time!). She has done great with the night time feeds. She went from -5% bmi to now 75% bmi. She just looks so healthy now. Chubby cheeks and a pink glow to her skin. It is so worth it!! The g-tube does not bother my daughter one bit and it never has. Once or twice she has said she doesn't want to get rid of it. But she is not a good eater and pretty much doesn't enjoy eating unless it is a lollipop, etc. She remembers I think the food battles we had before the g-tube. Not a lot of fun. Now we all are much less stressed about the calories she takes in during the day.

I would not make a big deal about the g-tube to your daughter. Mention it once or twice only in a positive light. They have dolls at the cf clinic that have the g-tube. This helps them to see exactly what the g-tube is. Just explain it will help her gain weight and keep her healthy.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 7 and Jack 5 both with cf


I was in a similar situation as you a yr and a half ago. My daughter was five and 37 lbs. She got the g-tube and it has been absolutely the best decision we could have made for her. Today she is 56 lbs. There was a very small recovery time. Maybe two or three days, then she was back to normal (and she also got the nissan fundoplication at the same time!). She has done great with the night time feeds. She went from -5% bmi to now 75% bmi. She just looks so healthy now. Chubby cheeks and a pink glow to her skin. It is so worth it!! The g-tube does not bother my daughter one bit and it never has. Once or twice she has said she doesn't want to get rid of it. But she is not a good eater and pretty much doesn't enjoy eating unless it is a lollipop, etc. She remembers I think the food battles we had before the g-tube. Not a lot of fun. Now we all are much less stressed about the calories she takes in during the day.
<br />
<br />I would not make a big deal about the g-tube to your daughter. Mention it once or twice only in a positive light. They have dolls at the cf clinic that have the g-tube. This helps them to see exactly what the g-tube is. Just explain it will help her gain weight and keep her healthy.
<br />Sharon, mom of Sophia, 7 and Jack 5 both with cf