Happy Mother's Day!


I always think Sarah Kay is inspirational..spoken word poetry it's called.
Even if like me, you've seen this 20 times, I offer it as some great thoughts on nurturing, mothering, fathering for daughters and sons...I'm sure that this kind of love isn't gender specific and when I gave this poem in book form to my sister Chris...she said "But I don't have a daughter....." neither does Sarah Kay! She just has a battalion of the right words....



Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day!! To All the Moms and Mommys! My daughter has a son with CF 5 year old beautiful boy!
Moms of kids with CF learn to listen for the cough.. Lay awake at night counting them.. Then start to plan next day increase treatments call docs again.. Count the power pills aka enzymes always say.. Did you take them before you started to eat :) Order all the meds .. Give all the meds and hold them when they do the vest I can shake with you today buddy!! These Moms know how to get their kids over the hump! Again and again! They give the best of themselves! I am amazed at my daughters strength!! So proud of you all! To ALL the Moms for your fight against CF!! Thank you!