Has anyone ever been sent home for coughing???


New member
Hi All:

Monday I was "sent home" from work because my coughing was "freaking people out". I've never been "sent home/dismissed" in my life and was so upset yesterday about it...

While certainly I think people need to make sure they're not going to catch something (not just from me, but others too), but this was handled sooo poorly.

Now they want to do a "training" at work to educate my office about what CF is and isn't!!!! (I don't feel like I should have to "share" all of this with my coworkers who don't even know my name in order to stay working in the office and not "freak people out" and know that legally I don't have to disclose this to them.) I told them no and requested that I be allowed to work from home 100% of the time. I know CF falls under the ADA guidelines, and this seems to be a "reasonable" request for accomodation to me; especially since we have multiple consultants and full time staff that currently work from home.

I'm just wondering if this has happened to anyone else and what you did about it? I've dealt with the stares out in public with the coughing, but have never had this be an issue at work.

36 w/CF


New member
That has never happened to me. And if they tried to send me home because my coughing was "freaking people out" I'd tell them to shove it, and that I'm staying whether they like it or not.


New member
I am not sure where you are from, but I think that the HIPPA law should take effect here. It is pretty complicated, but basically no one can disclose your diagnosis without your consent...here is one website to look at <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.hipaadvisory.com/action/legalqa/hipaalaw.htm.
There are many others, but I hope this one helps! I am sorry this has happened to you. Please let us know what happens! <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member

This has never happen to me since my first job is with a former caretaker of mine (she knows my situation). But since you don't legally have to disclose any information to them and you don't feel comfortable doing so, I wouldn't. There is no reason to, plus it interfers in your rights. Maybe working from home will work out and be the best thing for you...at least you can stay in your pjs all day and be comfy <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. If they say no on working at home and continue to push for the "training", I would speak to a lawyer about the situation. I'm not even sure if sending you home for coughing due to "freak outs" is legal. You shouldn't be singled out just because others can't handle themselves. If they have issues with "catching something" then they can keep some Purell at their desk (like I do at work). Good luck on this situation.


New member
When my boss first told me I was so shocked and started crying and all I could say was "you have got to be "effing" kidding me (used the "real" word)...I think initially I felt some sort of embarassment or like a leper or something. I didn't get really angry about it until about an hour after I left the office.

BTW - I just received the response to my request to work at home 100% - they'll move me to a different section of our office where people aren't all "freaked" out - what a bunch of BS!

I'll have to "sleep" on it tonight and decide what to do...

36 w/CF


New member
That sounds way too much like shipping all the lepers out to an island to live together to me. "Let's hide her in a corner of the office where she won't bother other people." It's THEIR problem that you're "freaking them out," not yours. Don't stand for that crap!!!! This actually makes me really angry, and others are right, they have NO legal standing for any of this crap. Don't take it.


New member
When I worked there were many people that came to work hacking & sneezing more than I ever did. They were the contagious ones. I would be upset also. What I am not sure about is the legality? The HIPPA law falls into play regarding the inservice on your CF, but otherwise I am not 100% sure about the rest. If they fired you over this that would be illegal....to make a change in the work place might fall under "whats in the best interest of everyone" crap. Think hard because I would worry about what the next step might be!


New member
I can see both sides of the situation here. By all means, you are not required or should you ever have to disclose your condition with anybody, especially those that you work with. I am big on privacy and confidentiality and am a believer in those "non-disclosure" things. Now on the other hand, I if I didn't have a husband with CF and have grown accustom to coughing (and know that with him anyways) it's not a big deal----- I might be really concerned about someone at work as well. If they aren't disclosing what it is that they "have", are they sick, is it contagious, can I get it, are they ok???? The questions that are arising from your coworkers are natural and honestly, completely understandable. This DOES NOT make it ok for your employer to tell you that you have to disclose what is going on though.

This is a very difficult one for your employer to decide what to do, as well as for you. I mean, put yourself on the other end of this... before you knew anything about CF, if someone was coughing and "hacking up a lung" (as my husband calls it) among other things, would you not be a bit concerned, both for them as well as for yourself? I can't imagine, anyone not knowing what CF was, would say "NO" to that question. Sometimes with knowledge comes understanding, and sometimes the exact opposite as some people never change their stance. Again, I don't think you employer is doing the right thing by forcing you or telling you that you have to disclose your CF (which I am sure you know they can't do), but don't get so mad at the ignorant people-if you haven't told them you can't possibly expect them to understand what is going on.

Also, this "assigning you to a new area thing", I would scream DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION!!!!!!! If you have been doing your job in your position for a good while now and have recieved good reviews, then them "shoving you in a corner" is and will be considered discrimination. You seem like a very smart, on top of your rights person, so when you think on it and then go in to discuss it I would share the following. Explain to them what you stated to us about others working from home, then explain to them that a move because you have a "disability" is not only rude due to your time with the company, dedication, hard work.... but it is also discrimination because you have the "disability". Just some thoughts, I am sure you have already thought about it but just in case you havent.

I do think working from home sounds like the best thing for you in this situation, I wish you the best!



