Has any one had or has had a portcath?


New member
The doctor says the next time I go in the hospital for lung infections I'll have to get a portcath. If you can tell me how long it took to put in, and what the expericence was like?

Tiffany 15 w/cf


New member
Personally, I found the port to be a lifesaver. No more prodding trying to find a vein! I'm on my second one. I had the first one put in when I was nine after my veins litreally gave way. One cannula would only last me one dose of my ivs before it would tissue. When I was 16 the port blocked and I had it replaced. Since then Ive been trouble free. You should do a search on the forum for ports and then you'll get some more information.



New member
hey i got a port aboput two years ago and i think it is cool but i know exactly how you feel you feel worried and scared and thats how i felt
but i think the port is awsome it so much easier than the pick lines
-elisabeth bedtybear12@yahoo.com


New member
I gots a implantofix, which i've been told is the same as a portacath, best thing i've ever got through my cf experience, on my second one now, the last one lasted 7yrs, and i've had this one 4, i never wanted one b/c i remember this girl i met in hospital who had cf told me, if i got one the alarm would go off every time i went through a metal detector in the airport, the more i think about it she wasn't a very nice girl, anyway you can imagine my relief when i was going to spain shortly after i got it and went through the detector no problem!! It's the best move you'll ever make, i think alot of people will agree with me there!! Good Luck xx


New member
Well, the ports are under the skin so you can't actually see anything. When you need ivs, they attach, what in my hospital call, a sitacan or gripper needle. I prefer the gripper needle personally. Im not on ivs at the moment so i cant get u a pic, but if I am on them in the next 2 weeks I will.

Princess Giggles, I was told that by a guy too. I think there are two types of implantofixes, a metal one and a plastic one. The metal one will set off the alarms in metal detectors and I've heard that people w/ the metal one, havin to carry a letter thing that explains to security what it is! Mind you Ive only ever known one person who went for the metal implantofix!