has anyone?


New member
I thought I was the only one!! A lot of my baby girl's movements are REALLY down low, and sometimes feels like it's near my butt.

I am 29 weeks pregnant tomorrow, and just found out that I have an anterior placenta (placenta is in front of the baby instead of behind it, acting like a cushion between her and me) so I don't really feel big strong kicks... but those ones by the butt do feel kind of funny!!!


New member
I thought I was the only one!! A lot of my baby girl's movements are REALLY down low, and sometimes feels like it's near my butt.

I am 29 weeks pregnant tomorrow, and just found out that I have an anterior placenta (placenta is in front of the baby instead of behind it, acting like a cushion between her and me) so I don't really feel big strong kicks... but those ones by the butt do feel kind of funny!!!


New member
I thought I was the only one!! A lot of my baby girl's movements are REALLY down low, and sometimes feels like it's near my butt.

I am 29 weeks pregnant tomorrow, and just found out that I have an anterior placenta (placenta is in front of the baby instead of behind it, acting like a cushion between her and me) so I don't really feel big strong kicks... but those ones by the butt do feel kind of funny!!!


New member
I thought I was the only one!! A lot of my baby girl's movements are REALLY down low, and sometimes feels like it's near my butt.

I am 29 weeks pregnant tomorrow, and just found out that I have an anterior placenta (placenta is in front of the baby instead of behind it, acting like a cushion between her and me) so I don't really feel big strong kicks... but those ones by the butt do feel kind of funny!!!


New member
I thought I was the only one!! A lot of my baby girl's movements are REALLY down low, and sometimes feels like it's near my butt.
<br />
<br />I am 29 weeks pregnant tomorrow, and just found out that I have an anterior placenta (placenta is in front of the baby instead of behind it, acting like a cushion between her and me) so I don't really feel big strong kicks... but those ones by the butt do feel kind of funny!!!


I have an anterior placenta as well but I do feel kicks in the lower part of my abdomen. But kicking towards the back and low will definately feel like its in your butt. Just wait till they drop at the end of your pregnancy - I constantly felt like I had to poop. But it was just pressure from the baby dropping into my pelvis.


I have an anterior placenta as well but I do feel kicks in the lower part of my abdomen. But kicking towards the back and low will definately feel like its in your butt. Just wait till they drop at the end of your pregnancy - I constantly felt like I had to poop. But it was just pressure from the baby dropping into my pelvis.


I have an anterior placenta as well but I do feel kicks in the lower part of my abdomen. But kicking towards the back and low will definately feel like its in your butt. Just wait till they drop at the end of your pregnancy - I constantly felt like I had to poop. But it was just pressure from the baby dropping into my pelvis.


I have an anterior placenta as well but I do feel kicks in the lower part of my abdomen. But kicking towards the back and low will definately feel like its in your butt. Just wait till they drop at the end of your pregnancy - I constantly felt like I had to poop. But it was just pressure from the baby dropping into my pelvis.


I have an anterior placenta as well but I do feel kicks in the lower part of my abdomen. But kicking towards the back and low will definately feel like its in your butt. Just wait till they drop at the end of your pregnancy - I constantly felt like I had to poop. But it was just pressure from the baby dropping into my pelvis.