New member
Julie I agree with you. Saydee is 9 months old and I make sure everybody knows about her having cf not because she is sick but there isn't enough people in the world that have knowledge about cf or even ever heard of it. Maybe if there was more people out there that knew about cf there wouldn't be as many people that freek out about it. I think if people know they have cf when they are diagnosed and know you aren't any different except meds. ect... People wouldn't treat you different. I know I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me or anything I just want people to have the knowledge of what it is. I live in a small town and when she was diagnosed people wanted to start giving donations and things and I said do it for someone in need not us because she is healthy right now. Do it when time comes if needed. Right now give it to the cff for more research so hopefully by the time 20 comes there is a treatment out there to keep her lungs from failing. Maybe I am wrong but god gave her to us for a reason and I can take care of her. She is doing great. Just if people weren't so afraid of what other people might think life would be a little easier. This has been my attitude for ever. To the poster of this message for having to go home from work that isn't right. If your boss knows what you have then that is it if someone gets so upset over you coughing and cann't get over that they should go home if that upset. But it seems to me they are a little concerned for you but also themselves a little reassurance should satisfie if not let them do there research.
Katina(Mom of Saydee 9 months the 18)


New member
Pishaw. I bet it's just a couple people with nothing better to do than complain about stupid things. I know our coughs can be a bit freaky sometimes, but for someone to get you sent home is rediculous. in my opinion, your boss should have just told the complainers to shut the hell up, or if they don't like it they can quit. =-) I say BLEH to all of them. =-)


New member
Ask your boss if he'd send someone home with a smokers cough? I've had pneumonia and bronchitis a couple of times and have had a persistent cough for quite a while as a result, would he have sent me home? What about people that don't shower on a regular basis; that freaks me out. Would he send them home? What about people that really do come to work sick because they don't want to burn a sick day? Does he send them home?

Anytime you can work from home is GREAT whether you have CF or not so I'd keep pushing for that. As far as moving you, I wouldn't do it unless of course it's a good move, say a nice corner office with plenty of windows <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


Stick to your guns and don't let them push you around - they have no right to make you work from home! Good luck,


New member
I have been sent home from work for coughing as well.. I work in an emergency room and if I really start coughing..I get yelled at to go do a treatment which I usually feel like I need, so I find an open room and do one...

Sometimes if I am real busy running around and I am coughing I make everyone nuts.. remember I work with all doctors and nurses who are used to fixing ppl..so I try real hard to hide it.. because they just don't seem to get that I am going to cough no matter what and that it doesn't mean I am getting sick.

But the times I have been sent home officially where it has been so humilating to me is.. when I am coughing and my own personal doctor comes in and everyone runs to him to tell him that I am coughing and not taking care of myself to which he says.. if she is coughing she should go home to rest.... and walaaaaaaaaaaa I am being pushed out the door.... because now they have doctors orders....

I know that they mean well and that they love me but it still is very humilating to me.... and especially because I am graduating this year and I want to get hired as an RN and not a tech...

Now to be honest, I agree with Julie about ppl. Everyone at my work knows I am not contagious to them and that is not there thoughts toward me, but when someone comes to work sick and sneezing and coughing I get really ticked...I know that sounds hypocritcal but unless I KNOW they are not contagious I don't want them around me...

I agree you have the right to work there and I agree a zillion percent that they should not send you home or shove you in a conner.. and by law they don't have the right to know but it may make things go better for you and for them if they know you are not contagious.....I mean.. our coughs can sound pretty gross if you think about it.. sounds like we are full of fluid and ick ( which we are) and it is gross to many ppl to listen to... I even get grossed out when I hear someone else cough stuff up... I won't cough stuff up in front of ppl that I work with I always, always go outside or to the bathroom.. But that is me and I do care what ppl think and I don't want to gross them out..

So I have been on both side of the coin and I wish the best of luck.. I am sorry that you got sent home.. I know how it feels..

32 w/CF and Addison's


New member
yeah its happened 2 me once when i was in year 9, i was coughing all trough my class,and the teacher sent me out! its not the same though it must have been really upsettin 4 u! i just had a go at my teacher and walked out of school. but obviously you cant do that! but that was really out of order!i would have gone mad!hope everything works out 4 u!xx


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We were asked to leave a movie theatre once when Emily was about 5 because "we were being disruptive" to the other movie patrons. It does happen, but it SUCKS! and it is illegal. ......


New member
I think being sent out of the theatre must have been worse than what happened to me....especially when it's your child! You and Emily seem to be so strong!

I had a clinic appt yesterday and talked to the social worker while I was there. She put me in touch with Beth Sufian (sp?). I am waiting to hear back from her, but I have heard good things about her on this site as well as some others.

Work has gone from bad to worse since the "incident" - I'll keep you all posted with what the outcome ends up being. I have a meeting next Tuesday with my boss and her boss to discuss why moving me is not a viable option! Wish me luck! Things ought to get REALLY interesting next week as if I'm not better by Monday, I think I'm getting a new PICC line for some IV meds...now that ought to really "freak them all out"!!!

36 w/CF


New member
Ha ha! That's the spirit. If they're going to be complaining about being freaked out, then REALLY freak them the hell out! =-) if it were me, I'd make my cough even worse and do it on purpose all day long. Ha ha! In fact, I'd find out who complained, and then walk up to them at their desk and "accidentally" cough all over the place! Take that you stupid Nazis!=-) I'd also get into the habit of blowing my nose on other people's clothes. he he he, bloody boogers for everyone! Hmm, well, maybe thats going a little too far... =-)


New member
I like your ideas for getting them back! I normally cover my PICC, but I think if I have to get one I might just tape the ends down and wear short sleeve shirts so everyone can see it!

I was going to try to hold down the coughing in the office, but I think now that have found out who complained I won't. I was trying to be respectful of her "fear", but she's pulling all of this passive-aggressive crap and making really loud and mean comments, but of course won't directly confront me!Kind of mean, I know, but the people who know about my CF are being very supportive and we laugh about my cough.

36 w/CF