<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>EnergyGal</b></i>
If I had the money and did not have the vest, I would buy it. I would only buy it if there was a money back guarantee. There should be a trial period if you do not like it after two weeks, all the money is charged back to your credit card.
I believe that this technology is very good. I have used light and sound machines that targeted germs. That is called Rife technology. I am sure it is different but if this machine does the job and I am sure it is quiet and small, Go for it.
I hope you enjoy it and become healthier. I do think that the vest if done correctly has great benefits as well. If I had lots of money with cf lungs, I would own both of them.</end quote></div>
Hey EnergyGal!... I inquire Dymedso about a possible money back garanty program. And they have such a thing... You can contact them on their web site. I think you'll have to have a doctor's prescription.
Take care! Breath well <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">