Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!



Happy Thanksgiving!!

I'm thankfull for not dealing with the stress involved in traveling this year!! (dealt with that last September!)

Well, since I can't spend my Thanksgiving in the States, eating Turkey with everyone, Everybody make sure you eat some turkey for me! And extra mashed potates and gravy!!(That's my FAVORITE!)

Safe and happy holidays!


New member
Im very thankful for my daughter I've had the priveledge of raising for a whole year without haing to spend time away from her in the hospital She's 14 months yesterday!


New member

I Just want to take this opportunity to thank all of you...for you help and support these past months!!

I had so many questions...and sometimes frustration...with my loved one...not knowing how to support them...especially when I saw them making choices that were sometimes harmful to them.

You...have helped me tremendously...to understand how living with cf makes a person feel...and...how so very difficult it can be at times!!!!

I feel like a better person...because of being connected to you...even if it's only by communicating my thoughts and concerns...and hearing yours!

I feel that I have a compassion...that I was not able to have before...because of you!

I have come to respect so many of you...seeing how brave you are...even while dealing with so many difficult situations in your lives!

You are truly my heros...and...I am thankful for you today...on this day of Thanksgiving!!

So...I thank God for you...

My Love to Everyone...Chloe